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RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Went onto Nintendo E-Shop on my 3DS and I got a message saying the Nintendo E-Shop is under maintenance. At least that's what happened to me. Could it be X/Y related?
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Featherwick said:
So tomorrow there is going to be a Nintendo Direct at 10 EST, I mean they're probably going to mention X and Y, but I really doubt that we'll get anything huge out of it. Maybe they'll finally reveal Orrotto.
They might mention X and Y, but I don't think it'll be anything new that we haven't seen. I've watched past Directs and the only ones that have actual new information are the Pokémon Directs.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

@ Axell Starr: Yeah I know, but Pyroar and Meowstic have major gender differences, I was curious about the old, minor ones.

@ Kitana Coldfire: Really? Do you by any chance know where I can find it?
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

AdamLambert said:
Went onto Nintendo E-Shop on my 3DS and I got a message saying the Nintendo E-Shop is under maintenance. At least that's what happened to me. Could it be X/Y related?

I imagine it may be a precaution that might relate to the review copies. From what I've seen, they're receiving they're copies through a digital copy.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

AdamLambert said:
Went onto Nintendo E-Shop on my 3DS and I got a message saying the Nintendo E-Shop is under maintenance. At least that's what happened to me. Could it be X/Y related?

Possibly, it's better to get things ready than do it right before the big release.
Maybe to also get it ready for Poke Bank and Transporter while its at it.

Side note:
So, we won't be able to use the Global Link until January?
Not that I use the darn thing anyway, I only used it a couple of times to get some Pokemon for breeding, otherwise it slips my mind that it even exists. (Possibly because I can't choose what area I want to go to and have to play Roulette to get to the one I want)

I suppose that means it has come to an end for the Gen V games. I doubt they'll keep the Dream World up and running for Gen V... so, I suppose it should suffice to say, if you need a DW female, get it now or beg for one later.

Side note 2:
I wish they'd make it so both female AND male Pokemon can pass down DW abilities. It's pretty annoying that the Kanto and other starters have their DW abilities (I'm talking about the event DW Pokemon, mind you) and surprise, you can't get the ability passed down because they made the starters male.

If not, then make it easier to find DW Pokemon other than going to a site that limits you to an hour. The app for BW2 was good, but lacked much of the Pokemon.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Axell Starr said:
AdamLambert said:
Went onto Nintendo E-Shop on my 3DS and I got a message saying the Nintendo E-Shop is under maintenance. At least that's what happened to me. Could it be X/Y related?

I imagine it may be a precaution that might relate to the review copies. From what I've seen, they're receiving they're copies through a digital copy.

But even then, taking down the entire E-Shop? Couldn't they have just done something that only affected Pokemon-related things?

Another thing that is really starting to scare me is that rumor that there are only around 70 new Pokemon. Man would that be a disappointment or what?
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Baktwerel said:
@ Axell Starr: Yeah I know, but Pyroar and Meowstic have major gender differences, I was curious about the old, minor ones.

@ Kitana Coldfire: Really? Do you by any chance know where I can find it?

Gods, I'm pretty sure it was a demo recording of some sort. Can't remember which one, sorry. But I remember seeing the tail notch specifically, because I was looking to confirm it for myself.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Kitana Coldfire said:
Baktwerel said:
@ Axell Starr: Yeah I know, but Pyroar and Meowstic have major gender differences, I was curious about the old, minor ones.

@ Kitana Coldfire: Really? Do you by any chance know where I can find it?

Gods, I'm pretty sure it was a demo recording of some sort. Can't remember which one, sorry. But I remember seeing the tail notch specifically, because I was looking to confirm it for myself.

I see, thank you :) I was trying to confirm this by watching demo footages too since Pikachu is one of the pokemon with minor gender differences and they were also the 100% first pokemon players encountered in the demo. Alas all the footages I saw had a male Pikachu encounter so I couldn't confirm the minor gender difference thing.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Baktwerel said:
I may have brought this up before but still couldn't find a confirmation yet; do minor gender differences (for example the tail shape of female Pikachu) show on the 3D models? Can anyone confirm this?

Funny thing, there was some popular pokemon guy on youtube (i think it was the zangoose guy) who played the demo and found nothing but Wild Pikachus at first. The second was a female and had the heart tail.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Hello people! I'm new here.
-About that "leak" of frogadier: that final evolution isnt that bad in my opinion, i mean if it didnt have that tong thing and it had the bubbles every1 would like it. for me it just has to loose that and less bulky legs.
-The 70 number: MY GOD I HOPE ITS NOT REAL! I hope we at least get 100+ new pokemon not counting megas(saw somewhere else that it was 107-not sure). we still need the trio legendaries and the "Z" pokemon plus the other legendary little one (usually bass stat 600)
-as for that bird hacklucha whatever, man i hope its fake! hate stuff with costumes.
-and what im hoping for the most is that fennekins last evolution looks good ^^

- main reason i joined: this is my first time actually following anything pokemon related stuff so i dont know and its why i have a question. might also help things out.
Question: when are usually the final evolutions of the starters revealed and leaked?
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Axell Starr said:
Ghost King said:
I am confused by what you mean with requested by name? if you mean ask for new pokemon by name, how will we know what they are called. I also have to say that as fast as the post were flying up on the thread, he answered the first person that posted the question :), unless you are suggesting that they had already set up a post and right when the leaker sent his post, the friends sent their messages right after :p

I actually want greninja to be true I like it :) it just seems that any questions that were ask he proved them with pictures, he could not possibly known the questions before hand, and the only question he did not answer was a quillidan evolution pic, because it hasn't evolved yet ;)

I mean as in instead of "Show us a pokemon!", have it be like "Show us the Zubat of this region!" or "Show us a fairy type that hasn't been revealed yet and it's evolution(s)!" Maybe one like "Show us the early bird or the early route bug." of the game. Basically be a little more specific if applicable, or something like asking to see what that little grey pokemon in that one trailer.

Edit: And yes, you got what i mean right.
Yes, I got what you meant :), there just one small problem with that theory, if you think the friend sent the request, then no matter what the question was he would have proof :), but I get what you mean, ask a specific question to see if he is telling the truth.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

FloodBadge said:
Baktwerel said:
I may have brought this up before but still couldn't find a confirmation yet; do minor gender differences (for example the tail shape of female Pikachu) show on the 3D models? Can anyone confirm this?

Funny thing, there was some popular pokemon guy on youtube (i think it was the zangoose guy) who played the demo and found nothing but Wild Pikachus at first. The second was a female and had the heart tail.

The zangoose who? o_O But either way I believe you guys and hope to see more visual minor and major gender differences :3
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

I seen so many demos files, and Pikachu does keep the gender difference, so I think all the others are going to keep their gender differences :), but would be cool if they added more gender differences to older Pokémon, for example: Female koffing have the skull on top of their heads like in a older sprite of it :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

AdamLambert said:
Another thing that is really starting to scare me is that rumor that there are only around 70 new Pokemon. Man would that be a disappointment or what?

There's no way we'd already have 40+ revealed Pokémon if that was the case. Knowing over half the 'dex prior to release wouldn't be a smart marketing move.

My guess is anywhere between 105 and 115 (personally, I'm thinking 114). Fits in with the previous even-numbered gens (100 and 107), and allows for a number around/slightly larger than the number of Hoenn Pokémon when figuring in Mega Evolutions.

I'm sure that Gamefreak and Nintendo are aware that new Pokémon are one of the main attractions each generation. I just don't think you have anything to worry about.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

The "70 new Pokémon" could easily be "70 more new Pokémon". With the 40~ that have been revealed so far, that would put us in the ballpark of 110-120. Pretty standard.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Dose anyone think Greninja is real? I have a love hate for it. Its body is cool but dumb tongue almost kills him. What do u think?
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

D Dog master of war said:
Dose anyone think Greninja is real? I have a love hate for it. Its body is cool but dumb tongue almost kills him. What do u think?

I think that the tongue is the coolest part in my opinion, it makes it more like a frog who have exceptional tongue length. The tongue makes like a scarf imagery to me so it conceals its face, which looks great to me :) and love the design. For everyone not liking it because it has no bubbles, maybe it will foam at the mouth lol :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

I really can't wait to see Braixen's evolution :)
If she turns into this amazing and magestic witch she will definately become my favorite pokemon ever, I really really do hope the gender ratio is different and I get a female.

I really don't like Froakie's evolution but I don't care a lot for it since Fennekin won my heart from the second I laid eyes on it, and Braixen is just as epic, I really really hope they make it right for it's final form.
Please give us a Raichu mega evolution!! :)
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Most likely fake, and either way: a brilliant tease :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
Most likely fake, and either way: a brilliant tease :p

You're right, either way that is such a tease >.> Then again all these leaks and rumors...makes a person's head wanna explode! Just gotta wait till next week...its gonna be a long 11 days...
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