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RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

evilpacman said:
Pokequaza said:
Plus the 28 Mega Evolutions, which leaves us with 97 Pokémon, just 3 less than generation 2. There's nothing to concern about.

Some people can be concerned with 69 new Pokemon and 28 non permanent evolutions. It would be nice to get a mixture of new evolutions (real ones) as well as Megas to bring the total closer to 3rd gen. If we want to count a generation's new Pokemon by Pokedex count, then there are only 69. I prefer to count it this way. I dont go by designs, because then we would be counting all the Unown or Vivillon as different Pokemon. I always hated it when they would do that for the DBZ games... "Over 20 new characters!!"... but really they just added 10 variations of Goku.

All ranting aside, I'm really pleased with the quality of the new guys. I've yet to see all of them, but out of the 40 or so that I've encountered, there are only a few designs that I think are dumb. Its shaping up to be my favorite generation since 2. Plus we have 2 badass legendaries, which is 2 more than BW...

Edit: Though I will say, I'm getting tired of the Neopets looking Pokemon like Litleo.

That's because you are looking at it the wrong way, darling; think about this: If I came to you and order you 100 pokemon (designs, stats, items, areas, pokedex entries, 3d models, names, plus who-knows-how-many variants of a pokemon that changes with real world location) in less than a year, would you take more time or less time to do it if 1/3 of them were evolved forms of older pokemon? and if you had to make 600+ 3d models, shiny variants and battle and amiè animations of old pokemon too? (the answer is, it would take you the same amount of time as 100 new pokemon, and before anyone says anything about how the megaevos have a basis already made, look at gen IV, a big chunk of the pokedex was comprised of older pokemon evolutions, and they didn't rush it, exactly).
People often forget that stuff has to be made, and everything is the result of thought and design. Even though the unown, or vivillon forms seem as worthless as pokemon (to you) as, say, a bottle of soda, someone had to design that bottle, because then, there would have been no bottle to hold the soda.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

professorlight said:
That's because you are looking at it the wrong way, darling; think about this: If I came to you and order you 100 pokemon (designs, stats, items, areas, pokedex entries, 3d models, names, plus who-knows-how-many variants of a pokemon that changes withreal world location) in less than a year, would you take more time or less time to do it if 1/3 of them were evolved forms of older pokemon? and if you had to make 600+ 3d models, shiny variants and battle and amiè animations of old pokemon too? (the answer is, it would take you the same amount of time as 100 new pokemon, and before anyone says anything about how the megaevos have a basis already made, look at gen IV, a big chunk of the pokedex was comprised of older pokemon evolutions, and they didn't rush it, exactly).
People often forget that stuff has to be made, and everything is the result of thought and design. Even though the unown, or vivillon forms seem as worthless as pokemon (to you) as, say, a bottle of soda, someons had to design that bottle, nontheless, because then, there would have been no bottle to hold the soda.

I understand that point of view, but we dont really know why they didnt do an extra 30 Pokemon. It could have been lack of time, or it could have been another factor. In Gen 4, we got over 20 evolutions or pre-evos of older Pokemon, that is correct. But those were permanent and they furthered the design of the Pokemon without just adding spikes. They were brand new Pokemon. Mega evolutions are really just temporary forms with increased stats. I'm not saying that was a bad idea, but I dont think they should be truly considered new Pokemon. I appreciate the time and effort that went into the game and the Pokemon, dont get me wrong. I just think they fell short on the number of new Pokemon.

Plus, if the time was really an issue, they could have announced a release date for next year and no one would have noticed.

Also, I'm not sure how correct this is, but I do think 3d animation would be easier to do that animating sprites. In addition, you wouldn't be coming to me and ordering 100 new Pokemon in a year, you would be coming to me and the rest of the design team to come up with 100 new Pokemon in 2+ years.

evilpacman said:
professorlight said:
That's because you are looking at it the wrong way, darling; think about this: If I came to you and order you 100 pokemon (designs, stats, items, areas, pokedex entries, 3d models, names, plus who-knows-how-many variants of a pokemon that changes withreal world location) in less than a year, would you take more time or less time to do it if 1/3 of them were evolved forms of older pokemon? and if you had to make 600+ 3d models, shiny variants and battle and amiè animations of old pokemon too? (the answer is, it would take you the same amount of time as 100 new pokemon, and before anyone says anything about how the megaevos have a basis already made, look at gen IV, a big chunk of the pokedex was comprised of older pokemon evolutions, and they didn't rush it, exactly).
People often forget that stuff has to be made, and everything is the result of thought and design. Even though the unown, or vivillon forms seem as worthless as pokemon (to you) as, say, a bottle of soda, someons had to design that bottle, nontheless, because then, there would have been no bottle to hold the soda.

I understand that point of view, but we dont really know why they didnt do an extra 30 Pokemon. It could have been lack of time, or it could have been another factor. In Gen 4, we got over 20 evolutions or pre-evos of older Pokemon, that is correct. But those were permanent and they furthered the design of the Pokemon without just adding spikes. They were brand new Pokemon. Mega evolutions are really just temporary forms with increased stats. I'm not saying that was a bad idea, but I dont think they should be truly considered new Pokemon. I appreciate the time and effort that went into the game and the Pokemon, dont get me wrong. I just think they fell short on the number of new Pokemon.

Plus, if the time was really an issue, they could have announced a release date for next year and no one would have noticed.

Also, I'm not sure how correct this is, but I do think 3d animation would be easier to do that animating sprites. In addition, you wouldn't be coming to me and ordering 100 new Pokemon in a year, you would be coming to me and the rest of the design team to come up with 100 new Pokemon in 2+ years.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

evilpacman said:
I understand that point of view, but we dont really know why they didnt do an extra 30 Pokemon. It could have been lack of time, or it could have been another factor. In Gen 4, we got over 20 evolutions or pre-evos of older Pokemon, that is correct. But those were permanent and they furthered the design of the Pokemon without just adding spikes. They were brand new Pokemon. Mega evolutions are really just temporary forms with increased stats. I'm not saying that was a bad idea, but I dont think they should be truly considered new Pokemon. I appreciate the time and effort that went into the game and the Pokemon, dont get me wrong. I just think they fell short on the number of new Pokemon.

Plus, if the time was really an issue, they could have announced a release date for next year and no one would have noticed.

But we do know the purpose of the mega evos. Say this gen had another 12-16 legendary pokemon, how powerful those would have been? and say it also had 90 regular pokemon. how high is the percentage of pokemon that cannot even look hard at a legendary or pseudolegendary without fainting now? say, 6 gens: 6 pseudo + 5, 6, 9, 14, 16 + 12 = 80 super powerful pokemon out of some 750 is almost a tenth of pokemon that have a definitive advantage over the rest; anytime a new pokemon was revealed, people started pouring over stats, movepools, coverage, shinies, somehow I don't think that's what the franchise is about, at its core.
If you were to battle someone, you pull out your electrode and then you have a, let's say, 90% chance of the other guy pulling out a hydreigon, or a groudon, or mewtwo, and the battle lasted 5 seconds. now, you or that guy could pull any of those, or any of the megaevolvable pokemon. The power creep got so bad that it called for a solution, and rather than globally reset stats or throw away 15 years of pokemon, this is a solution, still has a lot of ground to cover.

evilpacman said:
Also, I'm not sure how correct this is, but I do think 3d animation would be easier to do that animating sprites. In addition, you wouldn't be coming to me and ordering 100 new Pokemon in a year, you would be coming to me and the rest of the design team to come up with 100 new Pokemon in 2+ years.

Oh nonononono, 3d modeling, rigging and animation is hard and time consuming. Damn, I hate when people think that just 'cause 3d is everywhere and it seems easy, it's just really easy and cheap.
And yes, even though the designers probably don't make the models themselves, they still have to work with the modelers, and presumably, the modelers would start with the older gens while the designers come up with the new designs, but you are forgetting that the games need production time, streamlining, beta and alpha periods to get rid of the bugs and manufacturing and shipping time; add all that and it turns out that, from those 2 years, the designers probably had only 1 to work in the rest of the pokedex (not including starters, xerneas and yveltal).
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

professorlight said:
But we do know the purpose of the mega evos. Say this gen had another 12-16 legendary pokemon, how powerful those would have been? and say it also had 90 regular pokemon. how high is the percentage of pokemon that cannot even look hard at a legendary or pseudolegendary withour fainting now? say, 6 gens: 6 pseudo + 5, 6, 9, 14, 16 + 12 = 80 super powerful pokemon out of some 750 is almost a tenth of pokemon that have a definitive advantage over the rest; anytime a new pokemon was revealed, people started pouring over stats, movepools, coverage, shinies, somehow I don't think that's what the franchise is about, at its core.
If you were to battle someone, you pull out your electrode and then you have a, let's say, 90% chance of the other guy pulling out a hydreigon, or a groudon, or mewtwo, and the battle lasted 5 seconds. now, you or that guy could pull any of those, or any of the megaevolvable pokemon. The power creep got so bad that it called for a solution, and rather than globally reset stats or throw away 15 years of pokemon, this is a solution, still has a lot of ground to cover.

Oh nonononono, 3d modeling, rigging and animation is hard and time consuming. Damn, I hate when people think that just 'cause 3d is everywhere and it seems easy, it's just really easy and cheap.
And yes, even though the designers probably don't make the models themselves, they still have to work with the modelers, and presumably, the modelers would start with the older gens while the designers come up with the new designs, but you are forgetting that the games need production time, streamlining, beta and alpha periods to get rid of the bugs and manufacturing and shipping time; add all that and it turns out that, from those 2 years, the designers probably had only 1 to work in the rest of the pokedex (not including starters, xerneas and yveltal).

Wait, I'm a little confused. I'm not asking for more Legendary Pokemon nor am I saying the Megas shouldnt exist. I just like diversity of new Pokemon. And there was always going to be an issue with some Pokemon falling far behind the rest, even my favorite. That doesnt mean that I want to see less Pokemon introduced in future generations. If they wanted to make Electrode better, they could give him an evolution then like Magneton lol
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Since the games have been released for some time now most rumours and speculation have been confirmed true or false. This thread will now serve as a place for members to discuss all the aspects of the game (that DO NOT have their own thread) as well as news, new rumours/speculation, in-game features, and anything else related to the games that you would like to discuss and isn't covered by other threads.

I have seen some posts go off-topic here. Make sure that you go through the other recent threads before posting to make sure you're posting it in the correct place!

Keep in mind that we also have a separate thread for Questions and Answers! :)
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

evilpacman said:
Wait, I'm a little confused. I'm not asking for more Legendary Pokemon nor am I saying the Megas shouldnt exist. I just like diversity of new Pokemon. And there was always going to be an issue with some Pokemon falling far behind the rest, even my favorite. That doesnt mean that I want to see less Pokemon introduced in future generations. If they wanted to make Electrode better, they could give him an evolution then like Magneton lol

I'd like to bring attention to your own words here: "I just like diversity of new Pokemon"

Diversity applies universally, there's a reason some lines have 2 stages, some have 3, some branch, some are standalone and some have mega evolutions. If they were to give mawile an evo, why not absol? why not tropius? why not mantine? corsola? khangaskhan? why not electrode? they gave one to magneton, right? why not every single 2-pokemon line that exists? and every standalone too?.

You recognized that there was always going to be issues with pokemon falling behind, and yes, by the same principle of diversity, such a thing is pretty much inevitable, but there's a difference between diversity and power creep. It shows perfectly in the competitive environment. You don't see electrode there, I don't see gardevoir there, and if we go in there with those pokemon, we'll lose big time. Therefore, to win (or at least to not lose so shamefully), we must get to their level, using those uber pokemon. Now, that's not diversity, is it? As I said, diversity applies universally, and what the metagame is, is a sample of the whole. If you spend years designing 700 weapons and then the only ones you sell are the same 10 over and over, that's not good, not if what you wanted was to see a big chunk of those 700 being used.

GF pays attention to that stuff; in gen II they realized psychic and dragon were invincible and introduced the dark and steel types to balance things out. Now they brought steel down a notch and gave dragon a kick in the proverbial balls.
I said there was a difference between diversity and power creep, and power creep is what we have now, where 10% of all subjects are the only viable options in a self-contained, self-referential market, an ouroboros, so speaking. Diversity, on the other hand, should strive for balance, not equality. it's not about all pokemon having the same BST and to hell with it (to put a crude example), but that those who have lower BST, less stages or less coverage compensate through abilities, movepool, coverage, etc.
Look at reshiram and zekrom, the posterboys of OP pokemon. Their special moves are incredibly powerful, and they have the stats to back them up, but that makes them OP, and everybody uses them. Now look at kyurem, genesect and meloetta, they have good stats, but their moves are 60 to 80 damage, not so good, they are balanced, and no one uses them with those moves.

The less pokemon issue is, for now, necessary. they still have to figure out how to balance more than 300 pokemon, the last thing they need is more work.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

professorlight said:
evilpacman said:
Wait, I'm a little confused. I'm not asking for more Legendary Pokemon nor am I saying the Megas shouldnt exist. I just like diversity of new Pokemon. And there was always going to be an issue with some Pokemon falling far behind the rest, even my favorite. That doesnt mean that I want to see less Pokemon introduced in future generations. If they wanted to make Electrode better, they could give him an evolution then like Magneton lol

I'd like to bring attention to your own words here: "I just like diversity of new Pokemon"

Diversity applies universally, there's a reason some lines have 2 stages, some have 3, some branch, some are standalone and some have mega evolutions. If they were to give mawile an evo, why not absol? why not tropius? why not mantine? corsola? khangaskhan? why not electrode? they gave one to magneton, right? why not every single 2-pokemon line that exists? and every standalone too?.

You recognized that there was always going to be issues with pokemon falling behind, and yes, by the same principle of diversity, such a thing is pretty much inevitable, but there's a difference between diversity and power creep. It shows perfectly in the competitive environment. You don't see electrode there, I don't see gardevoir there, and if we go in there with those pokemon, we'll lose big time. Therefore, to win (or at least to not lose so shamefully), we must get to their level, ergo, using those uber pokemon. Now, that's not diversity, is it? As I said, diversity applies universally, and what the metagame is, is a sample of the whole. If you spend years designing 700 weapons and then the only ones you sell are the same 10 over and over, that's not good, not if what you wanted was to see a big chunk of those 700 being used.

GF pays attention to that stuff; in gen II they realized psychic and dragon were invincible and introduced the dark and steel types to balance things out. Now they brought steel down a notch and gave dragon a kick in the proverbial balls.
I said there was a difference betwwen diversity and power creep, and that is that power creep is what we have now, where 10% of all subjects are the only viable options in a self-contained, self-referential market, an ouroboros, so speaking. Diversity, on the other hand, should strive for balance, not equality. it's not about all pokemon having the same BST and to hell with it (to put a crude example), but that those who have lower BST, less stages or less coverage compensate through abilities, movepool, coverage, etc.
Look at reshiram and zekrom, the posterboys of OP pokemon. Their special moves are incredibly powerful, and they have the stats to back it up, but that makes them OP, and everybody uses them. Now look at kyurem, genesect and meloetta, they have good stats, but their moves are 60 to 80 damage, not so good, they are balanced, and no one uses them with those moves.

The less pokemon issue is, for now, necessary. they still have to figure out how to balance more than 300 pokemon, the last thing they need is more work.

Who's to say they cant make more new Pokemon and balance the current ones to become competitive? That's what I don't understand. If they are on the right track to diversify the metagame, thats great, but I dont see why you cant also add more new Pokemon. Wouldn't it be great to get over 100 new Pokemon with a good handful that can compete in addition to the Megas that allow older Pokemon to stand a chance? In the end, my only gripe about this game is the lack of brand new Pokemon or evolutions. New Pokedex entries when it comes down to it. If that is a serious problem with others, then I don't know what to say about it.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

I'm going to change the subject here...for me, the real game starts after I've obtained access to everything. Once I have my two teams of Dittos, one for natures, one for IVs, I can start breeding with a vengeance, and work to take down the Battle Maison, which is a VAST improvement over the Battle Subway in that you can simply walk away from it at any point. No more measuring my life in trains, only to have hours of work punch me in the face when I die on the sixth train! Having said all that, has anyone used the Ability Capsule yet? This is an item I saw in the Maison prizes which allows Pokemon to utilize one of their two abilities (sounds like it rules out Hidden Abilities). Seems intriguing.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

evilpacman said:
Who's to say they cant make more new Pokemon and balance the current ones to become competitive? That's what I don't understand. If they are on the right track to diversify the metagame, thats great, but I dont see why you cant also add more new Pokemon. Wouldn't it be great to get over 100 new Pokemon with a good handful that can compete in addition to the Megas that allow older Pokemon to stand a chance? In the end, my only gripe about this game is the lack of brand new Pokemon or evolutions. New Pokedex entries when it comes down to it. If that is a serious problem with others, then I don't know what to say about it.

Time. they can't (for now?) add more pokemon because of time. X and Y are a breakthrough in the franchise, similar to the one red and green were back in the day. It's a whole new game, new graphics engine, new models, textures and animations, new battle engine, items management system, àmie, the PSS, pokemon bank compatibility, different ways to approach the gameplay, and that's just the more physical stuff, then you have the balance of the type chart, the difficulty of adding a new type, balancing the metagame and making the obligatory new pokemon, map layout, villains and the story. trial and error, trying new concepts, that's a lot of stuff in two years, where in old games it was all more or less the same, save some small changes.

And before you ask, I think they just didn't wait for another year because they do need the money, in order to continue with the next games, hopefully with a more robust roster of regular pokemon and megas.

I'm not happy about having half the new pokemon either, but I do understand what caused it, and what the alternatives entail.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

So...do we know when in the game timelines X and Y take place? I am pretty sure it is after Black and White and their sequels judging from some things some NPCs have said. But do we know any time in years specifically?
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

evilpacman said:
Pokequaza said:
Plus the 28 Mega Evolutions, which leaves us with 97 Pokémon, just 3 less than generation 2. There's nothing to concern about.

Some people can be concerned with 69 new Pokemon and 28 non permanent evolutions. It would be nice to get a mixture of new evolutions (real ones) as well as Megas to bring the total closer to 3rd gen. If we want to count a generation's new Pokemon by Pokedex count, then there are only 69. I prefer to count it this way. I dont go by designs, because then we would be counting all the Unown or Vivillon as different Pokemon. I always hated it when they would do that for the DBZ games... "Over 20 new characters!!"... but really they just added 10 variations of Goku.

Mega-Evolutions are quite different in looks (and stats) from their original form. Whereas Vivillon's forms are just recolours, and well, Unown, though a great concept, once you have made one, the other will follow in a matter of minutes. These are just aesthetic changes.

I do however agree that it was better for them to balance out older Pokémon, rather than introducing Mega Evolutions to do this. Today I gave a look at their stats and the things I was afraid for, turned out to be real. Mewtwo's Mega Evolutions have a greater base stat than Arceus. I was just a matter of time until the introduction of a Pokémon with even greater stats, I didn't expect it to be this soon.

A game with a complex system like Pokémon will have its imbalances. It seems though, that they are trying to balance it out by introducing more powerful Pokémon. It wouldn't be too farfetched to think that in another 10 years, we'll be fighting each other with Pokémon with a base stat of 1000.

Mega Evolutions, I like the concept and the diversity they bring with them, however I wished they weren't this powerful. The games themselves become incredibily easy (not even mentioning the Exp All), and I guess they'll be banned from competitive play before they can even make a move.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Finally got into the fashion shop in Lumiose City, and then proceeded to spend over 200kP on a new outfit. I knew the Battle Chateau would come in handy.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Artemis said:
Finally got into the fashion shop in Lumiose City, and then proceeded to spend over 200kP on a new outfit. I knew the Battle Chateau would come in handy.

The thing I want is 300kP, and after going around every day and buying everything i liked [bar this store] and breeding things instead of battling, 300k is more than half my current moneyz XD
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Not sure if this has been mentioned here but is everyone aware about the save glitch in Lumiose City? If you save on the outer Boulevards it can erase your file and you have to start over. Apparently they are working on a patch to fix this glitch. However does anyone know if this affects the downloadable version? I have that version until I can get the hard copy.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

So... my pokemons got pokerus and then got cure with pokemon amie, anyone who had the same experience?

Also are there any other mega evolution to be discovered?
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Whitefire said:
Artemis said:
Finally got into the fashion shop in Lumiose City, and then proceeded to spend over 200kP on a new outfit. I knew the Battle Chateau would come in handy.

The thing I want is 300kP, and after going around every day and buying everything i liked [bar this store] and breeding things instead of battling, 300k is more than half my current moneyz XD

Well, what else are you going to spend it on? :p The money I spent was more than half of what I have too, but I earned it back pretty quickly. The only other thing I buy frequently is Pokéballs, so I feel my money is going to a good use, more or less. :D Usually in Pokémon games, I just have tonnes of money lying around and nothing to spend it on, but it seems there's plenty of stuff in this game to use up your funds on, which is nice. :3

xxashxx said:
Not sure if this has been mentioned here but is everyone aware about the save glitch in Lumiose City? If you save on the outer Boulevards it can erase your file and you have to start over. Apparently they are working on a patch to fix this glitch. However does anyone know if this affects the downloadable version? I have that version until I can get the hard copy.:)

We actually have a whole thread talking about the glitch that you can read here. There should be some good info for you!
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

wako_88 said:
Also are there any other mega evolution to be discovered?

Considering that Blazikenite is currently event-exclusive, it seems highly likely that we'll see more event exclusive Mega Stones.
There's also a seemingly random Chikorita event that's apparently going on soon and it's not unthinkable that it would hold a Meganiumite or something.
I can see them putting the starter Mega Stones out as version exclusives and then have them accessible in later games.

There are probably gonna be ones in the third version as well, I'm hoping we see a second Venusaur and Blastoise.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Any news of anyone cracking the data of the game. Really want to know if there are any hidden things in the data

and i would like to know.. if any new gender difference has been discovered
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Chronus MSEA said:
Any news of anyone cracking the data of the game. Really want to know if there are any hidden things in the data

We haven't even hacked the 3DS yet. Hacking Pokemon X and Y is in no way possible until that's done.
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