Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


I think I'm there..and someone did the other one. or the other way around. (I'm at the other one and someone did death chamber) lol
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OoC: FUUUU- ok, No one has done king's hill, right?

IC: just as Lennon was about to walk down the stairs, he notices A large hill outside the window, that seemed to have a shrine on it.
"Ok change of plans! THAT is where we are going! Sorry dome, sometimes I have the attention span of a- oh hey a nickel!"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: Lolz XD Im at a family reunion and everyones gone but my family and we leave in like 3 hours and everybodys been asleep for the past 3 hours
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OoC: I can't win xD

IC: "you know what Dome, let's just forget it. I'm just going to go back to my room and cry myself to sleep. That wasn't even a nickel. It was a penny!!!"
And with that, Lennon stormed back to his room, muttering obscenities under his breath.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


Sky Tower - Serenity(Ice_Master) result = nothing is there
Dragon Dungeon - Gaius(Mlouden) result = n/a
Death Chamber - Night(P0KEVORTEX) result = n/a
King's Hill - Rahul(thefleeee) result = n/a
Grand Room - Gaius(Mlouden)
result = flag
River - Rahul(thefleeee) result= flag

Mlouden is at Dragon Duegeon. And Vortex isn't here. You can go to Death Chamber Shampoo.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OoC:What happened while I was gone?I'm sorry for the sudden disappearance.My grandparents were visiting.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Continue looking. It depends on how many times you post if you find it. Or you can exit and look elsewhere.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Very clever -_-

Gaius heard whirling wind. It turned out to be a flag, stuck in a tornado of sand.

Written in the dirt was a question:

Dirt said:
What was Sandslash's original name?
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


sorry playing left 4 dead right now lol


Gaius thought.. "Sandstorm!!" he yelled!
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity herd the flap and turned around...nothing there.

"Hmm maybe it was ju-"

About that time a winged pokemon slammed into Serenity and knocked her down. She looked up but only saw an outline of a bat-looking thing. She reached for a pokeball but the creature was too fast. It picked her up and started to carry her away.


She slapped and punched the beast but it refused to let go. The creature started to get closer to the ground. The creature let go and Serenity did a summer-salt to safly land. The pokemon started to circle back when Serenity saw a small door attached to the castle. She knew the creature was far enough away for her to make a break for it. She opened the door and rushed was the Death Chamber...
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


I think I'm there? correct me if I'm wrong Br0ken lol


Gaius turned around "Wow..hey look a bit worse for ok?"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: Oh srry mlouden I thought you was in the Kings Hall or whatever lol.

Serenity looks back from the door, then back at Gaius.

"Nah...Im fine, just some pest problems.."

She looked around the room and the scent was horrid. She noticed the bones and spikes. She was afraid to take a stepp.

"So how did you end up in here?"

She looked at Gaius.

OOC: My character is gonna catch the winged pokemon soon : D
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

You're at the Dragon Dungeon. But since you answered the question and got the flag. Let's let it slide. ;]
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


Ah..too many dungeons/dead people places lol. XD
Put the 3 on houndoom as again
Also you never answered my "Team A. Team B." Question unless I missed it. Just wondering as I'll be using teams of 5 normally


"Well, I was at Dragon dungeon, and then I thought I could try for a third flag so I followed the map here. You?"

Gaius looked around, knowing that what he saw in the room was nothing compared to the dragon dungeon
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