Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

Should you what?
What trainers?

Dawn, sorry, but ATM you're not part of the project, you're not authorized to do stuff, you can give suggestions, that's it...
GASP!!! Spoons...(which you avy is lacking :/). Just don't forget Magicarp it is a friggin tradition by now, I mean 4 generation and every pond has a ****ed magicarp. Though they at least did me the favor of having Glalactic play extermination when drained that lake.

Well, talnehm, spoons, bad trends, yah this is going to be a great came. Gunna need some coffee...be a great healing move *wink.* Coffee Beans!!!! Magnitude Espresso!!!

Bullet Beans!!! Triple shot!!!

COFFEE!!! OHKI (in) (hah, that makes them okys, cornbread in milk and such...)

I be sure to keep in check here. "Seeyas" to the friendly neighborhood spider-mew.
Ehhh... Can you please not discuss this stuff here?

And, as you know, most locations are obvious, others will be discussed within the group, it's not like it's a difficult job anyways...
Well, looks like my lack of visits to the Fan Creations forum has made me miss out on something big!

So......When do you think this will be complete? Or, at least, when do you think the storyline and stuff will be revealed? I'm very anxious to see at least the beginning. And, like someone said several pages back, how is this a game....?

Pory 3.2 looks awesome. I can't wait to see the rest of your Pory creations. :]
Togeshroob said:
Well, looks like my lack of visits to the Fan Creations forum has made me miss out on something big!

So......When do you think this will be complete? Or, at least, when do you think the storyline and stuff will be revealed? I'm very anxious to see at least the beginning. And, like someone said several pages back, how is this a game....?

Pory 3.2 looks awesome. I can't wait to see the rest of your Pory creations. :]

This will probably a rom of some sort, like Quartz was (is). Can't wait! (Is the whole moderating team in on this?)
Well, no Super Mod neither WPM is as far as I know.

This game will be download-able to be played on your computer, how exactly is still unknown to me, you'd have to ask pika.

There is no deadline or planned release date ATM, for the obvious reason that we just started on the project, and we have no idea how long it will still take.

Well, if it's going to be like that, it's going to take quite a while, probably......Oh well, we can wait.

And, what was Quartz?
Quartz is a Pokemon ROM...Still can't wait for it to come out.

dmaster out.
We should like amek trivias on the beginning to see if this person is a beginner or not if so then it would be more easy for them.
Walkthrough? Why? C'mon, you're pathetic² if you can't play out a Pokémon game, and this game will probably be a heck of a lot easier... Well, maybe not trainer wise, who know.
Pokemon Spoon...Cute-mew,brilliant and creative as allways.:F
Edit:c-m,brilliant and creative...Brillnative...hmm.It needs work,but I'll come up with a word for you eventually.
Oh, wow, we're still working on this? :F

Anyhow, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, apples and lemons, prepare for the most special stuff you'll like ever see in your pathetic little lives:

We're not spoiling everything, so many secret stuff going on, but, we're showing you 1 evo-line... (and a little info...)


Researchers capture many Athom and fire them at one another using high-powered particle accelerators. There is no scientific reason for this, but it does make a lot of pretty colours.


The orbiting electrons are kept in place by Fortom's powerful magnetic pull. If you get bored, see what happens when you place Fortom next to Magnezone.


Scientists thought that by firing high-velocity Athom at Bohrom, they could split it into newer forms of pokemon. Both died instantly.

The science freaks and nerds amongst you will have probably already noticed, but these weird design, unoriginal Pokémon are based on 3 different theories, Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr, well, yeah, not that you should care.
And, ehh, you guys can't ever know their types yet :F

Also, if you're wondering who exactly Bacon's avatar is, bad luck, that'll be spoiled next time :)
Once,again creative and brilliant...Creilliant.My word still needs work.I'll find a word!:F
Edit:You're Mewcrilliant!
Tch... he he... I'm sorry, that first one looks kind of funny... BA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Anywhositz, great job! I didn't think this was still alive, but great! Just great! *Applaudes*
I cant wait to see more new pokemon, and i think Cute Mew has GSP Program, something that comes with Mac computors and it deals with a lot of connecting dots and shapes, which, if you havent noticed, is what CMs avatars and new pokemon are made from.
I would like to see what will happen when you combine Magnezone and Fortomn, lol. They all look nice c-m.

dmaster out.