
what do you guys think about teching in a Keldeo EX and 2 float stones? I made a full metal version and I think it was fairly consistent with the T2 PKK. would the keldeo tech have a big impact with consistency?

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I don't like them. Tool Scrapper gets rid of both of your Float Stones. I feel like we just talked about this...Keldeo would ruin some consistency but it can help battling against RayEels when they're pumping Victini all over the place.
I don't know if Keldeo is worth running anymore. In testing, PlasmaBox destroys RayEels by not allowing them to set up their Eels. So this may impact RayEels' playability and make Klinklang not even need the extra support.

I recently played my list with 3 Switch and 1 Float Stone, and it really didn't change anything. Playing more Float Stone just make you more open to Tool Scraper, but it can help when up against a Sableye who keeps Catchering your Klinklangs. However, running Float Stone make you unable to use Durant to get Switches back, which is why I went back to running 4 Switch.
4 Switch is good enough. Yup.

When are you guys getting Durant out? I'm finding my use of him dwindling to be completely honest. I know Blah had incredible success with it, but right now it's just getting one-shotted by Absol and Kyurem and the most I can do is grab a Juniper back or something.
You shouldn't be getting Durant out until the end stages of the game - the time that it's the most potent because your opponent can't kill it. Once your opponent's non-ex's are dead (or struggling to get them out), you can just send up Durant and laugh because your opponent literally cannot do anything to you (this is especially helpful against Darkrai). They can't even stall or deck you out. Sending up Durant before all the non-EX's are dead tends to be a bad idea unless you ned an emergency supporter or something.
I just always find myself fending myself off against Blastoise, Kyurem, or Snorlax that I don't really have the time to go to Durant. I'm consistently dealing 100, (which isn't a bad thing), so I don't feel the need to Bench the Durant in the first place. That being said, I can't find a "slow" turn where I can grab a card I need from the Discard Pile. When the momentum is my way, I tend to just continue hitting with Steel Bullet instead of reverting to a Pull Out or something, you know?

Btw, what do you guys do against the mirror? I have one Cobalion NV teched which is a godsend.
Durant is kind of a situational card. I sometimes (usually against Blastoise) use him for the first couple turns to set up a second Klinklang by reusing Heavy Ball/Rare Candy/Skyla. But he is mostly for late game, especially when hammers gets rid of most of your energy.
Hitting for 100 every turn isn't bad by any means, but Durant is really good to have for those moments when you really need it.

I've actually never played mirror at tournaments, but in testing, attacking with PlasmaKlang and Cobalion NVI are the best choices late game since they still have to take 2 turns to KO them, take the same amount of energy as Cobalion EX to attack, and give up one less prize. You have to be careful about timing your Durant and Max Potions though, because they'll keep swinging for 80-100 just as often as you are. Hypnotoxic Laser is helpful against mirror as well.

Another thought, how many HTL should be played in this deck? Also, what Ace Spec. do you find the most helpful?
I currently run 1 HTL and Dowsing Machine. I like Dowsing Machine over Computer Search because most of the time, my resources are discarded anyway.
I run Computer Search because it gets my deck anything it needs when I Skyla for it. It's amazing early game and I love drawing into it. I'll try out Dowsing Machine, but it's not great early game - right during the time I want to get going and get my Klinklang set up. And fast.
Dowsing can be good early game, getting Heavy Ball and rare Candys back for set up, but it's great late game if your Durant is dead/prized or your bench is full. It lets you get back Super Rod, which then lets you get back your Durant and some energy.
I'll give it a try and get back to you.

EDIT: do you guys think this deck does against Propagation? It's a tough matchup imo. I might actually tech a Lando with 1/2 Blend.
The deck generally sucks because it gets killed hard by Plasma and any sort of early game pressure, so I don't think it's much of a concern. Definitely not enough of one to deserve a tech of any sort. You probably auto lose to it, but again, it's not worth worrying about unless BR results prove otherwise.
Serperior said:
I'll give it a try and get back to you.

EDIT: do you guys think this deck does against Propagation? It's a tough matchup imo. I might actually tech a Lando with 1/2 Blend.

Kill the Exeggcute's? Oh wait...

Hope for the donk and try to deny them of getting their energies.
Serperior said:
I'll give it a try and get back to you.

EDIT: do you guys think this deck does against Propagation? It's a tough matchup imo. I might actually tech a Lando with 1/2 Blend.

Blah said:
The deck generally sucks because it gets killed hard by Plasma and any sort of early game pressure, so I don't think it's much of a concern. Definitely not enough of one to deserve a tech of any sort. You probably auto lose to it, but again, it's not worth worrying about unless BR results prove otherwise.


Klinklang is a meta call, and relies on good decks getting rid of the other competition. Weavile isn't good against most T1 decks, so I doubt many will be played. But, BRs are still coming, so we'll know for sure after a few weeks of those go by.
True. Yeah, Weavile gets smashed against anything Landorus/Garbodor-based, but it's still a nuisance to say the least.
Playtested a little while ago against a PlasmaBox list and won 4 out of 5 games (2 of those were really close games).
On the 5th game I got DONKED by a Thundurus EX with 3 Deoxys on the field on T2 :|
I found that teching in at least 1 or 2 Enhanced Hammers gives you like 1 turn in advance when you discard 2 of their energy during the same turn.

Your thoughts?
r0naLd222 said:
Playtested a little while ago against a PlasmaBox list and won 4 out of 5 games (2 of those were really close games).
On the 5th game I got DONKED by a Thundurus EX with 3 Deoxys on the field on T2 :|
I found that teching in at least 1 or 2 Enhanced Hammers gives you like 1 turn in advance when you discard 2 of their energy during the same turn.

Your thoughts?

The list I have currently is very consistant, but also very tight. I have only 1 free space, and, since there are a few Garbodor in my area, I prefer to dedicate that space to 1 Tool Scraper (with Doswing Machine and Durant, I can get it back easily) but if you have the room, Enhanced Hammer is not a bad idea.
Scrapper can sometimes be really good against PlasmaBox as well, if played properly it can be used to stall 1/2 turns
3-1 plasma/bw
You need to get out plasma klang out very quickly. And consistently as well of course. With kyurem being able to one shot your plasmaklangs, consistency is key.
Serperior said:
Do you guys go 2/2 with the PlasmaKlang split with BWKlang, or 3/1?

I still play with a 2/2 split, mostly because you can have a hard time late game without BWKlang. I don't think 3 PlasmaKlangs are necessary with so many search cards, and Durant and Super Rod both get them back from the discard when needed. You know that feeling when you get both of one kind of KK prized? Imagine that feeling every time your one BWKlang is prized. Not fun, especially since his deck as absolutely no energy acceleration.