RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)
*Mike sighs and walks back into his hideout. Pulls out a knife and holds it to the Flygon's neck.*
Mike: "Listen, you. I'm tired of your sending Flygon after Flygon at them. You've got to get stronger Pokemon. Understand?"
Flygon: "But-Flygons are strong!"
Mike: "No, they're not. Do you have anything other than Flygons?"
Flygon: "No."
Mike: "Can you get anything other than Flygons?"
Flygon: "No."
*Mike sneers, slits the Flygon's throat, and creates a virtual army of Gallades.*
"This'll do for now."
*He sends the Gallades after the group*