RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card: March 2015 - I Choose You! (Fan Voting)
I love how the red-eyed child has made it even here. >_>
I love how the red-eyed child has made it even here. >_>
Chatot - HP60 - [C]
NO. 441 Music Note Pokémon HT: 1’08’’ WT: 4.2 lbs.
Ability- Accompaniment
Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is on your Bench, you may flip 2 coins. If 1 coin is heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If both of them are heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If both of them are tails, place 2 damage counters on the Defending Pokémon. You can’t use more than 1 Accompaniment Ability each turn.
[C][C] Key Change
Choose a type. All Pokémon of that type are [C] until the end of your opponent’s next turn (both yours and your opponent’s).
weakness- [L]x2
resistance- [F]-20
retreat cost- none
It keeps rhythm by flicking its tail feathers like a metronome. It imitates human speech.
Basic Dunsparce HP40![]()
NO. 206 Land Snake Pokémon HT: 4'11" WT: 30.9 lbs.
Suffocating Swarm![]()
Your opponent's Active Pokémon loses -20 HP. You may only apply Suffocating Swarm Abilities on your opponent's Active Pokémon until its remaining HP is 40 or more.
Final Burst![]()
If the Defending Pokémon has equal to or fewer remaining HP than this Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is Knocked Out.
weaknessx2 resistance![]()
When spotted, this Pokémon escapes backward by furiously boring into the ground with its tail.
[align=center][MEGA] M. Mewtwo EX HP 220 [P]
[MEGA EVOLUTION RULE - When 1 of your Pokemon becomes a Mega Evolution Pokemon, your turn ends.]![]()
[Ability: Mind and Might] - As long as M. Mewtwo EX has a [F] energy attached to it, it's typing is [P] and [F].
M. Mewtwo EX has a x4 Weakness as long as this Ability is active.
[F][*] Fighter's Knowledge
Name 1 Supporter card.
During your opponent's next turn, if they play a Supporter card with that name, their Active Pokemon takes 100 Damage.[F][P][P] Educated Violence - 150+
You may switch one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with their Active Pokemon.
This attack does 150 plus 10 damage for every [P] and [F] Energy in both Players' Discard pile.
Weakness - [P]
Resistance -
Retreat Cost - [*][*][*]
[When a Pokemon EX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.]
It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene-splicing and DNA-engineering experiments.[/align]
[Basic] Smeargle HP 50 [C]
No. 235 Painter Pokemon Ht. 3”11’ Wt. 127 lbs.
[Ability] Breeder’s Choice: Your [C] Pokémon can use the attacks of any Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponents.) (You still need the necessary energy to use each attack).
[C] Moody: This attack does 20 damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokémon chosen at random. Then, heal 10 damage from one of your opponent’s Pokemon chosen at random.
Weakness: [F]
Retreat Cost: [C]
Smeargle marks the boundaries of its territory using a body fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail. Over 5,000 different marks left by this Pokémon have been found.
Flygon LV.V 100HP [F]
[LEVEL-UP] - Put onto Flygon
Poké-BODY [Dragon Blood]
As long as Flygon has any [G] energy attached to it, heal 2 damage counters from Flygon between turns and any damage done by Flygon is increased by 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon for each [L] energy attached to it.
[F][C][C] Viral Storm
This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon).
[C][C][C][C][C] Chaotic Turbulence 80
If this attack Knocks Out the Defending Pokémon, your opponent discards his or her hands.
[Put this card onto your Benched Flygon. Flygon LV. V can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level. You can't play this card if it would Knocked Out the Flygon.]
[D] - Keeper's Sableye EX -- 110 HP
Ability: Trickster
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack) you may move a Tool card attached to 1 of your Pokémon to another of your Pokémon.
[D] Shadow Sneak -- 30
Does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
[D][C] Gem Scramble -- 50
Search your deck for up to 2 Item cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Weakness: [Y] x2 Resistance: [P] - 20
Retreat: [C]
Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.
Stage 1 // Swadloon // HP70 [G]
Evolves from Sewaddle![]()
NO. 541 Leaf-Wrapped Pokémon HT: 1'08" WT: 16.1 lbs.
[Ability] Regrow
Once during your opponent's turn, if this Pokémon is in your hand, and an Energy attached to 1 of your Pokémon is discarded by the effect of an opponent's Trainer card, you may attach this Pokémon as an Energy card to that Pokémon. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides every type of Energy, but provides only 2 Energy at a time.
[G][C] Junk Toss
Discard as many Item cards as you like from you hand. This attack does 20 times the number of Item cards you discarded. If you haven't played any Item cards during this turn, this attack does 40 damage times the number of Item cards you discarded instead.
weakness [R] X2
retreat [C][C]"Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life."
[Basic] Shining Snorlax HP140 - Colorless
NO. 143, Sleeping Pokémon, Height: 6'11", Weight: 1014.1 lbs.
Ability Buffet & Nap
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may attach a Basic Energy card from your hand to this Pokémon. If you do, flip 2 coins. If both are tails, this Pokémon is now Asleep.
[C][C][C] Devour 40x
Discard all Basic Energy cards attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 40 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded.
[Shining Pokémon Rule] You can't have more than 2 Shining Snorlax in your deck. You can't have more than 1 Shining Snorlax in play at the same time.
Weakness: [F] x2
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat: [C][C][C][C]Promo 2
Yup, that’s broken. Very, very broken. This card would be in every single deck, 4 times, no exceptions. I’m assuming you never played pre-e-series Pokémon? Supporters didn’t exist back then, and every draw card (Bill, Erika, Mary, Oak, etc.) would usually draw you more draw cards, until you essentially drew your entire deck. Fast forward to Legends Awakened, which brought us a Pokémon called Uxie. When it came into play, you could draw cards until you had 7. It was played in almost every single deck, even though it had the downside of possible being your only Basic at the start of the game and it took up valuable bench space. This card has all of the upsides, and none of the downsides. It’s essentially a pre-supporter Trainer with the effect of one of the best enter-player Poké-Powers ever made. The flavour also doesn’t work, because there is no Sacrifice here. You wouldn’t even consider playing Garchomp for anything but its Ability. You essentially made a Trainer which can’t be dealt with in any of the usual ways Trainers can be dealt with.
[Stage 2] Garchomp HP 130 [N]
Evolves from Gabite
[Ability] Sacrifice
If this Pokémon is in your hand, you may discard it. If you do, draw cards until you have 7 cards in your hand.
[W][F][C] Outrage 100
You may discard 2 Energy attached to this Pokémon. If you don't, this Pokémon is now confused.
Weakness: [N] x2
Retreat: [C]
Scientists have named these odd colored Pokémon "Shiny Pokémon". There is a gene mutation that results in the odd coloring.
[Basic] Spiritomb HP 80 [P]
NO. 442 Forbidden Pokémon HT. 3’03” WT. 238.1 lbs.
Δ Pierce: This Pokémon’s attacks’ damage isn’t affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon.
[Ability] Spirit Link
Once during your turn, (before your attack), if your Active Pokémon is a Pokémon-EX and your Active Pokémon does not have any Pokémon Tool cards attached to it, you may Knock Out this Pokémon. Attach this card to your Active Pokémon as a Pokémon Tool Card. Then, you may put a M Pokémon-EX that evolves from your Active Pokémon from your hand onto your Active Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Your turn does not end if the Pokémon this card is attached to becomes a M Pokémon-EX.
[P][C] Spirit Seal 10
Put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent’s Pokémon that have an Ability. Then, put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent’s Pokémon that have an Ancient Trait. Each of your opponent’s Pokémon in play, in your opponent’s hand, and in your opponent’s discard pile has no Abilities or Ancient Traits until the end of your next turn.
[P][P][P][C] Spirit Strike 20+
Does 20 more for each [P] Energy attached to this Pokémon. If your opponent’s Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from this attack, this Pokémon may attack again this turn. (If this attack Knocks Out your opponent’s Active Pokémon, you may attack again after your opponent chooses a new Active Pokémon.
Retreat: [C]
The 108 spirits that make up this Pokémon were bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.
[Stage 1] Tangrowth HP110 [G]
[G] Vine Grab 30
Switch your opponent's Active Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon.
[G][G][C] Mix n' Match
If both this Pokémon and your opponent's Active Pokémon has any Pokémon Tools attached to them, put your opponent's Active Pokémon's Pokémon Tool on this Pokémon, and this Pokémon's Pokémon Tool on your opponent's Active Pokémon. If this Pokèmon or your opponent's Active Pokèmon is Knocked Out, put the Pokémon Tools in the original owners Discard Pile.
Weakness: [R] x2
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat: [C][C][C]
When it remains still, it appears to be a large shrub. Unsuspecting prey that wander near get ensnared by its vines.
Copy-pasted from Vom’s review:[Stage 1] Whimsicott [G] HP: 100
Evolves from Cottonee
Δ Evolution: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may play this card from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon even if that Pokemon was put into play this turn or if it's your first turn.![]()
No. 547 Windveiled Pokemon HT: 2'04" WT: 14.6lbs
[Ability] Winds of Change
When Whimsicott has less then 50 HP and is your Active Pokemon; you can use this Ability. Flip a coin; if heads scoop up all cards attached to Whimsicott (excluding any Tools, Items and Energies) and place them in your hand. Tails; discard all cards attached to Whimsicott and retreat it to your bench. This Ability cannot be used if Whimsicott is affected by a Special Condition or you have no Benched Pokemon.
[G] Cotton Tackle 30
During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 30 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
[G] [G] U-Turn 50
Switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Weakness - [R] (x2)
Resistance - [W] -20
Retreat Cost - [C]
Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small. It leaves balls of white fluff behind.
- Cotton Tackle (Whimsicott's Emerging Powers Cotton Guard attack)
- U-Turn (Whimsicott's Emerging Powers U-Turn attack)
Me said:I’d recommend against using Ancient Traits that will appear on upcoming cards, since you’ll most likely get the wording wrong, which you did. The wording should be: “You may play this card to evolve 1 of your Pokémon in play during your first turn or on a Pokémon that was put into play this turn”. I’ll correct as if you did not know the actual wording.
[Stage 2] Garchomp HP180 [N]
[Δ Speed] Once during your turn (before your attack), you may play this card from your hand to evolve 1 of your Gible or Gabite even if that Pokémon was put into play this turn or if it's your first turn.
NO.445 Mach Pokémon HT:6'03'' WT:209.4 lbs
Champion's Vigilance![]()
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to any of your Basic or Stage 1 Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-EX) by your opponent's Pokémon-EX.
[W][F][C] Champion's Secret Strike 100
Discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon. Then, discard one of your opponent's Pokémon-EX and all cards attached to it.
Weakness: [Y]x2
Resistance: -
Retreat Cost: -
It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape.
It really is sad. That Venomoth attack is one of the few really coolest new attacks in recent years. I wish I could've given you a higher creativity score, since it was obvious you didn't realise the effect already existed, but that probably wouldn't have been fair to everyone else who does try to find out if an effect has been done before.Huderon of Canossa said:You know, I didn't actually know there was a Venomoth card with that same attack at all! I probably could have avoided some wording errors if I knew about it Dx
But now that I've seen it, wow it's literally almost the same thing o__o; That's a little eerie...