Finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG

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RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*rustling in trees*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*looks at johnny*
"Listen kido, its going to take a lot more if you want the all might Marrisa to like you. Just act normal, and be nice and friendly and she MAY come around. Until then, dont drool, it makes you look like your five..."
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*louder rustling*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

"Sigh... why am I stuck with so many different situations? Why can't we just get to Libren quickly and find the cure for my stupid curse seal? That way we can-"
"Signs of Darkrai: Black Backstab!"
*A black beam of energy pierces trough Marrisa's body, creating a 5-inch wide hole in her left side.
*Marrisa collapses, blood seeping out of her mouth.
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*gets out a special powder and sprinkles some on Marissa*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

(Just reach ibren alraedy!
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

(why? Then the RPG will end in two more days.)
*Nothing happens.
"So! Marrisa! Planning to get back at Reagald! I knew you were always the victorious type."
*A hooded Sandslash stood before everyone.
*Marrisa coughs out blood.
"Don't stress yourself now. Black Backstab prevents healing; even Tkan Moss won't help you."
"Guys! He's another cursed servant of Reagald! Only more-"
*Coughs out blood.
"-loyal! I'll be fine! Stop him!"
"Ha! With you out of the way, I have nothing to fear!"
*Taskan takes out a scimitar.
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*jumps in front of her*
*closes his eyes*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

"NO! Don't summon Celebi! Just get Taskan! I can deal with this wound!"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Celebi appears*
"Celebi, you must stay out of sight for 2 minutes while I finish this creature off."
*Celebi obeys*
*Red tuns to face the Sandslash*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

(Well then not Libren but the second city!)
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

~Crimson grabs his sword and slashes at the sandslash~

Crimson:"You still have to deal with me!!!!"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Taskan grinned.
"Please, even Marrisa herself is not a match for me, and I know how skilled she is. Taking on you and your friends is no problem."
*His right claw gripped the scimitar tighter and parried the blow.
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*smiles as the huundreds of Flygon appear behind Taskan*
"You ready Taskan?"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

~Crimson stopped his attack and smiled~

Crimson:"Well, then....try me, lets see how good you are"

~Spring attempts to heal Marissa~
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Garret moans weakly.*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

"With pleasure!"
*He spun behind Crimson with lighting speed.
"Signs of Lighting: Serpent Bind!"
*A serpent-like form of electric energy tied up Crimson and paralyzed him.

*Coughs out more blood.
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

"There's still me and 826 Flygon to go."
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Uses Tkan Moss, heals, stands next to Red*
"Your gunna have to deal with all of us, and trust me, its a fight your not going to win."
*Fires Dragon Pulse at Taskan*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

"What about the Flygon? Is that supposed to scare me?"
"You guys are too slow!"
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