RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going!)
Your nickname: Ensiger
Your FC: 1119-1499-7593
Pokemon 1 Species: Lucario
Pokemon 1 Nature: Adamant
Pokemon 1 desired EV spread: 252 Att, 4 HP, 252 Spe
Pokemon 1 desired move set: Close Combat, ExtremeSpeed, Crunch, Stone Edge
Pokemon 2 Species: Nidoqueen
Pokemon 2 Nature: Relaxed
Pokemon 2 desired EV spread: 252 HP, 216 Def, 40 Spe
Pokemon 2 desired move set: Super Power, Sludge Bomb, Surf, Thunder Bolt
Can you EV these for me? I can provide the de-volved forms. I have the Adamant Riolu, and the Relaxed Nidoran F.