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Pokefan's trading market: H: Vileplume UD RH W: Magmortar UL + TONS MORE!!

Am I a good trader

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RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

Please CML for your...

1x Charizard AR RH
1x Luxray GL RR RH
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

@once: ooh! Interested in:

Galatic HQ
x2 Snowpoint Temple
x1 Honkchrow
x1 Gengar SF
x1 Spiritomb AR (3 if you have them :))
x1 Ho-oh FULL
x3 Charizard AR

Can you make an offer :) (make it higher on your end to cover the cost of sending to Canada :))

@crippler: not trading with you after are last experience :(
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

i dont care about bronzong anymore, i have that covered in another trade

btw, did you know that flygon, manaphy AND magnezone are all holo? just to let you know =]

(so i justify my trade through that way: those four for giratina X and skymin X plz deal or counter)
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

I think I will pass altogether than =]
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!


hmmm.....manaphy and magnezone for skymin?
or flygon and chatot and manaphy for giratina?
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

flygon and chatot and manaphy, I will do those for Skymin as I am already getting the magnezone.
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!


...(all i want it for is it just looks cool...)
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!


It can be played I ran a Skymin X/Blastoise/Fortress deck
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

0_0 you PLAYED skymin X?...

yes, and togepi SHOULD be uber

hmmm.....i will flygon and manaphy/chatot G for it, but not all three
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

How about Manaphy and Chatot G for it?

I played Skymin because Lucians was not out yet, it was the only thing I could use
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

x1 Galatic HQ
x2 Snowpoint Temple
x1 Honkchrow
x1 Gengar SF

x1 Groudon ex promo
x1 Tyranitar ex delta
x1 Dustox ex (what do you mean nm?)

RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

That is a rip, the Groundon is a super rare card, nm= near mint

Maybe something like this:

Groundon EX
Dusktox EX
Tyranitar EX

x1 Honkchrow G
x2 Snowpoint
x1 Galatic HQ
x1 Gengar SF
x1 Ho-oh FULL

That is a fair trade
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

nah not with full ho-oh
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

deal - PM me!!!!!
(if you wanna me to send in toploaders, just a wait a fewa days until i getsa mya handsa on thema)
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!!

@ blaze: Ok, just LMK when you get toploaders, when you do PM me and we will do the trade :)

@once: ya, I will just not do the trade then, thanks anyway :)
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!, Garchomp C X

Cml for
Lanturn Prime
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!, Garchomp C X

I like Promocroak, was there anything else on my end that I could add?
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!, Garchomp C X

MY Champion's Room, Absol G

Your RH Rare Candy UL

PM me if this is good! :)
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!, Garchomp C X

I will pass unless you have any Garchomp C
RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!, Garchomp C X

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