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RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

check me for,
Glaceon Lv.X
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Hey, could you trade a regular Claydol (GE, non-RH) for a regular Uxie (LA, of course, non-RH)?

LMK if interested!

RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

CML for Luxray GL Lv. X and 3 Luxray GL.
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Okay, I'll trade my Jap shiny Yanma, 2x SV relicanth, and maybe something else for Claydol? (Non-RH) PS, I also have 1x Lv. Max and 1x SV Primeape.
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Politoed666 said:
No thanks, sorry.

Jace said:
Hello again :p

I need:
1x Unown G
1x Azelf LA (RH)
6x Uxie LA (5x RH)
6x Claydol GE (3x RH)
4x Weavile SW (1x RH)

I don't have too much.. but CML for these?
Don't see much, sorry.

Juliacoolo said:
CMl for uxie. I have many SV Reprints/shinies.

1x Uxie LA

2x Blaziken FB
2x Metagross SV
1x Shiny Milotic SV

And if you could throw in a Solrock and Lunatone, that would be great... let me know or counter, please. You know that Milotic will drop in value. :/

Nothing, sorry.

nabby101 said:
CML for Gengar SF x2, Flygon RR x1, and Claydol GE x2.
Nothing, sorry.

kashmaster said:
What about a Claydol and an Uxie, or a Claydol and a Palkia G Lv.X... Luxray AND Claydol is a bit too much. I could do a Luxray GL Lv.X and something small-ish, such as a holo, for the Blaziken FB Lv.X.

I really need the claydol. Say if I threw in 2 holos would that be fair?

Claydol and something smaller for Blaziken FB Lv.X. Let me know... I could do Claydol and a Promocroak or two?

Eh... nah, thanks anyway.

PokeKid Brandon said:
Moltres Reprint
Zapdos Reprint
Uxie LA

Luxray Gl Lv.X

LMK or counter
It's tempting, but I'm going to have to pass. See anything else?
Is there something I can sub for the blazikens? Like maybe even an X?
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Can you please cml for 1 Lucario GL and 2 Weavile SW? Thanks.
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

hey would you be interested in


x1 Electivire FB LV X SV
x1 Shiny Relicanth SH8 SV
x1 Articuno reprint 148/147 SV

x2 Uxie LA

LMK or counter offer please.
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Interested in your claydols or uxie. I have (from your wants):
1x Reprint sv articuno
1x Reprint sv moltres
3x Level Max
1x Garchomp C
1x Night Teleporter
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

CML for x1 Luxray G Lv.X
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

i have blaziken fb x will you trade a rev claydol a flygon and a uxie for it?
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Hi. Please CML for Glaceon LV.X. :>
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

CML for one PromoCroak please.
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

I'm curious. How much do you value the Promo Toxicroak G? I have a Luxray GL Lv.X.
RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here

Finally getting back to everyone. This is going to be an epic post.

DJ Hype Vibes said:
I could care less about that Uxie LA everyone wants really. lol

Well I do like Luxray X, I needed for my deck. But other than that, I need Glaceon/Gallade.

I don't see anything except Rayquaza C Lv.X, which I value as a tin Lv.X... any lesser-value X you'd take for it?

Jace said:
I'm tempted to do that, but I don't think it's the best trade on my side, so I'll have to pass.

No problem.

TehBrownSauce said:
These cards aren't on your want list but...

I need YOUR: Claydol x1
for MY: Heat Rotom, Shaymin LV.X (pack), Giratina LV.X (tin) and Giratina PT (10\127)
All of them are mint except shaymin which is near mint. LMK if your interested =)

Eh... no thanks. Not necessarily a bad offer, just not what I'm looking for.

ss.voltorb said:
cml for azelf la if you have rare candy I also want them

ps. politoed rock

I have Rare Candies... I need your Leafeon Lv.X. Any way we could work out something for that?

Jackolas said:
No, just need Uxie. Thanks though

No problem.

empoleok14 said:
I have electivire fb lv.x, 2x vs seeker, 1 relicanth SV, 1 rayquaza c

I need luxray gl lv.x

can we make a deal?

Unfortunately, no... I just pulled EFBX, no longer need as many VS Seekers, and... well, I'm just not that interested.

Starforce Lv.X said:
check me for,
Glaceon Lv.X

Nothing, sorry.

Ampha-pwn77 said:
Hey, could you trade a regular Claydol (GE, non-RH) for a regular Uxie (LA, of course, non-RH)?

LMK if interested!


Eh, nah. I value Claydol higher.

ESP said:
CML for Luxray GL Lv. X and 3 Luxray GL.

2x Luxray GL (1x RH)

2x Palkia G (1x RH, I think...?)

Let me know, thanks.

Galloxys said:
Okay, I'll trade my Japanese shiny Yanma, 2x SV relicanth, and maybe something else for Claydol? (Non-RH) PS, I also have 1x Lv. Max and 1x SV Primeape.

No thanks... don't need Japanese cards, got the Relicanths.

Juliacoolo said:
Is there something I can sub for the blazikens? Like maybe even an X?

You could sub out the Blaziken FBs for Dialga G Lv.X, I guess... didn't see anything else. Of course, I'm still fine with the original offer.

p8ntchucker7 said:
Can you please cml for 1 Lucario GL and 2 Weavile SW? Thanks.

Nothing, sorry.

Frodus said:
hey would you be interested in


x1 Electivire FB LV X SV
x1 Shiny Relicanth SH8 SV
x1 Articuno reprint 148/147 SV

x2 Uxie LA

LMK or counter offer please.

No thanks, sorry... I just pulled EFBX. :/

mattwasx said:
Interested in your claydols or uxie. I have (from your wants):
1x Reprint sv articuno
1x Reprint sv moltres
3x Level Max
1x Garchomp C
1x Night Teleporter

1x Uxie LA

1x Reprint Articuno SV
1x Reprint Moltres SV
1x Blaziken FB (RH)
1x Pre-release Milotic
2x Roseanne's Research (Both RH)

Let me know, thanks.

TL32 said:
CML for x1 Luxray G Lv.X

Nothing, sorry. Anything else you need? I see some stuff, but nothing that would compare to Lux X.

kabutops33 said:
I have blaziken fb x will you trade a rev claydol a flygon and a uxie for it?


CML for
2 Claydol GE
Palkia G LV.X
1 Uxie

Nothing, sorry.

PMJ said:
Hi. Please CML for Glaceon LV.X. :>

Nothing much, sorry.

ESP said:
CML for one PromoCroak please.

Nothing, sorry.

Mudkip said:
I'm curious. How much do you value the Promo Toxicroak G? I have a Luxray GL Lv.X.

I value the Promocroak at about $9, since Gathering Ground was selling the book for $1 at Nationals and the whole set retails for a little over $10. I'm very interested in Luxray GL Lv.X... make an offer?
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here


Staraptor FB Lv.X
Blaziken FB


Absol G Lv.X

Lmk, this isn't a definete offer.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Uxie LA
All supporters including Roseanne's
Articuno Reprint
Mesprit LA
2x Glaceon (Snow Cloak)
CML for others/more

What will it take to get one of those Toxicroak G's?
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Brawler said:

Staraptor FB Lv.X
Blaziken FB


Absol G Lv.X

Lmk, this isn't a definete offer.

Eh, that's borderline... Do you have any of my other wants to offer?

amisheskimoninja said:
Uxie LA
All supporters including Roseanne's
Articuno Reprint
Mesprit LA
2x Glaceon (Snow Cloak)
CML for others/more

What will it take to get one of those Toxicroak G's?

Would you trade an Uxie LA and a Call Energy (if you have one) for it? Feel free to counter, since I know that offer is a little imbalanced. Don't finalize yet, since I have a few other offers going on.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here


can you please CML for

1x Absol G Lv.X
1x Electivire FB Lv.X
2x Luxray GL Lv.X
1x Glaceon Lv.X
1x Uxie Lv.X
2x Palkia G Lv.X
1x Dialga G Lv.X
1x Hippowdon Lv.X
1x Gardevoir Lv.X
1x Heatran Lv.X (Pack)
1x Torterra Lv.X (Pack)
1x Drapion Lv.X

6x Uxie LA (5x RH)
6x Claydol GE (3x RH)
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

cml for either luxray x, uxie x, staraptor fb, metagross, absol x
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