RE: Pokefan's trading market: Updated with UL! H: Palkia X,Gardevior X, 2 Rhypherior Xs!! W: SP stuff!, Garchomp C X
80baby: how about
2 Lanturn
2 Crobat
1 Miasma Valley
2 Garchomp C
1 Azelf LA
ace: Do you have any of the following:
-2 Pokemon Communication
-2 Uxie LA (LP is ok)
-1 Cascoon (PL)
-1 Dusktox (PL)
-2 Pokemon Collecter
-1 Palmer's Contribution
I can only trade:
1 VS seeker
(MAYBE) Gardy X, if another trade does not fall throug
x2 Crobat G
BTS (MAYBE, depends on what you have, I value it at $4 though)