Pokémon RPG!!!

*Time to rattle off some sweet moves!*

Calm Mind! Cosmic Power! Light Screen! Protect!
Hah! Your attacks may be strong, but I've got strategy!!
Mewtwo launched a psybeam at Lucky. "Watch out!" Mew cried. Lucky concentrated and put a barrier from tri attrack around himself and absorbed the psybeam. Lucky then fired the psybeam at Mewtwo and was severely damaged. "Take THAT!"
then i used hyper beam at mewtwo!!
then i used thunder on mewtwo!!
then i used refresh at Lucky
Well, hmm, talk about a last resort, but here goes!
*Good thing my trainer taught me how to use these things!*
Go Ultra Ball!

*Shake, shake, shake, The ball bursts open and mewtwo returns from inside.*

Dang! That always worked for my trainer!
Lucky: Hmm, we'll have to weaken him down even more! Let's do this!
Well, hmm, talk about a last resort, but here goes!
*Good thing my trainer taught me how to use these things!*
Go Ultra Ball!

*Shake, shake, shake, The ball bursts open and mewtwo returns from inside.*

Dang! That always worked for my trainer!
Lucky: Hmm, we'll have to weaken him down even more! Let's do this!
Well, hmm, talk about a last resort, but here goes!
*Good thing my trainer taught me how to use these things!*
Go Ultra Ball!

*Shake, shake, shake, The ball bursts open and mewtwo returns from inside.*

Dang! That always worked for my trainer!
Lucky: Hmm, we'll have to weaken him down even more! Let's do this!
*i'll heal you all!*

theni used refresh to everyone except mewtwo...*oooh...my...my powers...* then i fainted...my powers have temporarily vanished..then i fell
Yes, we know.

"Mew! Are you okay?" Lucky asked Mew. "G-go on *cough* without *cough* me....." Mew fainted. "Nobody hurts Mew!" I said with my eyes turning red. I shot out a tri attack that knocked out Mewtwo. I fired a bunch of tri attacks. At this rate, he would kill Mewtwo!
*thanks!!* i'm going to my home now...i'm tired..

then i flew as fast as i can to my home and slept..
then i heard rayquaza saying "play!" then i went there as fast as a blink then i said *let's play!!!*