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RE: Rumors & Speculation

P.DelSlayer said:
nightkeeper said:
UUURRRGGG I understand how Eeveelutions could be used up in your opinion but I just want one in every type! I love the little guys :(

As for the revealed evo, it's not what I was expecting. It kinda looks cool but I doubt I'll use it first playthrough.


Thats the thing... people think Eevee should get evolutions of all 18 types.
I mean, I like Eeveelutions, but I think if they're gonna end it then they should do it soon.
I mean, making another Eevee-esque Pokemon would be nice, especially with different things - I love Mitja's idea of the dragon gaining various armors.
That also reminds me... it may not be unthinkable that Flabebe get evolutions based on the color flower it holds (blue flower = evolves into Fairy/Water, red = Fairy/Fire etc). It would be like a psuedo Eevee, except it only gets types added on rather than directly changed.

Wormadam says hi.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Rellek said:
WitherSnow said:
Just look at it. I believe the name of it is Gallantoad.

Gallon as in a unit of measurement for liquids and toad?
If you think about it this is what people could expect Frogidier to evolve into. Not some fat bubbly overgrown frog, but ia fighter. Now i know people are gonna say it's fake so let me put an annoyance to rest.

Evedence I hear is that it comes from 4chan therefore it must be fake.
For starters, listen to yourself. What kind of logic is that?

Secondly this is a severe lack of information. It came from a facebook page which then found it's way onto a germen website.

I have high hopes for it's credibility but that's just me.

What do you think.

Actually, I believe the name is meant to be a pun on Gallant (Which means brave, spirited, knight in shining armour kind of thing. Also attributes to the possible Fighting sub type and the general theme that the Froakie line is currently on) and Toad (obvious).

I think regardless of where this was found, it looks so legit that it's crazy. It just fits so well. Look at that! It's freaking gorgeous! The name is perfect, it matches the source's details. I mean, other than the fact that it's not confirmed by Nintendo officially, it just feels like it should fit. But I think that's just me being hopeful.

Yeah same here. It looks like it could adapt to water and land and have an advantage in both. God i wanna use it.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

FloodBadge said:
P.DelSlayer said:
Thats the thing... people think Eevee should get evolutions of all 18 types.
I mean, I like Eeveelutions, but I think if they're gonna end it then they should do it soon.
I mean, making another Eevee-esque Pokemon would be nice, especially with different things - I love Mitja's idea of the dragon gaining various armors.
That also reminds me... it may not be unthinkable that Flabebe get evolutions based on the color flower it holds (blue flower = evolves into Fairy/Water, red = Fairy/Fire etc). It would be like a psuedo Eevee, except it only gets types added on rather than directly changed.

Wormadam says hi.

I forgot about Burmy/Wormadam... but then wormadam is an awful ugly disgrace

The thing with them is they've never had emphasis on their evolution ways the same way Eevee has... plus Eevee has a lot more fans than Wormadam, and Eeveelutions appeal to a lot more people.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

When did they reveal the final starters evolution last gen ?
When do you think they will finally reveal them ?
RE: Rumors & Speculation

steffenka said:
WitherSnow said:
Ok real quick i wanna talk about this mother frogger.
Just look at it. I believe the name of it is Gallantoad.

Gallon as in a unit of measurement for liquids and toad?
If you think about it this is what people could expect Frogidier to evolve into. Not some fat bubbly overgrown frog, but ia fighter. Now i know people are gonna say it's fake so let me put an annoyance to rest.

Evedence I hear is that it comes from 4chan therefore it must be fake.
For starters, listen to yourself. What kind of logic is that?

Secondly this is a severe lack of information. It came from a facebook page which then found it's way onto a germen website.

I have high hopes for it's credibility but that's just me.

What do you think.

Zerudez says he made it and the Braixen evo too: http://zerudez.deviantart.com/art/Kalos-Final-Evos-402834252 :(

Hey what happened to my reply!? WPM what's going on!?

These are awesome. I mean look at it! They each look like they fit the leaked type.
But what would they be called, besides Gallantoad?

Umm Zillapine as in godzilla( To emphisize largeness.) and pine as in pine trees.
Or maybe even Zilladin.

Magmagic as in magma and magic.
Uhh that's all i got...

I wish these were in the game.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

P.DelSlayer said:
FloodBadge said:
Wormadam says hi.

I forgot about Burmy/Wormadam... but then wormadam is an awful ugly disgrace

The thing with them is they've never had emphasis on their evolution ways the same way Eevee has... plus Eevee has a lot more fans than Wormadam, and Eeveelutions appeal to a lot more people.

Maybe they could go with another cute animal?
I don't know, maybe play off of that "first mammal" thing? I mean, that would be pretty cool to see!
RE: Rumors & Speculation

scattered mind said:
When did they reveal the final starters evolution last gen ?
When do you think they will finally reveal them ?

They weren't shown before the game was released, but they were leaked a couple months prior to the games release.
Even the 2nd stage starters were only revealed a few days in CoroCoro a couple days before the games release.
In 4th gen I don't think we had anything about the starter evos before D/P were released.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if we didn't get the final evos before the X/Y are released.
(and anyway, there are gonna be sites who get their copies early to write up information and all, plus people who may luckily get their copies early)

I'm not expecting them to be released before Oct.12th, and I imagine the first time we'll see them are a few days before game release.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

P.DelSlayer said:
scattered mind said:
When did they reveal the final starters evolution last gen ?
When do you think they will finally reveal them ?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if we didn't get the final evos before the X/Y are released.
(and anyway, there are gonna be sites who get their copies early to write up information and all, plus people who may luckily get their copies early)

I'm not expecting them to be released before Oct.12th, and I imagine the first time we'll see them are a few days before game release.

Well then I think that you are right after all history repeats itself .
So It is likely someone will leak them next week or we will get a giant collection of fake artworks.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

God, that 'Seradin' thing was frightening. Kinda glad it's already been debunked. o^o

Looking forward to finding out what that gray pokemon in the daycare is, though.

scattered mind said:
When did they reveal the final starters evolution last gen ?
When do you think they will finally reveal them ?

We got the mid/final evos in a rather unconventional way last time. An internal source took pictures of the official artwork and leaked them to a Spanish site around early September 2010. The mid evos were confirmed about a week later by CoroCoro, but the finals weren't officially released until a month later, in October 2010.

Fact of the matter is, they released the mid evos MUCH earlier than they did last generation, so anything is fair game this time around. They'll obviously be in the next CoroCoro, but in all likelihood the games will already be out by the time that issue leaks.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

WitherSnow said:
Hey what happened to my reply!? WPM what's going on!?

I added spoiler tags. Please use them for large images so the page doesn't break!*
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Someone told me that EXP.ALL from Gen 1 is going to return in a better form
RE: Rumors & Speculation

I don't know about you but since they continued eeveelutions after Espeon/Umbreon I would feel some OCD if they stopped making them. PLus they haven't made a dragon yet which would be cool.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Here we go, info was translated from an interview in Nintendo Dream, so barring a mistranslation it is all confirmed:

An interview in the "Nintendo Stadium Returns" booklet, featured in November's issue of Nintendo Dream, revealed new mechanic changes along with some of the decisions made regarding how Mega Evolutions work, and the distribution of moves and abilities.
The confirmed information is as follows:

- Pokémon gain experience even when the opposing wild Pokémon is caught (as stated in another interview). A caught Pokémon gives the same experience points as a defeated one.
- Sky Battles are limited to Flying-type Pokémon and those with the Levitate Ability (as previously confirmed). Some moves can't be used.
- There is an adjustment to the inheritence system of breeding.
- Ghost-type Pokemon can freely escape from battle without being influenced by Shadow Tag. (The official website mentioned trapping moves.)
- The item Exp. Share will revert to Exp. All as in Generation I, where when one Pokémon holding this item participates in battle, all other Pokémon in the team receive experience as well. Unlike in Generation I, the experience is not split but rather received by all Pokémon. This means that the participating Pokemon receive 100% experience, while non-participating Pokémon receive 50% experience.
- When distributing new moves and abilities, priority was given to new Pokémon.
- The CGI style is different from that of Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Battle Revolution, because those games were supposed to emulate "realism within fantasy". Since the handheld Pokémon series is supposed to be accessible to everyone, battles were made "cuter".
- The standard selection process for Pokémon to be Mega-Evolvable is based on three points: visual looks, popularity and game balance.
- The power-up of Mega-Evolved Pokemon is meant to elevate them to the class of legendary Pokémon, hence the restriction of only one Pokémon being allowed to hold a Mega Stone during battles.
- The timing to Mega-Evolve is selectable.
- Some moves, with focus on special ones, have had their power and accuracy revamped.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

zappy800 said:
I don't know about you but since they continued eeveelutions after Espeon/Umbreon I would feel some OCD if they stopped making them. PLus they haven't made a dragon yet which would be cool.

In my personal opinion which means absolutely nothing, dragon type eevee would be ugly and unrealistic by pokemon standards... I mean, vaporeon is really pushing it.

I'd much rather see a Steel or Ghost type if there are to be any more eeveelutions at all.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Rellek said:
zappy800 said:
I don't know about you but since they continued eeveelutions after Espeon/Umbreon I would feel some OCD if they stopped making them. PLus they haven't made a dragon yet which would be cool.

In my personal opinion which means absolutely nothing, dragon type eevee would be ugly and unrealistic by pokemon standards... I mean, vaporeon is really pushing it.

I'd much rather see a Steel or Ghost type if there are to be any more eeveelutions at all.

The games theme is beauty right now so it would help contrast and make more guys choose it. Also if you want a non ugly dragon Dratini/Dragonair.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

zappy800 said:
Rellek said:
In my personal opinion which means absolutely nothing, dragon type eevee would be ugly and unrealistic by pokemon standards... I mean, vaporeon is really pushing it.

I'd much rather see a Steel or Ghost type if there are to be any more eeveelutions at all.

The games theme is beauty right now so it would help contrast and make more guys choose it. Also if you want a non ugly dragon Dratini/Dragonair.

>That heavy implication that males don't like games because they're beautiful
Moving on...

I wasn't talking about dragon types in general being ugly (Although, now that I really look at it, they aren't very pretty are they?) I was leaning more towards the eeveelution looking horrendous. The scales and tail and maybe wings associated with that design just aren't mixing well in my head...
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Rellek said:
zappy800 said:
The games theme is beauty right now so it would help contrast and make more guys choose it. Also if you want a non ugly dragon Dratini/Dragonair.

>That heavy implication that males don't like games because they're beautiful
Moving on...

I wasn't talking about dragon types in general being ugly (Although, now that I really look at it, they aren't very pretty are they?) I was leaning more towards the eeveelution looking horrendous. The scales and tail and maybe wings associated with that design just aren't mixing well in my head...
No I was implying lots of guys do things they think looks cool (especially in high school where if they openly like pokemon people mess with them) also try envisioning an elegant evolution. I personally think that a ghost eeveelution would look cool but couldn't be elegant (maybe cute).
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Considering Sylveon is a fairy type and its three weaknesses are fire, poison and steel we may get a poison eeveelution or a steel type one (no to fire since we already have a fire type eeveelution). I for one am hoping that their is going to be a poison type eeveelution :D That would be awesome and would fit the theme of the game and would counter act the fairy one we have now.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

kafyre said:
Considering Sylveon is a fairy type and its three weaknesses are fire, poison and steel we may get a poison eeveelution or a steel type one (no to fire since we already have a fire type eeveelution). I for one am hoping that their is going to be a poison type eeveelution :D That would be awesome and would fit the theme of the game and would counter act the fairy one we have now.

We could also get fighting, and dragon. I didn't know fairy is weak to fire?
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