BW/BW2 Pokedex

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^^Looks like the ice cream knocks itself out when it melts. LOL :D

P.S. Nobody post ANYTHING because I have to leave for my XC practice. NO POSTING!!! :D

The candle evolves into a lantern. :) I normally don't like lifeless objects. But I think this one has potential.
I actually like most of the new pokemon (I'm sure you know which ones I hate, though), and I have to agree that seeing the ice cream pokemon puts me in a good mood. I don't know what it is, it just makes me feel like I'm in a "silly-happy-mood" (kinda hard to explain). It will take me a while to get used to, however. It's kind of hard to believe how one minute you're walking in the grass (although it probably won't be the grass) and the next you find yourself being attacked by a wild ice cream. o_0 Weird.
lol what if the ice cream cone changes flavors to the season?? chocolate in fall, strawberry in summer, vanilla in winter, mint chocolate/green tea/ or maybe a blue color for spring???

lol! the lanturn actually looks really good! i got to admit! lol i had low hopes for it but never mind now!
lol Yeah I think we have said that before, but yeah that would be a pretty good idea
And ooh a lantern, it looks pretty simple to me..I like it XD
Lol JacobeTheElf, sorry I had to post, now nobody post anything for the next 16 hours, I have to go to bed then school, so I better not find any posts untill I get home XD.... joking....
Oh it's lost its emo-look :( I knew that was a hat it was wearing! I said it would be Ghost or Dark type! :D

EDIT: LOL JTE just about missed out on this lanturn pokemon! XD On the plus side though, we get to see more pokemon! :D
lol im tired of ghost dark types! even though there was only two pokemon with the typing. plus fire/ghost is yet to be done before so im kinda happy with it, not so much with the jellfish water/ghost type pokemon mehhh!
Wow that was quick! It reminded me of Ursaring because of its posture, but it looks like it has pincers for hands! It can't be a crab though, can it? Crabs aren't that tall or furry!
Actaully I suppose it does look like a polar bear, only its bipedal. :S It wouldn't be a legendary, would it? I'd say that it's either a legendary or the polar bear's evo (if it has one).

@ramsey1927 (sorry, couldn't resist XD) - Are there any pokemon you do like!? Jk
I can't wait to utilize Zekrom, cards and in the videogame. Interesting though that there will be a Fire/Bug and Water/Fighting Legendary.
I'm suprised this thread hasn't got more followers- after all its brand new pokemon being revealed rapidly! I hope he can make art of the desukan prevo + the gochieruzu and rankurusu prevos.
Awww, I love the candle and lantern Pokémon! Ghost/Fire is such a unique typing, I'm really looking forward to seeing the Sugimori art for them. I'd actually thought it was going to be a Chochinobake (haunted paper lantern).
Fire bug isnt a legend, just a line before it. Cant wait to see the polar bear. You all see the candle ghost and alien silohuette? Aliens should be interesting.
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