Finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG

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RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Slashes Empoleon into the sand*
"Signs of Steel: Mach Blade!*Blade teleports away* Now its your turn, monkey"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*laughs and attacks Infernape"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*closes his eyes and teleports to Arceus*
(don't worry, he won't battle)
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

(Lee, can you use Elemental Kicks?)
"Grabs Infernape*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

Red: "Arceus, what is wrong?"
Arceus: *groans* "Darkrai attacked me..."
Red: "WHAT?" *teleports back*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

(I dont think there are Elemental Kicks for Lee, stupid Gamefreak favoring Jackie Chan.XD)

*Uses triple kick on Infernape*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*uses a max power hyper beam*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*jumps out of the way*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

(Well you have Blaze Kick, thats for sure)
"Kill him while I am holding him!"
*Struggles to hold the Infernape in place, succeeds*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Blades start being thrown at the Pokemon battling the trio*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Gets hit in the shoulder by a blade of extreme force*
*Falls onto ground, unconscious*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*the hyper beam goes past the trio and at Mike*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Mike uses Reflect. The Hyper Beam is reflected back towards (nabby)*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*notices Mike and goes to ask*
"Who are you, and what the f--- are you doing? *Uses Seismic Toss to throw to ground*"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*Mike teleports away. An evil cackle can be heard all around.*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*catches the hyper beam and throws it to the ground, making a wall of sand in front of him*
*uses focus blast at Torterra*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*misses Seismic Toss and breaks one of his legs while landing*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*still knocked out, dreaming*
"Mmmf...what-where-am i? Hello? Anyone? Lee? Red? Marrisa?"
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (We're moving to the second city!)

*appears in Koji's dream*
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