Finished PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story - 5 words min, 15 words max.

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RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

While Ludicolo909 was locked in a shed, outdoors, in freezing cold weather.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

Everyone else was inside by the fire drinking hot coco :D.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

WaterPokemonMaster revived everyone, and he gave everyone potions so that they could never die again.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

Scott Walker then outlawed the Mexican race, ultimately forbidding the use of Revival Tacos.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

BUT us Mexicans are so strong that we owned that nub,and we used Revival Quesadillas
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

The ice cream rain was so strong, The United States Government brought out zambonies to...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Destroy the ice cream
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

but 99% of the Zamboni's exploded, and people died everywhere!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Except one man named Chuck Norris who...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Decided to go break dancing with Justin Beiber!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Who slipped and broke his neck, satisfying millions of teenage boys.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

and then everyone commited suicide because he died
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Then, since all the boys were left, there was nothing to do but play...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Simon Says. An epic game started, which distracted everyone from the situation in Libya, where...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

A turn of events led to a bizarre pink ice cream killing everyone.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Then it became literally impossible to have something kill everyone.

(I'm getting a little sick of it)
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Because everyone was already dead.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

the story came to a halt until....
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