XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

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RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

First off, being online on PSS just increases the chance of a hidden ability appearing. I have gotten nearly all of my current hidden ability mons while offline (or the other person was offline).

On the same other note you mentioned:
1) no. that was just pure coincidence. Shinyness is not inherited.
2.)Geographic region means nothing for Masuda Method. What does matter is a different language region (IE: breeding a French Pikachu with a German Pikachu is just as good as English Pikachu with Japanese Pikachu)
3) depends on if both pokemon are the same language or not. This also addresses part 1 and 2. Two shiny Japanese Pikachu on an English game is the same as breeding 2 non-shiny Pikachu caught on te engilsh game. Breeding a French Pikachu with a German Pikachu on an English game is the same as if one was English, rather than foreign.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

Frezgle said:
Nitros said:
Can I use the Poké-Radar at the Friend Safari? I'm trying to use it, but it's unsuccessful.

Nnnnnope... Sucks too, since that's one of the only large enough patches of grass in the game.


So, there is no easier way to catch a Shiny Lampent or Shiny Litwik?? DDDD:
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

iSharingan said:
First off, being online on PSS just increases the chance of a hidden ability appearing. I have gotten nearly all of my current hidden ability mons while offline (or the other person was offline).

On the same other note you mentioned:
1) no. that was just pure coincidence. Shinyness is not inherited.
2.)Geographic region means nothing for Masuda Method. What does matter is a different language region (IE: breeding a French Pikachu with a German Pikachu is just as good as English Pikachu with Japanese Pikachu)
3) depends on if both pokemon are the same language or not. This also addresses part 1 and 2. Two shiny Japanese Pikachu on an English game is the same as breeding 2 non-shiny Pikachu caught on te engilsh game. Breeding a French Pikachu with a German Pikachu on an English game is the same as if one was English, rather than foreign.

1) Can you give me proof, because some german player had a similar story with a Nidorino, shiny, bred, shiny baby. So far, I've rarely found anyone breeding shinies on XY but from the 5 i've seen, two of which have shiny passed on. The other three don't. And, I didn't mean inherited. I should've actually said what i meant even though i thought inherit would work. Basically, what I meant to say was shiny parent(s) increasing the chance for a shiny baby. Wait, that's what i said for 2 and 3 too lol. And thanks for explaining those.

Can a Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist size be passed on with eggs? I'd like to start breeding super sized Pumpkaboos for people, seeing as how they're so rare. Also, is it the same with Flabebe flower colors? I mean, I have a white flower one and that's apparently black triangle/super rare.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

FloodBadge said:
lso, is it the same with Flabebe flower colors? I mean, I have a white flower one and that's apparently black triangle/super rare.

Different Flabébé colours can be found in different areas. I've seen a few white ones; they didn't seem to be that rare.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

Artemis said:
FloodBadge said:
lso, is it the same with Flabebe flower colors? I mean, I have a white flower one and that's apparently black triangle/super rare.

Different Flabébé colours can be found in different areas. I've seen a few white ones; they didn't seem to be that rare.

I've only seen one and I know few who have seen any. But I was wondering because I wanna give out white flabebe to some people (mainly my cousin Olivia).
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

FloodBadge said:
Artemis said:
Different Flabébé colours can be found in different areas. I've seen a few white ones; they didn't seem to be that rare.

I've only seen one and I know few who have seen any. But I was wondering because I wanna give out white flabebe to some people (mainly my cousin Olivia).

White Flabebe are found in White Flowers, very common, just depends on the flower color you find the Flabebe in.

In like the 1st or 2nd town there is a garden with all flower colors that have Flabebe. Just go there.

PS. I think I've been misunderstanding how Base Stats work this entire time... >_<
I noticed that in the Bulbapedia Stat Formula it multiplied the Base Stat by 2, which I thought was quite odd...
I thought a Pokemons Base Stat was what it had at level 100, but apparently it's [approximately] what it has at level 50!

This changes everything! It means IVs and EVs aren't as strong as I once thought they were..
My whole world is turned upside down.. -.-

On the bright side, I cleared up my confusion on how Natures are calculated. ^.^
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions & Answers

Sheriff_K said:
FloodBadge said:
I've only seen one and I know few who have seen any. But I was wondering because I wanna give out white flabebe to some people (mainly my cousin Olivia).

White Flabebe are found in White Flowers, very common, just depends on the flower color you find the Flabebe in.

In like the 1st or 2nd town there is a garden with all flower colors that have Flabebe. Just go there.

PS. I think I've been misunderstanding how Base Stats work this entire time... >_<
I noticed that in the Bulbapedia Stat Formula it multiplied the Base Stat by 2, which I thought was quite odd...
I thought a Pokemons Base Stat was what it had at level 100, but apparently it's [approximately] what it has at level 50!

This changes everything! It means IVs and EVs aren't as strong as I once thought they were..
My whole world is turned upside down.. -.-

On the bright side, I cleared up my confusion on how Natures are calculated. ^.^
The only flower colors are Purple, which have mostly Blue flower, Yellow is in Yellow, and Red in Red. Both the official guide and multiple sites say White Flower Flabébé can be found in all 3 of these, but is extremely rare.

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: I removed a part of your post. We have a Wi-Fi Central Forum for trade requests. :) *
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Anyone know how to disable the notifications about the features of the online menu or about the friends or acquaintance lists etc? If so ho do I disable this without having to disconnect from Wi-Fi? Thanks XD.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

tap 'B' when they appear. they're not that annoying, but can't be disabled
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

xxashxx said:
Anyone know how to disable the notifications about the features of the online menu or about the friends or acquaintance lists etc? If so ho do I disable this without having to disconnect from Wi-Fi? Thanks XD.:)

You can also just switch the bottom screen to ST or Amie, right? You'll still stay connected right?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Where can I evolve my beautiful baby Eevee into a Leafeon? I wanna remake the Leafeon/Glaceon twin duo I lost in Platinum, but I only know where to evolve for Glaceon...
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Someone know what in the blue hell is the yellow happy guy that appears on the left corner, down, of my Pokémon-Amie screen??

RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Route 20. Its the mossy stone in the first area you enter from Snowbelle, iirc.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Nitros said:
Someone know what in the blue hell is the yellow happy guy that appears on the left corner, down, of my Pokémon-Amie screen??


3DS saying "Hey, look! The game can see your face!" to play the Face game thingy.

iSharingan said:
Route 20. Its the mossy stone in the first area you enter from Snowbelle, iirc.

Thanks, about to actually head there for the first time now lol. No, wait, that's Anistar City..
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

FloodBadge said:
Nitros said:
Someone know what in the blue hell is the yellow happy guy that appears on the left corner, down, of my Pokémon-Amie screen??


3DS saying "Hey, look! The game can see your face!" to play the Face game thingy.
But how DO you play the face game thingy? i've tried clicking the smiley, smiling irl, turning the DS. Nothing seems to work... >_<

PS. I just wanna clarify about the Natures, cuz I'm still uncertain (different places explain it differently...)
Are Natures just a 1.1x/0.9x Multiplier on top of your Pokemons Stats (including IVs/EVs)? Or do Natures affect the Stat Gain when your Pokemon levels up by 1.1x/0.9x (thus not affected IVs/EVs)?

From what I understand on Bulbapedia, it's the former.

Can anyone clarify for me? Thanks ^.^
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sheriff_K said:
FloodBadge said:
3DS saying "Hey, look! The game can see your face!" to play the Face game thingy.
But how DO you play the face game thingy? i've tried clicking the smiley, smiling irl, turning the DS. Nothing seems to work... >_<
I usually tilt my head from side to side. the pokemon will copy you for about 10 seconds then the game will start. I find it best to sit down on a bed/etc., rest my elbows on my knees (bending forward, ofc) and positioning my 3DS so I can look straight into the lower screen fairly comfortably. If you look directly towards the camera, it seems it cant detect your expressions as well, as fair warning. Looking at the lower screen seems to give it the correct angle, but even then it may still need some adjusting. Just as a note, The huge smile seems to need your teeth barred, not open and the wink can be finicky, especially when combined with head tilting.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sheriff_K said:
FloodBadge said:
3DS saying "Hey, look! The game can see your face!" to play the Face game thingy.
But how DO you play the face game thingy? i've tried clicking the smiley, smiling irl, turning the DS. Nothing seems to work... >_<

PS. I just wanna clarify about the Natures, cuz I'm still uncertain (different places explain it differently...)
Are Natures just a 1.1x/0.9x Multiplier on top of your Pokemons Stats (including IVs/EVs)? Or do Natures affect the Stat Gain when your Pokemon levels up by 1.1x/0.9x (thus not affected IVs/EVs)?

From what I understand on Bulbapedia, it's the former.

Can anyone clarify for me? Thanks ^.^

I got luck from tilting my head a lot and having the pokemon do it to, as well as smiling, but it's damn near impossible to start or work.

Also, would someoen mind telling me if Noibat has slow EXP gain or not?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sheriff_K said:
PS. I just wanna clarify about the Natures, cuz I'm still uncertain (different places explain it differently...)
Are Natures just a 1.1x/0.9x Multiplier on top of your Pokemons Stats (including IVs/EVs)? Or do Natures affect the Stat Gain when your Pokemon levels up by 1.1x/0.9x (thus not affected IVs/EVs)?

From what I understand on Bulbapedia, it's the former.

Can anyone clarify for me? Thanks ^.^
IVs and EVs can affect the stat points boosted/hindered by a pokemon's Nature. When assigning EVs, sometimes a stat will jump 2 values at level 100 (instead of the normal 1) when 4 EVs are added simply because the additional EVs make the nature round up an extra value at that point.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

This has most likely already been asked, but what is the quickest non-E4 way to train up low-leveled Pokemon? I don't have Pokemon strong enough to make constant trips through the Elite 4 anything less than tedious, and mass-training on wilds gets boring fast.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Dialkia198 said:
This has most likely already been asked, but what is the quickest non-E4 way to train up low-leveled Pokemon? I don't have Pokemon strong enough to make constant trips through the Elite 4 anything less than tedious, and mass-training on wilds gets boring fast.

Here's what I've been doing for the past few days.
Options > Battle Scene > Off
Options > Text Speed > Fast
Pokemon you wanna train, put them in your party. Probably best around the same level and keep some healing HP and Status items on you. Also some Ethers and Leppa Berries. Make sure whichever one(s) need EXP the most have at least 2 Hearts of Affection in Pokemon-Amie, then give them a Lucky Egg. Just go through like this to level up faster, but don't use the EXP Share or it might take longer, unless they all got lots of hearts and a lucky egg. Also, make sure you have at least 1 pokemon in the party of a high level in case things go downhill. Once one pokemon gets a level or two past the wild pokemon in that location, switch to the next in the party needing training, or just move to the next location. Remember that trainers will have pokemon from 3 to 6 levels higher than the wild pokemon, depending on location.
Extra tip: If you really wanna speed it up, play Pokemon-Amie's Head It about 10 times until you max out on Puffs, then feed your pokemon and play more. It'll max it out fast, even on Easy.
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