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RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
Most likely fake, and either way: a brilliant tease :p

Maybe fake, but looks awesome :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Stupidly longer ear fur, and floating on a broomstick? Thank arceus it's fake.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Have there been any videos of Pokemon evolving? If not, keep an eye out for one. That would pretty much confirm whether or not it's real.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Why must you tease us :'(, jk
I love if that was true, it is a great teaser lol, but how it is evolving looks like something from an older generation with bubbles of light :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
Most likely fake, and either way: a brilliant tease :p

This could possibly be real. We have never been shown the evolution process in X/Y, so this definitely looks intriguing...
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

SavvyJackal said:
Have there been any videos of Pokemon evolving? If not, keep an eye out for one. That would pretty much confirm whether or not it's real.
It's not real.
The pose in there is the exact same as this pic.
The stars in the second and third photo are in the exact same location.

I mean, come ON, this is one of the worst fakes yet.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Oh yeah, I wonder if they're keeping the Colo/XD version; the pokemon shrinks to nothing, then regrows from that nothing to the new form.
The shining in that pic proves nothing [it could shine and do the growing thing]

... I kinda hope not, but either way would be fine [if it does, minor throwback to Colo/XD, if it doesnt, no illogical evo sequence].
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

If I was gonna leak something,,,I'd make a video of it to prove I'm real, not sure how hard it is to fake a video with say a Pokemon evolving, but I'd give it a lot more notice since we haven't seen anything like that yet...I think.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Damian_Winters said:
If I was gonna leak something,,,I'd make a video of it to prove I'm real, not sure how hard it is to fake a video with say a Pokemon evolving, but I'd give it a lot more notice since we haven't seen anything like that yet...I think.

It's easier to take down a youtube than it is to take down an image, though. Unless you can save youtube videos to your computer [?]
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Whitefire said:
Damian_Winters said:
If I was gonna leak something,,,I'd make a video of it to prove I'm real, not sure how hard it is to fake a video with say a Pokemon evolving, but I'd give it a lot more notice since we haven't seen anything like that yet...I think.

It's easier to take down a youtube than it is to take down an image, though. Unless you can save youtube videos to your computer [?]

Fair enough, just a passing thought, you are right though would be a lot easier to catch and take down :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

don()shinobi said:
SavvyJackal said:
Have there been any videos of Pokemon evolving? If not, keep an eye out for one. That would pretty much confirm whether or not it's real.
It's not real.
The pose in there is the exact same as this pic.
The stars in the second and third photo are in the exact same location.

I mean, come ON, this is one of the worst fakes yet.

I haven't seen that picture, and I'm on my phone so I wasn't going to go on a wild goose chase. I was just putting in my 2 cents.

Nice use of unneeded attitude.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

don()shinobi said:
SavvyJackal said:
Have there been any videos of Pokemon evolving? If not, keep an eye out for one. That would pretty much confirm whether or not it's real.
It's not real.
The pose in there is the exact same as this pic.
The stars in the second and third photo are in the exact same location.

I mean, come ON, this is one of the worst fakes yet.
The pose being the same might just be coincedence, and you can see that the beams of light do actually move inbetween the second and third picture while the sparkles do not. that might suggest the beams of light move faster than the sparkles.
We've all seen how fast the evolution process flashes before it becomes the new form in previous games, I doubt they'd change that in this one.

That being said, I'm not trying to prove it's real or anything, just trying to explore all possibilities.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
Most likely fake, and either way: a brilliant tease :p

Indeed, such a brilliant tease. Until now, i'm surprised no one tried to fake Fennekin's evo as far as the infamous Greninja (yet it's still unconfirmed to be fake). :)

Anyway, i think i'm going to stop hanging around this thread on the 4th October, by then, probably all of the leaks is supposed to be true, and that's not interesting anymore, cause it's just a spoiler, not a rumor anymore. I can easily take any rumor, as it holds the possibility of being true or false, and guessing them makes it fun. But when it's just a spoiler, i think it'll just ruin my excitement later, lol. :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

The sparkles aren't moving (they are at the exact same positions) while the "sprite" changes? Smells fishy... But a very nice tease indeed.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

If they do a witch I hope they do a mage/wizzard for the male too. Fennekin is my fav and I dont want them to mess it up. All in all I really hope its not flying on a broom or have something too poofy =(
And is it just me or do some people think Fennekin could end up having wings? The back of its legs look kind of like wings to me. I was really hoping they would do something with that XD. fairy fox =)
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

I hope so, it'll make the meme "You're a <something>, <someone>" popular again.

Anyway... I'm rather curious about the possible shiny colorings of the starters.
I reckon Chespin might be a lighter color, Fennekin with either a darker shade of red or possibly purple, and Froakie might be a lighter color too or possibly even a shade of green.

Also, do you think it'll be like BW2 in which you'll be able to check the stats of the Pokemon before you fight your rival(s)?
I suppose it'll just be the usual and you select the Pokemon and immediately fight.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

I heard rumors of all the Eeveelutions getting mega evolutions, and some pokemon getting gender specific mega evos. One of them I heard about was Roserade, where the male would apparently now have thorn fingers from the bouquet, and have little devil horns and stuff, and the female would just be really flowery and have some transparent silk cape or something? Am I the only one who sees these not happening?
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

FloodBadge said:
I heard rumors of all the Eeveelutions getting mega evolutions,

GameFreak has confirmed that none of the Gen VI Pokemon are getting Mega Evos so Sylveon isn't getting one. That disproves that theory right there.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

FloodBadge said:
Anyway, I heard rumors of all the Eeveelutions getting mega evolutions, and some pokemon getting gender specific mega evos. One of them I heard about was Roserade, where the male would apparently now have thorn fingers from the bouquet, and have little devil horns and stuff, and the female would just be really flowery and have some transparent silk cape or something? Am I the only one who sees these not happening?

I would really like to see the gender specific mega evos. Now that you say it I could defiantly not see them not happening :D with the mega Eeveelutions having 9 new mega evolutions would make the choice harder for those Eevee fans out there. :D love the thought of the gender mega evos:)
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

I really don't see all Eeveelutions getting megas but that would be really really cool, specially a Glaceon mega!
I just hope we get a Raichu mega or what about a Pikachu mega? That would be EPIC and would play an amazing role in the anime, since the whole mega evolution is about trust and being good friends with your trainer, giving it your all to make him win. It would be an interesting idea for all those pokemon who evolve via stones, instead of using them they have a mega form of their own.

Hell maybe Ash could stop being a loser, get to the finals and Pikachu could epically mega evolve to make him win!
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