XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

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Masuda Method

Hey quick question regarding this method. If I have 5 eggs save the game, and hatch all them without a shiny, then quit without saving the game so I have these eggs unhatched again and hatch them, will there be chance they are shiny or has the game already decided if it is a shiny before it even hatches? thanks!
RE: Masuda method

You need to save before you get the eggs, since all their nature-IV-shininess stuff is decided then.
Where is Kalos's Magnetic Area?

Apologies if this has been asked before, I searched for everything related I could think of.

Where in Kalos can you evolve Nosepass and Magneton?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Have you tried any of the caves? I know in 4th gen it was in the big cave that tied sinnoh together. Not sure which cave will do it in 6th gen. Just trade for them on the GTS XD.:)
RE: Where is Kalos's Magnetic Area?

FoxFire said:
Apologies if this has been asked before, I searched for everything related I could think of.

Where in Kalos can you evolve Nosepass and Magneton?

Apparently it's Route 13 - the Desert with the Power Plant.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Wow route 13???? That does not make sense. Makes me wonder where to do it in 5th gen because I just traded for these on the GTS XD.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

xxashxx said:
Wow route 13???? That does not make sense. Makes me wonder where to do it in 5th gen because I just traded for these on the GTS XD.:)

It does make a degree of sense ... electrical fields and magnetic fields are closely related. Thanks, P.DelSlayer!

In g5, they evolve in Chargestone Cave.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

I don't see a thread on this, but I have a question as for the location of a Mega Stone.
The Banettite is supposed to be in the Chamber of Emptiness, but it isn't around when I go there (I have beaten the game and recieved the Absolite already) Is it exclusive to a certain version? (I have Y) If so, I'd give up on of my version exclusive stones for a banettite.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

brOkenice said:
I don't see a thread on this, but I have a question as for the location of a Mega Stone.
The Banettite is supposed to be in the Chamber of Emptiness, but it isn't around when I go there (I have beaten the game and recieved the Absolite already) Is it exclusive to a certain version? (I have Y) If so, I'd give up on of my version exclusive stones for a banettite.

Have you seen Prof. Sycamore at the Anistar Sundial? (he upgrades the Mega Ring to allow Stones to be found)

If not, then I don't know - as far as I know the Banettite isn't exclusive.
IV Checker Question

I've been trying to breed a Smeargle with perfect Special Defense, Defense, Speed, and HP (but HP isn't that important to me). So I've been breeding with Everstones, Destiny Knots, a Ditto with perfect Speed, and a Smeargle with perfect SpD, and DEF.

When I go to Kiloude City to check the guy says the folowing: "I see... I see..." "This Pokémon has relatively superior potential overall." "That's how I judge it anyway." "Incidentally, I would say that its greatest potential lies in its Defense stat." "Its Sp. Def stat seems just as good, though." "And, well, its Speed stat is good, too." "Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it."

I was wondering if its Speed stat is perfect as well as Defense and Special Defense. Or is it just Defense and Special Defense? It would be nice if I could just get what each phrase of his means.

Thanks for the help in advance!
RE: IV Checker Question

As long as he mentions a particular stat with the rest before saying the "...can't be beat!" line, you know you've got a perfect IV in that stat.
RE: IV Checker Question

CMP said:
As long as he mentions a particular stat with the rest before saying the "...can't be beat!" line, you know you've got a perfect IV in that stat.

To further clarify, the IV guy only mentions the highest stat(s) and any stats that are flat out zero. The first analysis (Outstanding/relatively superior/above average/etc) is relating to the IV total. A pokemon can be 'Outstanding' but have no perfect stats (IE: all 28s). Regarding the stat-by-stat analysis, iIf he mentions more than one, all mentioned stats are equal (whether perfect or not). the following phrase "...Can't be beat" is only used for perfect stats, thus Attack could be any value 1 through 30 for all we know since it wasn't mentioned (eliminating the possibility of it being 31). Zero is also ruled out if he doesn't come back and say something about a stat being horrible.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

If I have two pokes holding a mega stone, I mega evolve one, and then it dies, am I allowed to mega evolve the other since i'd technically only have one? Basically is it only one mega at a time or just only one mega evolution all match?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

You can only mega evolve one period. If it dies, it still counts as one.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Why can't I get a male Charmander? I know this is normal for me, but I want one for X. I've never been able to get a male in previous versions and I bred about 33 in Y and gave up. Also, why can't I find any female Litleo? I don't have any cute charm pokemon on X, seeing as how I haven't gotten past Snorlax, thus no access to the ability.
Oh, and another thing. Do we eventually unlock more songs for online battles? I'd hate to be stuck with just the 4. Or do I have to hope they add more in patches with battlefields too? (Probably never gonna happen though)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

no clue about the first two since Male is most common for Carmander and Female is most common for litleo...

Regarding battle songs, I currently have 11 songs selectable, so I'd say 'yes' there are more.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

iSharingan said:
no clue about the first two since Male is most common for Carmander and Female is most common for litleo...

Regarding battle songs, I currently have 11 songs selectable, so I'd say 'yes' there are more.

How do you get them? Oh man I need to know now I'm hyped again lol
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Does anyone have a thunderstone or a few"/ I am asking because the stone shop does not sell them and I can only do super training for so long otherwise I will have a sezure so I can't do it for very long. I can do it but it puts me at risk. I hope we can trade to orrow. I will add my FC if someone can PM me. Thanks XD.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

I do have one available right now actually.
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