We're actually up to 31 episodes now (if you don't count the cancelled Skrelp episode), so you've got a bit more catching up to do! Unless you're talking about the dub, that is, which has its own thread
In was so excited yesterday! 1) I went to the website and saw that both 31 *and* 32 had been subbed, and 2) I also figured out a good way for how to watch on my tablet!

So, as I was stuck yesterday, I got to get all caught up.
I really love that we've been having such a nice plot-related arc with Corni. Working with her to get the Lucarionite, etc., it's just been a blast. It makes the episodes more interesting to watch, and it's really developing Corni as a character which is super awesome. As much as I love Team Rocket, it's nice to have episodes that aren't just a "Team Rocket Formula". Corni's Mega Lucario going nuts was actually kind of scary, especially in the fight with Pikachu. It looks like we'll get to have her as a traveling companion at least for a bit longer, though I guess that also means it'll be a while before Satoshi fights Corni as a Gym Leader.
If I have any complaints, it would be Satoshi sending out Pikachu to fight Mega Lucario. Dude, you JUST FOUGHT Lucario and got your ass wiped, you haven't done a lick of training since then, and now you're going to send Pikachu off to fight the Mega version of that same Pokémon. facepalm.jpg