Finished PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story - 5 words min, 15 words max.

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RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

However,meanwhile there was a nub making multiple accounts just to harass dragonexpert...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

To make hacking accounts, and shut down the forum. He won!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

But dmaster "DMASTER SMASH! O_O"ed you and dmaster ruled Pokebeach...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

But then everyone realized that dmaster was already dead so they all died again.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

And then it became impossible for someone to post something along the lines of 'Then Everyone Died'
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

then the world is ablitherated into a million tiny partials then a new planet starts to form....
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

And then everyone dies

And then time goes back to the first post of this thread.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open)

Everyone became green, and puked their guts out, essentially causing them to die.
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