Finished PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story - 5 words min, 15 words max.

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RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Uncle Sam arrived on the scene and yelled out "Independence day is better!!" But then...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Gandolf the Gray opened up a McDonalds and served everyone not cheeseburgers, but...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

turned into zombies, who then...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

opened a portal into the call of duty world!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

This created a rift in the space-time continuum, summoning Dialga and Palkia, who...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

decided they should all discuss the situation over a nice cup of tea.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Earl Grey, Hot. to be exact (kudos if you get the reference) :p
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

The discussion was about the serious matter of...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Fixing the images in everyone's sigs, so that they would not be broken.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Unfortunately, a war broke out, and the world exploded, killing everyone.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

But then Arceus felt bad, and made a new world with new people who then...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

made it illegal to destroy worlds, including their own.

(Can we make it a rule that the world must not be destroyed?)
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

But then Dora the Explorer broke the law and destroyed the world.

(I think a better rule would be, "You can't say "everyone died"")
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

That's when Arceus created another Egg, which was stolen by Cynthia, and given to Barry.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

The egg hatched to reveal Munchlax, who proceeded to eat...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

and then Arceus yelled at Boddy to focus on pokemon Terrors of tomorow :p lol
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

But Cynthia caught Arceus and went "doo doo doo- doo doo doo!" Barry went....
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

overthere only to find a bag of lonely milk.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Wich the Munchlax drank and quickly evolved to Snorlax,then...
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