Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Night stands on the sidelines, alongside his Pokémon. He smiles as Gengar's powerful orb smashes into Larvesta, knocking it out.
"Nice stuff, Gaius! Hopefully Litwick and Duskull will be as good as Gengar soon!"
He waits patiently for Serenity to make her move. Although he wants to start his battle soon, it's good to see an intense battle beforehand, so he doesn't mind waiting.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Hey Night" Lennon said as he walked next to him. "Looks like we are going to be battling each other. Should be interesting"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


Sorry Been watching V all day


"Quickly..Pestilence..come back!" Gengar returns to his ball "Now Go..Death!" *Houndour came out of his ball"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Uh, I was bumping for Ice_M. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

-Only 2 Pokemon are allowed
-You have to wait for her to send out a Pokemon
-You released Houndour out ov turn.


RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


Before you said 3..and She declared an attack, and I retreated..the SAME way you let me do so before
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

BrOkenICE said:
Narrator said:
"I'll referee! Now for an explanation:

This will be a Single Battle, each trainer using 2 Pokemon.
When both of a trainer's Pokemon are knocked out the other wins! Battles will start when both declare they're ready.
Any questions?

BrOkenICE said:
No. You switch out like this:

Ice_Master: Larvesta blah blah blah!
Mlouden: Pupitar return! Go blah blah blah(let's go with X)!

X lost blah blah blah health! (?%)
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Then why did you have us send a list of 3? I admitt I must have misread..but thats why.. XD I'll leave gengar out there then


you musta missed it..she sent out glaceon and used shadowball
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Oh. I did miss it.
Move and then I'll do damage counter.
BTW, I had you put up 3 because you're going to use three later on.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


ah kk


" probably won't survive that hit..get in close..and EXPLODE!!!" The Gengar moved within an inch of Glaceon..and used explosion
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Go..Apocalypse..Finish this now!" Gaius commanded. Pupitar emerged from it's ball
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Night can sense that the end is near. He is torn between his Pokémon for which ones to use in the battle. He decides to use Luxray and Pignite.

OOC: I just read your bio, BrOkenICE, as it frequently changes, and I couldn't help but notice that a Phantom Academy II - Grey is coming soon. I am definitely looking forward to that! Prediction for the plot:

There might be a third, forgotten sibling that was protected by Kyurem in the fire who emerges in Part II.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


Anyway just here to say that the battle will be over in 6 hours. So the person with more health will win.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity could see the weakness in Glaceons eyes. She felt horrible for her pokemon knowing that it was in pain. She looked at glaceon and claceon looked back at her.
"Glaceon! I know your tired...but I know we can do this if we have the spirit to try!"

She could see a glimps of hope in Glaceon's face at that time. Glaceon roard then started to charge up. Serenity knew what it was time for!

"Glaceon, Use Ice Beam!"


OOC: Srry guys but I've had alot of track related stuff this week. I'll bee UBER more active this weekend : )
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