RE: Need Garchomp C regular form. Currently updating so be patient this is a bit out of date.
skipped... D:
skipped... D:
PokeKid Brandon said:Most likely Friday afternoon at the latest,
eevee said:I have alot of your wants(CML for them). I am interested in your
Majestic Dawn
1 Porygon Z Lv.X
x2 Cresselia (1 RH)
x1 Mewtwo
x1 Aerodactyl
x2 Omastar
x1 Dusk Ball
x2 Quick ball (1 RH)
x1 Fossil excavator (1 RH)
I will get back to you once I get a chance to CYL.
PokeKid Brandon said:No I don't and I would not do 2 Lv.X for Gliscor Lv.X
Rikko145 said:Would you do skymin plus a rare or two?
konter_j8902 said:I have pt ampharos
mismagius gl x
drapion x for trade do u have any unlisted x's I am interested in porygon x as well