PokeKid Brandon said:I am not sure that I want to trade all 3 machamp as I want to see how much SP is in my area.
PokeKid Brandon said:Ummm no...
Shakespeare said:What type of HP energy you need?
I have a use for you Floatzel GL X.
PokeKid Brandon said:Sorry I skipped you. I need just about all of them except fire. (Do they make dark Holo energy?)
richkid50000 said:I have a Nidoqueen RR RH and am interested in the Uxie CML for more.
LegoMyFoot said:CML for uxie LA, Shedinja SV, and solrock SV RH.
PokeKid Brandon said:Would you possibly trade claydol?
pikadino said:do you have any rayquaza c
LegoMyFoot said:I ave a few memory berry and a nidoqueen RR.