• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


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RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

I will re-adjust my offer because Dusknoir Lv. Xis the last Lv. X I need. ^^
(since you just updated your list with it :p)
Gliscor Lv. X
Darkrai Lv. X x2

Old Amber
Full Flame
Stark Mountain x2
Mom's Kindness

Majestic Dawn
Kabutops (MD)
Unown P (MD)

Great Encounters
Primape (GE)

Legends Awakened
Kyogre (LA)
Dragonite (LA)
Froslass (LA)
Yanmega (LA)

Red Dusknoir Pre-Release Sleeves (unopened)
Dusknoir Lv. X

Magnezone (SF) *6/100* x2 (1RH, 1holo)
Salamence (SF)
Scizor (SF)
Tyranitar (SF)
Mamoswine (SF)

There are PR sleeves, Lv. X and 6 rares on your side.
There are 3 Lv. X (2 Tin), 7 rares and 4 trainers on my side.
LMK. :)
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

Yeah...we lost track of our trade :/

My:Mag x,Teal pokeball sleeves

Your:puppet ninja mat
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

ESP said:
CML for:

Red Dusknoir Pre-Release Sleeves (unopened)

Lv. X's
Dusknoir Lv. X

Charmeleon (SF) *102/100* x2 (Secret Rare)
Magnezone (SF) *6/100* x2 (1RH, 1holo)
Empoleon (SF) x1
Salamence (SF)
Tyranitar (SF)
Cherrim (SF)

I have some of your wants but I'm too lazy to post them right now.

alot of the cards you're wanting are possibly involved in trades right now, once I finalize and see what I still have from this list, I will make you an offer

vrapceboy said:
qnetykz said:
vrapceboy said:
vrapceboy said:
vrapceboy said:
Hi, I have these cards from your want list
Professor Oak`s Visit x1
Team Galactic`s Mars x1
Poke Radar x2 LA
Stark Mountain x2 LA
Smeargle SW
Raikou SW
Salamance SW
Cresselia GE
Exploud GE
Blaziken GE
Milotic GE
Primape GE
Slowking GE
Rotom GE
Manectric MT
Typhlosion MT
Exeggutor MT
Slaking MT
Raichu MT
Ursaring MT
Cradily x2 LA
Yanmega LA

I am interested in some lv.xs. Please post all your lv.xs that aren`t involved in any trade...

You skipped me so do you want this trade:

All this stuff

Dusknoir sleeves
Dusknoir lv.x
Lucario lv.x

I was skipped, please just look at my offer...

you weren't skipped, and I have looked at your offer...just right now those cards and sleeves are in possible trades, and while the trades aren't finalized, what is being offered is serving more of an immediate need than what you have offered
Ok then:p

same goes for you

Yata said:
I will re-adjust my offer because Dusknoir Lv. Xis the last Lv. X I need. ^^
(since you just updated your list with it :p)
Gliscor Lv. X
Darkrai Lv. X x2

Old Amber
Full Flame
Stark Mountain x2
Mom's Kindness

Majestic Dawn
Kabutops (MD)
Unown P (MD)

Great Encounters
Primape (GE)

Legends Awakened
Kyogre (LA)
Dragonite (LA)
Froslass (LA)
Yanmega (LA)

Red Dusknoir Pre-Release Sleeves (unopened)
Dusknoir Lv. X

Magnezone (SF) *6/100* x2 (1RH, 1holo)
Salamence (SF)
Scizor (SF)
Tyranitar (SF)
Mamoswine (SF)

There are PR sleeves, Lv. X and 6 rares on your side.
There are 3 Lv. X (2 Tin), 7 rares and 4 trainers on my side.
LMK. :)

I haven't skipped you, I'm thinking over your offer while awaiting to hear back from an offer that was made for the Dusknoir Lv. X...they should get back with me sometime today, and I will let you know

shaymin707 said:
Yeah...we lost track of our trade :/

My:Mag x,Teal pokeball sleeves

Your:puppet ninja mat

sry, not in the market for sleeves...I know you said the TSD was hard to get off of you, but that's why I made that offer the way I did...it was well within your favor

if it's truly that hard to get off of you, why is it even on the list, it might as well not be for trade
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

Magmortar LV. X
RH Dawn Stadium
Health Energy x1
Full Flame
FOIL Grass Energy (PK) x2
Phione (MD)
Articuno (MD)
Raikou (SW)
Milotic (GE)
Celebi (MT)
Tyranitar (MT)
RH Weavile (DP)

LMK if you have:
RH Heatran (LA, fire type #6) x1
Sceptile family (SF, holo Sceptile/rh Grovyle & Treecko)
Darkrai (MD, holo/rh) x1
Weavile (SW, rh) x1
Dragonite family (LA,holo Dragonite/rh Dragonair & Dratini)
Darkrai Lv. X (from pack)
Pokeradar (LA, rh) x3
Basic Dark Energies xXx (holo would be nice)

also, might be interested in your:
Dusknoir Lv. X

but yeah, I'll let you know if there's anything else. LMK thx!
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

PacMac tL said:
Magmortar LV. X
RH Dawn Stadium
Health Energy x1
Full Flame
FOIL Grass Energy (PK) x2
Phione (MD)
Articuno (MD)
Raikou (SW)
Milotic (GE)
Celebi (MT)
Tyranitar (MT)
RH Weavile (DP)

LMK if you have:
RH Heatran (LA, fire type #6) x1
Sceptile family (SF, holo Sceptile/rh Grovyle & Treecko)
Darkrai (MD, holo/rh) x1
Weavile (SW, rh) x1
Dragonite family (LA,holo Dragonite/rh Dragonair & Dratini)
Darkrai Lv. X (from pack)
Pokeradar (LA, rh) x3
Basic Dark Energies xXx (holo would be nice)

also, might be interested in your:
Dusknoir Lv. X

but yeah, I'll let you know if there's anything else. LMK thx!

I only have maybe a quarter of that stuff, I'll check around tomorrow at league see what I can find
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

Have you decided upon my previous offer? LMK. :)
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

Hi, Im interested in your dusknoir sleeves, But i prefere to trade for cards you might want. I'm also interested in your dusknoir lvx. If you want please CML.
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

PokemanMaster said:

Dusknoir LV.X


Magnezone Lv.x.

no thanks

LucarioXtreme said:
Hi, Im interested in your dusknoir sleeves, But I prefere to trade for cards you might want. I'm also interested in your dusknoir lvx. If you want please CML.

sry, didn't see anything on your list that I would want for either the sleeves or dusk X
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

cresselia lv x
electivire lv x
Cynthia's Feelings x1
mars team galaxy
Salamence (SW)x1
murkrow mt
abra mt
cresselia ge
slawking ge

dusknoir lv x and charizard sf
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

roxas95 said:
cresselia lv x
electivire lv x
Cynthia's Feelings x1
mars team galaxy
Salamence (SW)x1
murkrow mt
abra mt
cresselia ge
slawking ge

dusknoir lv x and charizard sf

sry, my Charizard has already been sent out, and my Dusknoir is already being offered for, if none of those offers for the Dusk X go through I will let you know

Yata said:
Have you decided upon my previous offer? LMK. :)

I'm still waiting to hear back from the person, they haven't been online yet...if they get online and don't answer, I will skip them...I will let you know though...however, in lieu of that how about this offer, in case Dusk X does get traded

Red Dusknoir Sleeves (SF Pre-Release Sleeves)(unopened)
Magnezone (SF) *6/100* x2 (1RH, 1holo)
Salamence (SF)
Scizor (SF)
Mamoswine (SF)

Darkrai Lv. X (tin) x2
Kabutops (MD)
Flareon (MD)
Old Amber
Full Flame
Stark Mountain x2

RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***


RH Heatran (LA, fire type #6) x1
Sceptile family (SF, holo Sceptile/rh Grovyle & Treecko)
Darkrai (MD, holo/rh) x1
Weavile (SW, rh) x1
Dragonite family (LA,holo Dragonite/rh Dragonair & Dratini)
Darkrai Lv. X (from pack)
Pokeradar (LA, rh) x3
Basic Dark Energies xXx (holo would be nice)
RH Infernape (MD/DP) x2
RH Monferno MD
RH Chimchar DP/MD x3
RH Magmortar MT
RH Magmar MT
RH Call Energy

still have the things you need that i posted before. LMK!
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

Can we kind of 'reserve' a deal on my Gardy X? I can sell it to you for...around 23 dollars? (USD of course).
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

EspeonROX said:
Can we kind of 'reserve' a deal on my Gardy X? I can sell it to you for...around 23 dollars? (USD of course).

I would love to help u out man, but I can't committ to any money deals right now, because there isn't no telling when I will be able to come through on them
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

PacMac tL said:

RH Heatran (LA, fire type #6) x1
Sceptile family (SF, holo Sceptile/rh Grovyle & Treecko)
Darkrai (MD, holo/rh) x1
Weavile (SW, rh) x1
Dragonite family (LA,holo Dragonite/rh Dragonair & Dratini)
Darkrai Lv. X (from pack)
Pokeradar (LA, rh) x3
Basic Dark Energies xXx (holo would be nice)
RH Infernape (MD/DP) x2
RH Monferno MD
RH Chimchar DP/MD x3
RH Magmortar MT
RH Magmar MT
RH Call Energy

still have the things you need that I posted before. LMK!

I will keep checking around for you, right now all I have is:

Dragonair (LA) RH

so I will keep you upto date on what I get
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

electivire lv x
Cynthia's Feelings x1
mars team galaxy
Salamence (SW)x1
murkrow mt
abra mt
cresselia ge
slawking ge
dusknoir lv x
cherrim sf?
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

I could do that if you take out Flareon MD on my side ( I traded it) and Mamoswin on your side (don't need anymore).
BUT, as I said, I'd rather wait for the guy that wants your Dusknoir Lv. X too to respond (P.S. I am ALWAYS ready to offer better for it... :p) and then make an oiffer for all the stuff I need together. :p
LMK. :>
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

roxas95 said:
electivire lv x
Cynthia's Feelings x1
mars team galaxy
Salamence (SW)x1
murkrow mt
abra mt
cresselia ge
slawking ge
dusknoir lv x
cherrim sf?

sry, don't need the ele x as much any more being I have my 2nd one coming...and the dusk x is probably gonna be involved in a trade for a darkrai playmat

Yata said:
I could do that if you take out Flareon MD on my side ( I traded it) and Mamoswin on your side (don't need anymore).
BUT, as I said, I'd rather wait for the guy that wants your Dusknoir Lv. X too to respond (P.S. I am ALWAYS ready to offer better for it... :p) and then make an oiffer for all the stuff I need together. :p
LMK. :>

now how did you end up getting yourself banned???...we will see, it's kind of hard to offer better than a Darkrai playmat...I am willing to take out the Mamoswine, being the Flareon must be removed......however, being that you have been banned, I will hold on to the sleeves for as long as possible, but if you get back and I still have them, I will go ahead an trade for them
RE: Q'z Trade Thread ----- ***Updating List***

I guess, I'm just one of those things that goes BUMP (1) in the middle of the night
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