Finished PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story - 5 words min, 15 words max.

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RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Someone died again and the story had to continue.. (lol)
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

but no one could figure out what to say, so it ended FOR EVER!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

And then a curse was put on everyone who posts about killing anything at all.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

But in the end this entire story was pointless, because nothing actually happened...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

so the whole story died. THE END!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Chillies which he grew in his caravan house, which went to...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

a sign saying "This is a YPPY game!"
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

The sigh also said that you must post at least 5 words.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

And a 15 word maximum, which he thought was bad, but had to fight his....
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Annoying little brother and stop his sister from dating a scoundrel.....
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

who liked chicken pie and used to be a witch doctor.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

but which doctor was the witch doctor...there's so many doctors she dates...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

not least among them was a pediatrician who enjoys...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Children's company as he does serious operations, like...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

taking the heart out of the operation man. $500 for the spleen. However he...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

had a heart attack, and died in recovery. Everyone was in pain.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

...but everyone was rejuvenated by a doctor who...
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