Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Ready for a match, Night makes his way over to the Battle Arena along with Duskull, Pignite and Luxray. He is very proud of this team, and he has carefully planned to have different types to cover weaknesses. Night pulls his baseball cap down to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun that is reflecting from a large, very clean window. He smiles as he sees Lennon already in the Arena, along with a couple of other students.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Narrator said:
"Hmm...these will do. Leo! Put the names on the screen!"
Leo: "Certainly."

The wall split apart revealing a screen that showed the names:

Dome (HypnoticLuxray)
Drake (Dragonspit999)
Jay (Umbreon/Espeon)
Rahul (thefleece)
Serenity (Ice_Master)
Gaius (Mlouden)
Lennon (Shampoo-theif)

The names then turned into profile pictures and mixed them giving these results.

Night vs. Lennon
Gaius vs. Serenity
Drake vs. Rahul
Dome vs. Jay

"I'll referee! Now for an explanation:

This will be a Single Battle, each trainer using 2 Pokemon.
When both of a trainer's Pokemon are knocked out the other wins! Battles will start when both declare they're ready.
Any questions?

I suggest you take off your invisibility. As I will do the same.
Remember, I have to be online for you battle.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Here is an example battle:

H: Lampent used Shadow Ball!
V: Hydreigon used Surf!
(BrOkenICE calculates...)
Hydreigon loss 9% health! (91%)
Lampent loss 40% health! (60%)

H: Lampent used Will-O-Wisp!
V: Hydreigon return! Go, Stoutland
Stoutland takes 5% more damage per turn!
Stoutland lost 5% damage! (95%)

H:Lampent used... and it goes on...

No sleep-inducing moves
No dodging attacks
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

I'm not invisible..but just coming and going today w a friend. unexpected slightly. I'll pm my opponent and see when shes available for a block of time and when you are as well..tomorow seems best


or possibly now if she's still on
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


ok. waiting on you :p

Jw..I asked this before..what are the rules on TMs? Do they eist in your game world? There would be like a few tms I wish my guys could one each or something..lmk if that's at all possible
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: I'll wait for Broken to answer that before I send out my Pokemon.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Ooc: I would battle now, and my Umb has said they're ready, but it look's like they're offline now. *Sigh*

Offtopic: @BrOken's Suggestion
I really don't understand the purpose of having invisibility on anyway. Unless I was the Mafia Boss in Mafia, there'd be no reason to. IDK, maybe it's just me.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Hmm...I guess TM moves are allowed. But you can't have your whole moveset on them.

Vanessa: "Let the battle begin! Send out your Pokemon."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity stares into the eyes of Giaus. She reaches in her belt and graps a nest ball. She throws it.

"I choose you, Larvesta!"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


one each is fine by me. and/or egg moves like one egg move OR one tm per pokemon

should we pm you movesets Broken so its fair?
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Out: Yes. But only one is allowed.

1 tm, one egg move.

No, I'll keep track of your moves NOW START!
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


"I'm sorry..but my main pokemon is capable of beating your whole team!! I'll probably only need him. GO APOCALYPSE!!!!"

His Pupitar flew from it's pokeball..

"I'll let you make the first move Serenity..though it will be your last"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Ok Larvesta Use U-Turn!"

Sending You my Movesets now Broken.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


I don't think he wants movesets..but I have mine down just for myself then lol


"Hm..running away already? The rock type demolishes your entire team..I doubt you can stand up to it"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


She never chose who to send back out..U-turn makes her larvesta go back to her..she needs to send someone else out..So it's my turn to attack but I have nothign to attack til she says whos shes sending out.

brb in 20 sorry
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