Pokémon RPG!!!

Lucky took the blue egg out of chansey's pocket and another blue one grew. "He's right!" Lucky said while giving Chansey the egg.

"No. You cannot eat me. But you can eat that person evil caterpie over there if you're interested." Lucky said.
*lucky, you can play!!* then i saw LAtios wants to eat Lucky..

i threw a pink psychic ball at him!! then used Hyper Beam at Latios!

then i put a great strong force field around me, Lucky, Rayquaza and Chansey.

*what do you want to play Lucky and Chansey?*
"Ebay?" Lucky asked. "I got ripped off of that stupid thing. Try this." Lucky typed in a URL and it opened up Shmebay. "It's much more reliable than Ebay!"
*Chansey boots up gameshark. His Pokemon game immediately crashes*
Anyway, what do we have here at this theme park?


I walk up to Chansey, saying "Gardy, Gardevoir, Gardy? Voir! (Translation: Wanna be friends? Cool!)
Hmm, now time for me to get some of the action!

Let's go! Egg Bomb!
After the explosion, a giant blue cloud surrounds where Mewtwo once stands, but has he fainted or not?
RE:  Pokémon RPG!!!

stolenmoments said:
phychic gardevoir dodge 1 more time it hits gud work mewtwo garde ur phychic is not that much powerful

Please speak so I can tell what is going on.