Writing Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger- CHAPTER 8 FINALLY UP :O

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RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

I'm not trying to stop you from writing. Write as you wish. But all of a sudden, when I create a story with an original idea that was not thought of before, someone goes and steals it.

AND EXCUSE ME? Write another chapter? It's not as easy at it seems. I put effort into my chapters. I work hard on them. I don't just write some 500 word chapter.

dark charizard said:
Why don't you stop trying to stop mk's story and admt it's better

Hmm, doesn't seem like you've read my story. If you read my story, you'd see how much alike these stories are.
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

Just stop it OK! You three are fighting like you are seven year olds! I bet you this will turn into a flame war next week! I must admit that your chapters are short mk and it is really kind of similar to Len's, but you don't have to bash about how it is not similar! We all know the differences! When I come back to check on this thread there better not be a flame war!

RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

You said it phoenix. Also Magma King do you know when the next chapter will be up. Looking forward to it also what happened to my lickitung :(

See ya at school!
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

Next chapter will be up shortly, sorry about the argument. Lickitung might appear again later, I'm not entirely sure.
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

First sentence of the entire thing said:
The Crat Boom.
I agree that there are some obvious renamed or reworked entities here.

If anyone should be frustrated, it would be me; afterall, I'm the one whose writing is supposedly being stolen here. I agree that there are similarities in the stories.

The reason he has gotten so many people to read his story is he because he has updated within a span of time that is more often than I or Lenny have done. Also, his story features more recent events and freely incorporates people who patronize him.

Let us end the duplicity argument of "Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger" with this: anyone can take and use a writer's props and characters, but I doubt anyone could steal my concepts. I like writing at the pace I do, with the ideas I have. If somebody wants to try and imitate me, I'm flattered. When the next chapter comes up within the next few days, I'm sure people will like it.
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

I too agree there are similarities, I was just trying to say it wasn't a copy. I'm extremely sorry that the story came across like this, but hopefully people are OK with it all now.
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

I can't WAIT for the next chapter, the time it's taking means it's going to be good hopefully!
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

Finally, it's here! Sorry for the big delay, I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Chapter 7- The Fallen
The morning after the mods visited the institution. Grey and dull, like most recent days, with a cold wind, slashing at the bodies of tired workers. Tired workers. WPM, Bacon and Holy Star examined the savaged body. GODZILLA lay in his chair, completely unrecognisable. Holes and gashes, burn marks and inexistent eyes blurred his once inspiring image. Bacon held his head in his hands, as WPM and Holy Star searched him and the area. A tag had been left on his body, unfortunately incomprehensible due to appalling and blotchy handwriting. “Traces of lava and burn marks”, murmured WPM, “But bullet holes and scarred organs too. This is overkill”
“They want us to know what we’re doing”, said Bacon, his hands now moved under his chin, holding it as if it was a lead weight. Things became nervous. WPM stood up. Everything went cold and quite for a moment.
“Heard something. I’ll go upstairs. Bacon, you go down. Holy star… Stay here”. Holy Star sat as if disappointed, but made no sound as the others split off… And that was it. Grenades scattered around the room.

“Holy Star!” Shouted WPM and Bacon, charging back down to the middle floor. Holy star lay on the floor, unconscious. 5 guests stood upon the floor, one with a flail, two with rifles, the fourth with a crowbar and the final one, presumably the leader, wearing a pare of huge, metal gloves, sparkling with electricity. Without a word, the fight ensued. WPM thrust his foot at the crowd, sending it into different directions. Whilst the enemy was immobile, WPM and bacon called their Pokemon in. Whilst the Pokemon took the crowbar and flail, WPM and Bacon continued to fight the other three. Bullets battered and rebounded off the armour of the two, but nevertheless it failed to halt the huge blast awaiting them. With a quick swipe, the rifles were knocked out of their hands.
“Heh”, Said Bacon, “Anything better?”. The gloved man slowly raised his hands into the air. Bacon and WPM gasped as a huge sphere of electricity charged between the two.
“So smart!” Roared the man, “For your ignorance I shall take it that you want to die first!” Bacon embraced himself, but to no good, as the huge sphere was hurled at him. Time passed as if seconds were an hour, during the fatal moment. Suddenly, without another thought, WPM jumped in the way.
“Get out Bacon, quick!” He shouted.
“Sir!” Bacon gasped, “You’ll die! Electricity wouldn’t have affected me!”
“Wrong!” Shouted WPM, painfully, “This is plasma, I-I” WPM stopped, as his armour shattered and flew into the air. Bacon quickly attacked the man, sending him through the wall and the rest of the energy into the other wall, knocking it down. WPM lay next to Holy Star, motionless and scarred. The man began to get back up. “First Holy Star, then WPM, then, hugh-
“Me? Not a chance”, said Bacon, slugging the man with a powerful fist. The man made an impressive block however, and the two began to fight quicker. Bacon leapt onto the roof, and then rebounded off with a swift kick. The man was knocked down, gloves broken and eyes half closed. “Who are you?” Demanded Bacon, pinning him to one of the very few pieces of scenery that hadn’t been wrecked.
“Who are we?” The man chuckled, “Who are we? We’re who we always were, we-
“The Fallen”, whispered Bacon. Then, in a louder tone, “You worked for RiskBreakers. Now you just go off and make one last crime”
“Not the last one, one of many”, the man’s small chuckle turned into a continuous laugh, “Aha, many more, for the true lord of, aha, ahahahaha-
“Shut up already!”
“It’s gonna, be, be, aha, ahahahahaha, aha, please excuse-
“Epic! Epic-
“Fail”, said Bacon, hitting and then releasing him, “Epic fail” The man was silent for a moment.
“Y’know, you haven’t really won this whole thing”, he said in a peculiar mix between a groan and a laugh.
“Haven’t won? I’ve got you all…
“Covered? Covered in saliva more like. Get with the green guy’s emerald while porky here stays still! Marc, out!” He laughed, finally falling unconscious. Bacon remained paralyzed to the spot.
“****”, Bacon cursed, “Licks take ages to wash off”. Bacon frantically tried to remove Rhyperior’s pokéball, but in a fruitless turn of events, ended up rolling over to WPM’s shoulder and removing Lucario’s with his mouth. There was a pretty laser show. “Bacon”, murmured Lucario, “What do you want?”
“Just look around, for Christ’s sake! Search the building for a Lickitung. The pink tub of fat couldn’t of gone too far!”…

But indeed it had. It proved falling down stairs took much less time than walking down them, and the Lickitung began to exit the building. Lucario rushed downstairs as fast as possible, only to find Lickitung sitting at the bottom, as innocent as possibly imaginable. Lucario, confused and shocked, never suspected danger as it was covered in hungry flames. A small, indistinguishable Pokemon ran away with Lickitung, towards a Burgundy coloured van. The door slammed shut as it drove off, scattering puddles across the rocky path. After a few minutes the world returned to the preferred silence. Bacon finally managed to stand up.

Upon the beach shall power rise.
Burning out their very eyes.
And then behold, shall they see?
Twisted vines and beautiful ivy?

Behold, I say, behold, I command.
Trees shall raise before my hand.
Crush upon the earth it will.
Then I make the biggest kill.
The destruction of my former friend.
And then, to his precious beach…
The end.

Mysterious poem. Who could be the singing voice?
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

How dare you cool marc a pink tub you son of a **** (nice things)

LOLZ anyways a good chapter!
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

lol very good (especially the dissing Licitung :p).

Keep it up !
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

Shup dragon flames :p just becasue you can't admit that lickitung is cool :p
RE: Pokebeach- Cliff Hanger

Is this still ongoing ?

Anyway if it is im waiting avidly for the next chapter :)
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