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RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

Ok, can you please give me your values for each of those cards so I can offer?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

Darkvoid57 said:
Ok, can you please give me your values for each of those cards so I can offer?
Oh noez, I have to give them values?

I'm thinking....
2x Pokemon Communication BW ($2.00 each)
3x Professor Elm's Training Method ($1.00 each)
1x Vullaby (RH) ($.50)

Let me know what you think.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

My: Typhlosion Prime, 2 Juniper


2x Pokemon Communication BW
3x Professor Elm's Training Method
1x Vullaby (RH)

RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

Do you think I could drop a Professor Elm's Training Method from my side?
Let me know.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S


Yeah, I guess...
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

I don't want to be evil! Dx

I could throw-in a Metal Energy BW to sweeten the deal. ;D
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

Nah, it's fine. Leave it as is now, and PM me to confirm.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev Zekrom Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

Would you do...

Pokemon Communication (either hgss or b&w) - x2
PETM - x3
Yanma - x3
Yanma (RH) - x1

Shaymin UL - x1

LMK or Counter. Thanks.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev Zekrom Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

No thanks, I changed my wants though, if you have anything else I want
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev Zekrom Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

My: Scizor Prime
Your: Zekrom REVERSE HOLO 47/144 x1
Herdier REV
Deerling REV
These RH:

Scrafty, Scolipede, Basculin, Lillipup, Throh

All must be Mint.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev Zekrom Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

How bout;

My: Rev Zekrom, 1-1 Rev Herdier line, 2 Cleffa COL, and Scolipede Rev

Your: Scizor Prime (Zorua throw in ;)?)
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

Do you have Cleffa HGSS BlackStar Promo?

I have these from your Wants:
1x T-Tar Prime ~ Pending
2x Mew Prime

I'm interested in your:
1x Fandangoboar
1x Shaymin UL
1x Mandibuzz BW RH

LMK an offer? Or LMK if you have that Cleffa I'm looking for, thanks.
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

I want everything you offered :p

I dont have Cleffa Promo, but I do have 3 cleffa COL if you need.

Is there anything else you want off my list?
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

Have you any Kingdra or Machamp Prime?
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

Im going to get a box of TR next week, so maybe I'll pull one. Can we make a trade for something, and then you hold the others for me till next week till i get the box?

Also going to get a box of UL in a few weeks, so maybe a kingdra prime then?

So you didnt see anything else?
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

Yah, I saw nothing else. Sorry mate.

How about my:
1x Mew Prime

1x Fandangoboar
1x Shaymin UL
1x Mandibuzz BW RH

And I'll hold the other Mew Prime and add something else for your possible 1x Kingdra Prime & possible 1x Machamp Prime?

LMK / counter, thanks.
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S


I can do;

My: Fandango Boar
Mandibuzz Rev

Your: Mew Prime

I'd sorta like to keep Shaymin
RE: Dark57's Trades:B/W, Fandango Boar,Boufalant,DCE,Cincinno ,Shaymin UL, W/87 ZORUA'S

Hmm, then how about throw in the Lilligant instead of the Shaymin and we'll call it good to go? PM me!
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