Finished PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story - 5 words min, 15 words max.

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RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Chuck norris was born and kicked all the meteors back to space, but failed because...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

the meteor cracked open when kicked causing...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Many Metapods to rain from the explosion...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

But Metapods cause lolz, so nothing happens.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

You underestimated metapods, they eat you. Causing the world to...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Use splash, even though it is Magikarp's move, so many Magikarps got mad and...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Evolved into gyarados, causing feebas to...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

get mad and never evolve, leaving it...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Evolving into Basculin.However,then a dinosaur Pokémon was born,its name was Tyelex.Then...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Nintendo sued Tyelex, saying "NO FAKEMANS GUIZ!!1!!
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Then the oxford dictionary came in and was like, "WAIII TOO MUCH SPELLINGZ BAD!"
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

wonach sie explodiert, zerstört die englische Sprache ein für allemal.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

many didn't understand the greek alphabet (called german) engraved in the unova's lowest ruins then
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

The ruins were destroyed, revealing...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

a hidden passageway to the Relic Castle, bridging the gap between Unova and Johto.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Then the bridge collapses with everyone on it due to Snorchu's catastrophic weight...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

Then some random girl name Nasty Steve gives Snorchu a bag of hot Cheetos.
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

The Cheetos contained poison ,but for some reason...
RE: PokéBeach's Never-Ending Story (Open, YPPY) - 5 words min, 15 words max.

the antidote was nacho cheese flavor...
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