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RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Can you CML for promocroak? I could do 2 for absol g lv X LMK or CML thanks
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Can you CML for Absol G Lv.X? I would way over trade for this card.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Politoed666 said:
Would you trade an Uxie LA and a Call Energy (if you have one) for it? Feel free to counter, since I know that offer is a little imbalanced. Don't finalize yet, since I have a few other offers going on.

Nah, thats way too much. I just got on on eBay for $7.50, so I don't need it anymore.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Need a Luxray GL X like everyone else.
I have:
RH Bebe's
RH Roseanne's
RH Call Energy

LMK if we can work out a trade
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Ooh, I like:

1x Absol G Lv.X
2x Luxray GL Lv.X
2x Blaziken FB
2x Promocroak
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

CML please for 3 Luxray GL, and maybe 1 or 2 Uxie.

The uxie are secondary to the luxray.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

ok, then CML for:

x1 RH Claydol GE [biggest want]
x1 RH Metagross SV
x1 Absol G Lv.X
x1 RH Absol G
and if you have any RH Roseanne's for trade.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Lotti said:

can you please CML for

1x Absol G Lv.X
1x Electivire FB Lv.X
2x Luxray GL Lv.X
1x Glaceon Lv.X
1x Uxie Lv.X
2x Palkia G Lv.X
1x Dialga G Lv.X
1x Hippowdon Lv.X
1x Gardevoir Lv.X
1x Heatran Lv.X (Pack)
1x Torterra Lv.X (Pack)
1x Drapion Lv.X

6x Uxie LA (5x RH)
6x Claydol GE (3x RH)

Interested in these, English only:
1x Rayquaza C Lv.X (Pack, low-value Lv.X as it will be tinned...)
1x Uxie Lv.X
1x Garchomp Lv.X

Let me know what we can work out, thanks.

rappermi said:
cml for either luxray x, uxie x, staraptor fb, metagross, absol x

Interested in these:
1x Blaziken FB
2x Garchomp SV

What about this:
1x Staraptor FB
1x Metagross SV

2x in any combination of Blaziken FB and Garchomp SV... can be 1 Blaze, 1 Garch, or two Garch. Let me know.

kashmaster said:
Can you CML for promocroak? I could do 2 for absol g lv X LMK or CML thanks

No thanks on the Absol offer... what about a Promocroak and something else for Blaziken FB Lv.X?

PokeKid Brandon said:
Can you CML for Absol G Lv.X? I would way over trade for this card.

Nothing much, sorry.

amisheskimoninja said:
Nah, thats way too much. I just got on on eBay for $7.50, so I don't need it anymore.

No problem.

Shakespeare said:
Need a Luxray GL X like everyone else.
I have:
RH Bebe's
RH Roseanne's
RH Call Energy

LMK if we can work out a trade

No thanks, and didn't see much else... sorry.

ESP said:
Ooh, I like:

1x Absol G Lv.X
2x Luxray GL Lv.X
2x Blaziken FB
2x Promocroak

Eh... don't see much, sorry. :/ Maybe in the future!

shadoworganoid said:
CML please for 3 Luxray GL, and maybe 1 or 2 Uxie.

The uxie are secondary to the luxray.

3x Luxray GL for 1x Rayquaza C Lv.X?

TL32 said:
ok, then CML for:

x1 RH Claydol GE [biggest want]
x1 RH Metagross SV
x1 Absol G Lv.X
x1 RH Absol G
and if you have any RH Roseanne's for trade.

I think we can work something out... I'll PM you tomorrow.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

check me for,
kingdra LA
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Off your list I have
Claydol GE
Electivire FB Lv.X
All of the Supreme Victors shinies and the Moltres reprint
Blaziken FB
Charizard G Lv.X
1 x Primeape SV
2x Rayquaza C
Solrock SV
Lunatone SV

I am interested in your Absol G Lv X, Dialga Lv X, Torterra Lv X (lesser want), and Mow Rotom
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Would you do


Staraptor Lv.X
Lunatone SV
Blaziken FB RH


2 Claydol GE(Regular)

RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

umm... can you cml for the staraptor fb,

i can do 1 garchomp for him, but i kinda wanta keep this card
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

CML for SF Gengar x4 and Metagross SV. I want the Gengar the most!
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

How about my AbsoL GX and Call energy for your Luxray GL X
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Pt6...interested in these:

Claydol (GE) x2 (2RH) - main
Absol G Lv. X - main
Absol G (SV) (RH)
Drifblim (SV)
Machamp (SF) x2 (2RH)
Toxicroak G (Promo) x2
Luxray GL Lv. X - just to see if I might be able to get it

I have these of wants:

Blaziken FB Lv. X
Blaziken FB
Garcomp C Lv. X
Rayquaza C Lv. X
Rayquaza C (SV)
Garchomp C (SV)
Solrock (SV)
Lunatone (SV)
VS Seeker - I will have to check to see how many
Night Teleporter
Relicanth (SV) *SH8*

you CML for anything else on either side...lmk
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Cml for uxieand please respond via pm thanks
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

Hey would you do:

MY: Electivire FB Lv.X, Shiny Milotic SV and Shiny Yanma SV

LMK what you think.
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

CML for Toxicroak G Promo
RE: Have Absol G Lv.X, Electivire FB Lv.X... one of the best threads here

my staraptor FB X your glacion or uxie X???
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