PokéBeach Create-A-Card October 2013! Worship Nod3, PMJ, and Teal!

I think I have probably 20+ different cards I've memorized that I refer back to double-check wording bits of some kind or another, just to make sure everything is accurate. I started back up in D/P, which is a good source for a lot of interesting wordings - though RSE is another good source.

A lot of what I do is I look for existing cards that do something similar to what I'm writing, and check to see if I'm as close as I can be.
So for the past 2 or 3 CaC's I missed points because of little errors... I'm starting to not like this. lol
Typical Teal and PMJ win, typical bad score (with the exception of last time), typical contest.

DNA, we really need to shake things up this month, so please no fairy type, etc. Something like the word challenge.
I can confidently tell you that the Fairy-type will not be the December contest.
@CMP, I submitted the wrong Tyranitar. The correct one just KO's. I made 2 because the one I submitted was the first, and the attack effect is actually incorrect. It requires an Also when it talks about Weakness & Resistance.
Also my last month entry placed Despair markers :p
But I guess I technically came 2nd so I'm happy :)

Oh and congrats to all who won (But I reckon PMJ should've gotten 20/20 for Originality :( ) And dayum Teal.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card October 2013!

Fraxureking said:
Teal op plz ban

I wasn't sure on that one anyway XD. gg all.


When DNA asks for creativity, I drown him in it.
Blui said:
@CMP, I submitted the wrong Tyranitar. The correct one just KO's. I made 2 because the one I submitted was the first, and the attack effect is actually incorrect. It requires an Also when it talks about Weakness & Resistance.
Also my last month entry placed Despair markers :p
But I guess I technically came 2nd so I'm happy :)

Blui, you know I have the memory of a goldfish. And you expect me to remember your entry last month placed the Despair markers?! :p

And so "Also" is used now. Weird. I usually double check wording, but I didn't think of that as being something that would've changed. Consider yourself lucky! Haha.
Wow, thanks for the comment! A few of my friends really love making puns so I decided, a pun-based name wouldn't be half bad :D
All the entries are pretty impressive (including the usual coughpmjcough)
As for 'cards that do something when no cards in hand':
Congratulations to everybody! Especially Teal, PMJ, and myself!

The Fire Wyrm said:
Fraxureking said:
Teal op plz ban

I wasn't sure on that one anyway XD. gg all.


When DNA asks for creativity, I drown him in it.

I do not recommend that. You will burn out of ideas in like a week. Instead, focus on fine tuning what you already have. Also, write everything down. Any ideas. No matter what.
PSA: If you guys have any suggestions about what you want to see for CAC 2014, let me know now. You have until the end of the year.

Answer questions like:

~What new things do you want to see?
~What old things do you still want to see?
~What old things do you no longer want to see?
~What order should the types be in?
~Should we not do types? Should we do something else instead?
~Should there be different judges? Should the judging criteria be different?
~Is there something I really really want to happen that I haven't thought of?

Let me know by a forum PM, and/or in this thread, if you have any suggestions for next year. For the most part I plan to run CAC the same next year as this one, but what you guys want you guys will get. (A forum PM is recommended, as that way I will have a more permanent record of it.)

Go nuts, guys! I've really enjoyed this year so far and I hope you have too.
DNA said:
PSA: If you guys have any suggestions about what you want to see for CAC 2014, let me know now. You have until the end of the year.

Answer questions like:

~What new things do you want to see? Nothing really, I've enjoyed this year's CaC
~What old things do you still want to see? The same structure that we've been having
~What old things do you no longer want to see? 1 word that must be used (ie. The Flash month; I just used it to get the theme & make a Madoka Magica referance)
~What order should the types be in? Randomise it, but maybe pick a particular type for the start of a season (fire for summer, water for winter, grass for spring, and something else for autumn)
~Should we not do types? Should we do something else instead? More themes, something like having to include a certain mechanic would be awesome sauce.
~Should there be different judges? Should the judging criteria be different? I like the judges. I do think though that CMP could perhaps give some more points in creativity for people who make high quality EXs, but other than that I'm very happy with the judging.
~Is there something I really really want to happen that I haven't thought of? I don't know why but I'd actually love a month where an image based member tag teams with a text based member. I know it probably would flop, but it'd be cool.

Let me know by a forum PM, and/or in this thread, if you have any suggestions for next year. For the most part I plan to run CAC the same next year as this one, but what you guys want you guys will get. (A forum PM is recommended, as that way I will have a more permanent record of it.)

Go nuts, guys! I've really enjoyed this year so far and I hope you have too.
Blui said:
~Is there something I really really want to happen that I haven't thought of? I don't know why but I'd actually love a month where an image based member tag teams with a text based member. I know it probably would flop, but it'd be cool.

I actually like that! It would be interesting, one will work on the artwork meanwhile the other creates the text! But it should be randomized, for it to be fair and interesting. If not, Teal and PMJ would team up and Steamroll everyone else. :p
Blui said:
~Should there be different judges? Should the judging criteria be different? I like the judges. I do think though that CMP could perhaps give some more points in creativity for people who make high quality EXs, but other than that I'm very happy with the judging.

I can actually provide a pretty detailed reasoning for my scoring, if you'd ever like it! =)

Here's the way I look at things...

The category includes not only Creativity, but Originality as well. When half of the participants incorporate Pokémon-EX, ex, Lv. X, *, etc. into their entries (no matter how high quality), the card is no longer that original; this is especially true for cards which already have an existing EX, ex, Lv. X, *, etc. card. If someone submits, say, a Kyurem EX, would it be fair to get as many Originality points as someone who made a Paras? The way I see (and judge) it, no, because there are fewer Paras cards floating around than there are Kyurem EXs. Now, I'm not saying to pick an obscure Pokémon just for obscurity's sake, but if you choose a Pokémon with multiple special versions (and make another special version), it just isn't as original. Additionally, it's also fun to see what participants can come up with when they have to focus on power on a smaller scale, hence my proposition to you guys to submit non-special versions next month.

From a Creativity standpoint, the most creative cards are those that incorporate new gameplay elements or never-before-seen attacks. If an EX card has these things, it does get high marks from a Creativity standpoint. However, I can't justify giving full marks for any card (EX or otherwise), if it uses attacks we've seen repeated before. Slapping a fresh coat of paint on a car doesn't change the car, it's just an old car with new paint.

Really, what it comes down to is that Creativity and Originality are two halves of the same whole. Originality is more about the overall concept, while Creativity focuses on the details. The category works best when used as a tie breaker; getting proper fonts, placement, and wording is easy enough, but this particular category is what sets cards apart. Although I think it's important to note that the lowest score I can remember assigning in the Creativity/Originality category is a 16/20. We're not talking 10/20s here.

However, I'm absolutely willing to adjust how I judge if you really think I should. If you can provide me with a nice base to use, I'd be willing to do so. I think what I may start doing is giving bonus points each month; perhaps a +0.25/0.5 bonus to the individual entry I deem the most creative/original that month or something. I don't know, talk it out amongst yourselves. =)
Finally your huge creativity paid off Nod! Congrats! Also Teal and PMJ, you too!

I'd love to see the cooperative idea (text+image based contestats) take form.
CMP said:
Blui said:
~Should there be different judges? Should the judging criteria be different? I like the judges. I do think though that CMP could perhaps give some more points in creativity for people who make high quality EXs, but other than that I'm very happy with the judging.

I can actually provide a pretty detailed reasoning for my scoring, if you'd ever like it! =)

Here's the way I look at things...

The category includes not only Creativity, but Originality as well. When half of the participants incorporate Pokémon-EX, ex, Lv. X, *, etc. into their entries (no matter how high quality), the card is no longer that original; this is especially true for cards which already have an existing EX, ex, Lv. X, *, etc. card. If someone submits, say, a Kyurem EX, would it be fair to get as many Originality points as someone who made a Paras? The way I see (and judge) it, no, because there are fewer Paras cards floating around than there are Kyurem EXs. Now, I'm not saying to pick an obscure Pokémon just for obscurity's sake, but if you choose a Pokémon with multiple special versions (and make another special version), it just isn't as original. Additionally, it's also fun to see what participants can come up with when they have to focus on power on a smaller scale, hence my proposition to you guys to submit non-special versions next month.

I'm sorry, but I can't agree with this at all. You're basically saying that if someone took hours and possibly days to make a really cool looking Zekrom EX with intresting artwork at attacks? it would be automatically be a lower score then a bad looking Pachurisu? That's really biased to non Pokemon EX, LV X, etc. and guarantees a non Pokemon EX winning every time
I'm not sure if you read the whole post, or only picked out certain parts that you disagreed with.

CMP said:
If an EX card has these things, it does get high marks from a Creativity standpoint.

So yes, if it has interesting attacks (that aren't reused copies of official attacks), then of course it would get high marks! However, you bring up a "bad looking" Pachirisu...I'm assuming that by "bad looking," you mean poor symbols, fonts, etc. Of course the Zekrom EX would win over the Pachirisu on the merit that it scores higher on Wording and Fonts and Placement. The Creativity/Originality is only one aspect of the total score. It isn't a deal-breaker. Part of the problem I've seen are re-used attacks on a Pokémon-EX that already has an EX...can you really say it deserves a 20/20?

My point is that I'm not blinded by the glitz and glam of special cards. The way you make it sound, I should be biased toward special cards and they should have a better chance of winning versus non-special cards. I'm not biased toward any type of card; I look at each card objectively, but if I see something that's already been done repeatedly, I can't justify giving a full 20/20. The reason I judge this way is because I've seen plenty of card competitions in my 13+ years of faking where the card with the most eye-catching bells and whistles is the winner.
From now on I think I'll actually start paying attention to whether or not the text-based entries I get are Pokemon-EX and then dock points for Originality from that entry if I notice it.

In all seriousness, Pokemon-EX are overdone and I'm sick of seeing them. If your entry has to be an EX to get your point across, I honestly think you're doing it wrong. If the EX bit is just icing on the cake or whatever, it's not as bad.

Remember the month when a Torchic won image-based? It was beauty in simplicity. It's possible for a card to be beautiful without drowning in Twilight sparkles. (no PMJ, stop giving me a hard time)
Would making a "Steelix EX ex Lv. X * (prime) (plasma) (holo) (full art)" dock me any originality points?
Nod3 said:
Would making a "Steelix EX ex Lv. X * (prime) (plasma) (holo) (full art)" dock me any originality points?

Please do it!!! It would be both fun and hilarious to see how it would look like. :p
If you actually manage to fit that all on a single card without it being crowded, I will be genuinely impressed.