Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

She looked back at the door and Explained the encounter with the Flying pokemon/creature. And her time at the Sky Tower.

"Well thats how i made it here...I do have a feeling I'll run into that thing again though.."

She took a step towards the center of the room and nothing happend. She sighed in relief.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: I miised a lot

IC: Rahul had no clue where to begin looking, but he had a hunch that the clue might be at the shrine in the center of the hill. He began to make his way there when he noticed that the trees were moving. He realized that he was still soaking wet and the trees were all sudowoodos afraid of him. This made his life easier as he made his way to the shrine and saw...
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Rahul couldnt believe his misfortune, he knew there had to be something or another there if he kept looking and he tripped and fell and saw...

OOC: Is there really no flag :O
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

A dissapointed rahul made his way back to the area where people were sleeping and he saw a kid crying but ignored him
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Wow..that's intense. If that things comes after you again I got your back" Gaius smiled. "This place is really creepy, and I don't just mean the about we both find the note and answer the puzzle so we can get out of here. Mr. Slash sure has a sick sense of humor"

Gaius looked for the flag/note along with Serenity
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

After dodging spikes and various other traps Serenity stepped on a tile and the floor sank in slightly. A coffin fell from the ceiling attached to some chains. It quickly opened and Serenity and Gaius saw...
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: We figured it out, We needed time to PM each other about it.

Serenity looked at Gaius and nodded.

"You can answer Gaius, I know you won't get it wrong."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: We already have the answer lol. We had it before you posted that. I was saying that it took so long because we needed to PM each other about it lol. Oh and I'm just adding RP to the whole letting Gaius answer.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Le Gasp! I've been fooled! *sob* Now I'm embarrassed...

The coffin broke into pieces, and revealed a flag in the rubble. One more left.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity picked up teh flag and motioned Gaius to the door that she entered the Duengon through.

"Here we should be able to reach some where else through here."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


At the bottom of the Coffin, Gaius found 3 rare candies with another note from Mr. Slash. Gaius read it aloud:

"These candies are the reward for solving the puzzle. Use them wisely" Gaius looked at Serenity. "You can have these Serenity, I've already gotten 6 already from the other puzzles"

Gaius followed Serenity through the door


Where else has a flag
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

The last flag is in Castle Wall. There lies the hardest question.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Ooc: Sorry 'bout that shampoo. I'm kind of under stress right now and haven't been on at night a lot for the past couple days. Crown room wasn't searched yet, was it?

In: Dome was deeply saddened that Lennon stormed off on him.To cheer himself up, he trveled to the Castle Wall and searched it until he found....

Ooc: Edited.
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