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RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Angelblaze said:
SavvyJackal said:
Expect pictures of new stuff from me in a few hours.

That's all I'm going to say. lol

and BAM!!! you will get nintendo'd too =(

He's not dumb though. He doesn't stop the leaking to go do something dumb like sleep or go to school. He's a legit piece of work that's going to give us actual results and decent amounts of information.

RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Ghost King said:
ScorchingShock said:
Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

That is weird, lets just say Nintendo got her, do they have the authority to shut down her instagram? I wonder what was going on right there? that is very peculiar >.>

I think they do. After all, they ARE a pretty powerful company.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Ghost King said:
ScorchingShock said:
Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

That is weird, lets just say Nintendo got her, do they have the authority to shut down her instagram? I wonder what was going on right there? that is very peculiar >.>

It's either Nintedo reported her in Instragam for her account photos to be taken down, or she really panicked and deleted everything in one go. :(
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Ghost King said:
ScorchingShock said:
Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

That is weird, lets just say Nintendo got her, do they have the authority to shut down her instagram? I wonder what was going on right there? that is very peculiar >.>

simple dmca takedown request
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

There is still one leaker his/her last post was "I wont even be playing until tonight -_-"
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Just double checked. ONLY leaks were removed. Her old photos are there. Anyway, hopefully more leakers stand up and show us the TRUTH!!
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Any leaker just needs to keep things on the down low until they have all of the information. Instead of riding the hype train, upload the whole lot in one go. Once it's on the internet and saved to computers, Nintendo can't control it.

Unfortunately, most leakers enjoy dragging out 'Stay tuned guys, I'll post another 24 pictures of Caterpie but the stuff you want is coming up!' for as long as possible.

I'm not saying leaks are right, and I wish independent stores can keep to the release dates. But now things are breached, the information is going to get out it's just a matter of time. Nintendo should think themselves lucky because any other year they would have a leaked ROM that had been ripped of all sprite data and uploaded to the internet, and pirates dissecting the game left right and center.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

All these megas do have me worried that one of my biggest concerns is coming true.... being that new pokemon and evolutions/pre-evos are taking a back seat to balancing the metagame.

If mega evolutions are being counted as 'new' pokemon this generation, I truly am afraid that Gen VI be greatly lacking in the original pokemon department....

I'm certainly hoping that my concerns will be unfounded soon, though.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Well that is a lachrymose feeling :(, I feel sorry for her, for all the hard work she put into her instragram. Curse you Nintendo , you have struck again >.<
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Coolnerd said:
I want you guys to promise me something:
You will name your first Hawlucha after a mucha lucha character :D

I was thinking of naming mine after the game Guacamelee, haha.

But yeah, I feel bad for her too. Seems a little unnecessary.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Kitana Coldfire said:
All these megas do have me worried that one of my biggest concerns is coming true.... being that new pokemon and evolutions/pre-evos are taking a back seat to balancing the metagame.

If mega evolutions are being counted as 'new' pokemon this generation, I truly am afraid that Gen VI be greatly lacking in the original pokemon department....

I'm certainly hoping that my concerns will be unfounded soon, though.

I'm worried about this one, as well. Although it seems to me that this generation extends quite the long way in its local dex, these mega evolution are a bit too many (if all previous starters happen to get one, and pseudo-legendaries, and some more random ones for each past generation) and might indeed eat up a lot of original Pokemon ideas.

I hope they have a separate classification, though. Or probably something that you get after beating the game.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Vincent said:
Kitana Coldfire said:
All these megas do have me worried that one of my biggest concerns is coming true.... being that new pokemon and evolutions/pre-evos are taking a back seat to balancing the metagame.

If mega evolutions are being counted as 'new' pokemon this generation, I truly am afraid that Gen VI be greatly lacking in the original pokemon department....

I'm certainly hoping that my concerns will be unfounded soon, though.

I'm worried about this one, as well. Although it seems to me that this generation extends quite the long way in its local dex, these mega evolution are a bit too many (if all previous starters happen to get one, and pseudo-legendaries, and some more random ones for each past generation) and might indeed eat up a lot of original Pokemon ideas.

I hope they have a separate classification, though. Or probably something that you get after beating the game.

Personally I don't think they will even count in the pokedex. But yes it would suck if the megas were the focus and new pokemon were not.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

I've seen that Mega evolutions are simply treated as "formes" as with other pokemon like Meloetta, Kyurem, Deoxys etc. So it would appear on the same pokemon's pokedex entry. It was in a video or screenshot. I will try and find it. Also, there was a link posted a while back in this thread where it showed an article with the features and description of the games, and it was official, and it stated that the game will have over 700 pokemon, with 150 new ones at least or something like that.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ScorchingShock said:
SavvyJackal said:
I PM'd you guys. With my 3DS friend code. *cough*

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure that this Fennekin evolution is legit. I'm skeptical. If it is, I'm definitely going for Chespin or Froakie. I mean, I like Delphox, but it's not what I want in a Pokemon. As for Hawlucha, I do like it and may use it. If it's real. XD

What? First, I didn't get no PM. Second, I agree with you. Im pretty sure Braixens evo is legit because of the screen differences (One being more 3D and one being more 2D), but I've got my share of skepticism. As for Hawlucha, it HAS to be real. There is no doubt in my mind.

I think he sent them to just those two guys haha
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

"Rumor's going around that Nintendo sent out a patch to the game about thirty minutes ago that would render it unplayable until street date. This corresponds with an anon leaker claiming they were unable to get the game to start after they restarted their 3DS.

They also appear to be working with retailers to determine who bought the game early, and trace the leaks back to their source using credit card identification. Hoo boy."

RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

guido said:
"Rumor's going around that Nintendo sent out a patch to the game about thirty minutes ago that would render it unplayable until street date. This corresponds with an anon leaker claiming they were unable to get the game to start after they restarted their 3DS.

They also appear to be working with retailers to determine who bought the game early, and trace the leaks back to their source using credit card identification. Hoo boy."


This wouldn't really surprise me but seems a bit harsh. Also, YOU CAN BUY THE GAME EARLY?!?! As soon as I can tomorrow, I'm rushing up to GameStop and doing it. *eye twitches*
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

guido said:
"Rumor's going around that Nintendo sent out a patch to the game about thirty minutes ago that would render it unplayable until street date. This corresponds with an anon leaker claiming they were unable to get the game to start after they restarted their 3DS.

They also appear to be working with retailers to determine who bought the game early, and trace the leaks back to their source using credit card identification. Hoo boy."


I find this hard to believe.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

TayBee said:
person said:
"Rumor's going around that Nintendo sent out a patch to the game about thirty minutes ago that would render it unplayable until street date. This corresponds with an anon leaker claiming they were unable to get the game to start after they restarted their 3DS.

They also appear to be working with retailers to determine who bought the game early, and trace the leaks back to their source using credit card identification. Hoo boy."


I find this hard to believe.

The patch i'll believe, because its decently easy to do.

but the latter i doubt, because of the implications that getting their financial information could have.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

guido said:
"Rumor's going around that Nintendo sent out a patch to the game about thirty minutes ago that would render it unplayable until street date. This corresponds with an anon leaker claiming they were unable to get the game to start after they restarted their 3DS.

They also appear to be working with retailers to determine who bought the game early, and trace the leaks back to their source using credit card identification. Hoo boy."


Unlikely, especially the customer hunt. There would be so many ways around these things and I can't see them investing so much money to track down the handful of people who bought the game early. I rarely have Wi-fi turned on on my 3DS, and I can't be the only one. I'm sure not everyone with the game has it turned on all the time. And what about any customers that paid with cash?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

CMP said:
person said:
"Rumor's going around that Nintendo sent out a patch to the game about thirty minutes ago that would render it unplayable until street date. This corresponds with an anon leaker claiming they were unable to get the game to start after they restarted their 3DS.

They also appear to be working with retailers to determine who bought the game early, and trace the leaks back to their source using credit card identification. Hoo boy."


Unlikely. There would be so many ways around these things and I can't see them investing so much money to track down the handful of people who bought the game early. I rarely have Wi-fi turned on on the 3DS, and what about any customers that paid with cash?
Agreed. It's total Tauros crap. :p
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