
Fatality said:
Just wondering how many Cobalion EX's is recommended for this deck? I'm thinking 3 since it will be your main attacker, but does anybody run four or is that just overkill. Also is the ball line usually 4 Heavy Ball's or do others put in some ultra ball's/level balls (for Klink). My meta is basically all Darkrai variant decks so I feel this deck will be the next one I build. Thanks

I would say 3 is the right amount. It's high enough to start with it, but low enough to not clog the deck.
It's a nice attacker early game too. 30 for one isn't bad at all. Plus, you at least have something to sponge some damage before you start sweeping for 100. Better a Cobalion than a Klink, ya know?
Better for damage absorbing (and piling energy onto) early game than the attack :p The 30 early game never really does anything. It's nice against things like Black Kyurem (regular) and Terrakion, but as far as EX's go one or two 30 damage hits never seem to matter. Big Basics hates the DCE discarding though; it trolls their early game pressure with Tornadus and it forces them to attach regular energies to Bouffalant. It's also a great attack against the new PF Kyurem, it discards their energy and hits for weakness in the process.
Thaaaat's what I'm getting at. It's damage nonetheless, and they'll have to waste a Max Potion on even the seemingly meager damage before you hit 'em with Steel Bullet.

But what do you think of a 2/1 Cobalion-EX/Cobalion NV split?
I was about to make this deck then I read a discussion that PlasmaBox totally mangles this. Any thoughts? also, is TB really necessary for a "good" build? only 2 people in our community have access to it that's why I'm having 2nd thoughts.
r0naLd222 said:
I was about to make this deck then I read a discussion that PlasmaBox totally mangles this. Any thoughts? also, is TB really necessary for a "good" build? only 2 people in our community have access to it that's why I'm having 2nd thoughts.

I feel the deck can run without Tropical Beach, but not as well as it could otherwise.
PlasmaBox is a strange matchup, and some people are in disagreement about which one would win. I read on the PlasmaBox thread that Klinklang destroys them in practice, but I'm not totally convinced. As long as you get the Klinklang up then the matchup is alright. But if they start OHKOing Klinks with Thundurus early game, then you really don't stand a chance.
HAHA! sorry for the confusion Serperior :p

Keeper of Night said:
r0naLd222 said:
I was about to make this deck then I read a discussion that PlasmaBox totally mangles this. Any thoughts? also, is TB really necessary for a "good" build? only 2 people in our community have access to it that's why I'm having 2nd thoughts.

I feel the deck can run without Tropical Beach, but not as well as it could otherwise.
PlasmaBox is a strange matchup, and some people are in disagreement about which one would win. I read on the PlasmaBox thread that Klinklang destroys them in practice, but I'm not totally convinced. As long as you get the Klinklang up then the matchup is alright. But if they start OHKOing Klinks with Thundurus early game, then you really don't stand a chance.

Thanks on the input. I also feel that the deck would lose a considerable amount of backup power without TB but I think it could still work. and about the PlasmaBox matchup, I honestly think the first one who gets to setup has the upper hand.

Oh wow. I feel like this matchup is relatively close. It's all about how quickly you get set up and start targeting those Kyurem before they hit you for big damage. It's not easy, but it's helpful knowing that we can OHKO Kyurem without a problem due to its Weakness. Continuously discarding Plasma Energy with Cobalion-EX will surely annoy them, forcing them to hit for 30+ (depending on the amount of Deoxys-EX they have up) and not much more. Cobalion is easily the ideal starter against this deck.
also, i feel that the full metal version of this deck would be the better play rather than the teched out version (Darkrai EX prisms and the like)
your thoughts?
r0naLd222 said:
also, i feel that the full metal version of this deck would be the better play rather than the teched out version (Darkrai EX prisms and the like)
your thoughts?

Yes. Full metal (with the necessary exception of 1 Keldeo EX) is the best version of this deck.
I don't like Keldeo in here anymore. It's nice to Rush In, but you're vulnerable to attacks and it's two Energy to Retreat to a Metal-type. It's just too much of a hassle. Just run 3-4 Switch.
Same. Keldeo EX used to be nice, but its time has passed (in PlasmaKlang at least.) Just use Pull out Durant and time your switches wisely.
I played Pull Out, people laughed at it, I took it out, and look at the successful people now, running them Durants.
I suppose it really depends on your exact build. I kind of like Keldeo with Skyarrow Bridge/Float Stone in here, but it's all just preference.
I actually think Keldeo+float stone could work well in here over switch, since it's infinitely reusable.

While we're on the subject of PF, what do you guys think of Frozen City in here? You can get around it by attaching to PKK and then moving the energy where you want it with Shift Gear Klang, and it puts some extra pressure on your opponent's Moltres/Victini/Reshiram/etc.
Keldeo + Float Stone would be interesting, but I think most players will be prepared for it because Garbodor is still popular. Thus, Tool Scrapper might slip its way into a few lists. I'd rather play two HTL instead and take advantage of my opponent's Virbank.

Frozen's just eh. It'll hurt your Cobalion, and I think you have enough protection that you don't need to worry about getting two extra damage counters. Plus, Cobalion-EX 2HKOs everything anyway, so I think it's an unnecessary precaution. Play more Supporters or something else.