Finished Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game~KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG items! Let's get 5k posts

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RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

A 10 dollar coin comes out
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

Out comes a Cherry Coke.

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

*Takes the Cherry Coke/Cola (Yummy, thanks)*
^You got: Naruto's Kunai/Throwing Knife.

**Inserts Coin**
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get Rickroll'd.

*inserts coin*

Falcon Punch
Falcon Crotch Kick
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

C. Falco punches you in the gut.

*inserts nothing*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

^You got: Nothing.
Coz, you didn't insert a coin, which is in the rule's.

*Inserts Coin.*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get this...


*Swipes PokeCentre Credit Card*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get a sandwich!

*inserts 10 coins*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get 10 sodas!

*inserts 3 pesos*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get your 3 pesos back.

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get a hungry Wailord!

*inserts Mew turned into a coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get an explosion.

*inserts something that isn't a coin but coincedentally looks like a coin for some reason*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get 1 Japanese Yen!

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

A pirate comes out.

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get a Geno Whirl right in your face.

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

Catptain Falcon punches you in the face.

*inserts paper coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You get a paper coin.

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

^You got: An angry Rotom (Cut Form).

*Inserts Coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts

You got a piece of a Bobon Paper

*Insert Coin*
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