Pokebeach App


It's a ninetales Rory. =P
I'm just wondering, has anyone considered creating an iPhone or Android Pokebeach app? I have the iPhone, and I think having an app for current website news, and the forums itself would be helpful for those on the run to catch up with their daily Pokemon endeavors. (I currently have the site bookmarked on my home screen) I know the chances of someone here being able to do that might be unlikely, but if anyone has a source that could make it... I think it'd be pretty awesome myself! Thoughts? :headbang

^Like that guy.
I would actually love to have one of these.

Also, I think it'd be better to first do it on the Android OS, as that is an open developer OS (Anyone can make an app)

Great idea though!
I'll vote on that. Darkvoid57, anyone can get in trouble with copyrights if WPM doesn't make that app first.
WPM doesn't personally have to make it. He just has to give permission for someone to make it.
I suggested it to WPM a while ago (Though he may have been busy), as I'd just found a site that would create apps on iPhone and Android for Mybb forums. It had an area for subscribed threads, PMs, and had all the quick buttons, though I'd have to go find the link again. All WPM has to do is allow the people to make it and install a plugin.
This would be awesome, I'm sure someone on here has the Brains to make an app. xD

BTW, I have an Ipad.

Also, I just google PB to get on...
Yeah, specific permission would be needed from WPM, but from there I don't see a potential problem with anyone making it, being that they are trustworthy and know what they are doing. And, I know with some iPhone apps, people have figured out ways to socket in chat for java, there's a world of technological possibilities!
All I know is there is a cool app called TAPATALK that lets your browse a huge collection of forums. I'm not sure if it's only linked to vbulliten but if there's any way to link this site to that app it would be fantastic.

The gym is currently using tapatalk and it works like a charm on my iphone
Right now I'm on my iTouch and a mobile app would be great. It would make it a lot easier to browse threads with an app, but I am still capable of using the site without an app.
I don't know if this is to be posted here, or in website Q&A, but I can't view profile comments on my Ipod.
You all realize that iPods/Phones/Pads can just surf the web to get on PokeBeach, right?
Why would we need an App?
I think a CardDex App by Pokebeach would be amazing. I don't think an app would otherwise be needed.
safariblade said:
You all realize that iPods/Phones/Pads can just surf the web to get on PokeBeach, right?
Why would we need an App?


Making an app would be time consuming and anyone that has an iPhone can just get onto Pokebeach quickly and easily. Bookmark it if you use it often enough. Besides, apps often don't include certain functions, or make them hard to get to.
Not necessarily, as far as the actual interface of PokéBeach is concerned, it takes an annoying amount of time to load the site on devices with low RAM, and on smaller screens it's possible for the interface with it's respective images and text fields to be skewed or missing in some odd cases, as if you were viewing the site in a mobile cached mode. Many forum developers (like ProBoards for example, don't know about MyBB) offer their own mobile apps so you can view forums in a quick, stripped down mode with an iOS interface, but an idea for an app ought to include some sort of creative or different content from the entity that it's representing if it's to be even remotely compelling, so were there to be a PokéBeach app, it'd ultimately be a community effort to decide what that app is, and then develop it from there. Even something like an integration of site features, like Juliacoolo's CardDex idea (or even an integration of PokéBeach's Facebook and YouTube presence, which we could build in the process), I think people would respond well to, but obviously that's a huge endeavor that brings up a whole host of problems, perhaps the main one being again, differentiating the app from the site, which could be very conflicting if we wanted app features on the site as well. Furthermore, were we to make the actual app, we'd need a member who singlehandedly has knowledge of Objective C or C++, programs like Xcode, and networking from a programming perspective (clients and hosts, etc.), and finding somebody with all that knowledge and skills could be incredibly hard if we kept the development in-house among PokéBeach members. Granted, there's no doubt most people would be even a little interested in the app, so I could definitely see it working. Can't vouch for anyone else though…
dragonexpert said:
Did you click the Profile Comments link in your profile?

Ya. Look.

Mystery most likely solved after viewing the templates. I don't believe your iPod supports Javascript.
Wariopower said:
I can view profile comments on the Pokebeach website through Safari on my iPhone so maybe it was just a momentary browser glitch?

No, I talked to DE on Skype. It's because my Ipod doesn't support Javascript.