Hi there,
I have a lot of your collection wants and was wondering if you'd be interested in a trade?
28. Giratina (RH) <---- please double check what you need on this one. There are 2 Giratinas for the set, however neither one is #26. The one I have is #28
39. Tortera (RH)
2. bastidon GL (holo)
3. Darkria G (RH)
7. jarachi (holo)
11. Rampardos GL (holo)
12. Roserade GL (holo)
13. Shriftry (RH)
16. Bronzon G (non-holo)
22. Gastrodon west sea (non-holo)
24. Heracross 4 (RH) - also have non-holo if you prefer
25. Hippowdon (non-holo)
34. Vaporeon (RH) - also have non-holo if you prefer
35. Vespiqueen 4 (non-holo)
I would like to trade for these if MINT:
Gallade 4 Lv. X
Porygon Z Lv. X
x1 Machamp (RH)
x4 Luxury ball
x2 SP radar
Once you decide on your SV needs, please let me know those too, as I can probably help you finish that set as well. PLMK and thanks! Cheryl