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Pokefan's trading market: H: Vileplume UD RH W: Magmortar UL + TONS MORE!!

Am I a good trader

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Creater of Garchomp C/Absol G!!
* I live in the USA and only ship to USA *
1. No spamming/flaming
2. DO NOT RIP!! if you do then I will file mail fraud, it is my last resort. (we don't want to come to that do we?)
3. If neutral or neg rep you ship first
4. Only trade for mint/near mint cards (may make an exception!)
5. I am now sending in toploaders and I hope you do the same!
6. I happily check lists
7. I am a active pokebeach visitor and don't ask to trade if you are not active because i want our trades to be nice and quick so we both get what we want very fast.
9. Tell me if it is not English (will accept Japanese cards depending on value)
10. All pokebeach rules still apply
11. Most of my cards are mint but ask me just to make sure ;)
12. HAVE FUN!!!!! :D



My: 2 HGSS DCE Your: 1 Spiritomb AR

!!URGENT NEEDS!!: (do not overprice for urgent needs)
xX Uxie X

Major wants: (need these before BRs!!)
x3 Magmortar UL
x2 Magmar UL
x3 Spiritomb AR
x2 Engineer's Adjustments
x1 Dialga #5 PL

Throw-in wants (would really apreciate it if you threw in at least one of these with our trade :))
x4 Oddish (UD)
x3 Gloom (UD)

Nice to have cards:

xX Tyranitar PRIME
xX Kingdra PRIME
xX Reg. Darkness Energies (throw-in only)
xX Luxray GL X (why not??)
xX Yanmega PRIME (in English)
xX Vileplume UD

Collection Wants:

x1 Mr. Mime EX (evens)
x1 Mr. Mime EX (odds)
x1 Mew EX (legend maker)
x1 Sceptile EX (crystal guardians)
x1 Flygon EX (dragon frontier)
xX Power Keepers Holo energy
x1 Salamence Deck Box


x2 Rhypherior X (PROMO)
x1 Dialga X (PROMO) NOT SP!!
x1 Arceus X (psy bolt)
x1 Gardevior X
x3 Blissey PRIME
x2 Lanturn PRIME
x1 Lugia Bottom
x1 Empoleon X
x1 Ampharos PRIME
x3 Meganium PRIME
x1 Groundon EX (promo)
x1 Kingdra EX (Dragon)
x1 Dusktox EX (small crease in corner)
x1 Absol G X
x1 Salamence X

x1 Vileplume RH (offer something good :))
x1 Vespiquen
x1 Weavile
x1 Drifblim

x3 Team Rocket's Trickery

x1 Lucario
x3 Torkoal (2 RH)
x1 Beedrill
x1 Primeape
x1 Floatzel
x1 Xatu (H)
x1 Blastoise

x1 Good Rod
x1 Energy Returner
x2 Pokemon Circulator
x3 Life Herb (2 are oldies)
x1 Emcees Chatter
x1 Dual Ball
x1 Plus Power
x1 Engineer's Adjustments

x2 prof elms training method (2 oldies)

x1 Sceptile (Green Breath)
x1 Porygon-Z G
x3 Lopunny
x2 Bronzong (1 RH)
x2 Luxaray (2 RH)
x2 Kabutops (2 H)
x2 Omastar (1 RH)
x1 Toxicroak (H)
x1 Arceus {L}
x1 Arceus {P}

x2 Bench Shield
x3 Lucky Egg
x1 Energy Restore
x2 Ultimate Zone
x1 Department Store Girl
x2 Prof Oaks Visit
x1 Expert Belt
x2 Beginning Door

Supreme Victors
x1 Primeape (RH)
x2 Rhypherior (2H)
x1 Venasaur
x1 Milotic C (H)
x1 Metagross (H)
x1 Electrivire FB (H)
x1 Relicanth (RH)
x1 Lunatone (RH)
x1 Solrock
x1 Drifblim FB (RH)
x1 Camerupt G
x1 Raichu
x1 Wailord (RH)
x1 Yanmega (H)
x1 Mr. Mime (RH)
x1 Duskinor FB
x1 Arcanine G (league promo)
x1 Dragonite FB (league promo)

x1 VS seeker
x1 Champion's Room (RH)
x1 Cyrus's Initiative

Rising Rivals
x1 Floatzel GL (RH)
x1 Gastrodon (brown one)
x1 Quagsire GL
x1 Vaporeon
x1 Snorlax (Bad Sleeping Habits)
x4 Snorlax (League Promo)
x1 Jirachi (RH)
x2 Sharpedo
x1 Hippowdon
x1 Rampardos Gl (RH)

x1 Flint's Willpower
x1 Lucians Assignment

x1 Gyarados G
x2 Ninetails
x1 Dustox
x1 Infernape
x1 Golduck
x2 Beautifly
x1 Banette
x1 Blaziken (RH)
x1 Ludicolo
x2 Bronzong G
x1 Honchkrow G

x1 Memory Berry
x1 BTS (only trading if Uxie X involved)
x1 Miasma Valley

x1 Sceptile
x1 Drifblim
x1 Vespiquen
x2 Bronzong
x1 Infernape (H)
x2 Abomasnow
x1 Raichu (RH)
x1 Staraptor (RH)
x2 Duskinor (i have one of each)
x1 Mamoswine
x1 Torterra (H)
x1 Lumineon (H)
x1 Tangrowth (RH)

x1 Energy Link
x1 Great Ball

Legends Awakened
x2 Giratina (one has PLATINUM stamp)
x1 Metagross
x1 Drifblim
x1 Regigigas (recover mechanism)
x2 Heatran (smelt) (2H)
x1 Tentacruel
x1 Yanmega

x1 Cynthia's Feelings
x1 Evoluter
x2 Buck's Training

Majestic Dawn
x1 Areodactyl
x1 Jolteon
x1 Leaeon (H)
x2 Glaceon (2H)
x1 Torterra

x4 Fossil Excavator
x3 Quick Ball
x4 Dusk Ball
x1 Energy Restore
x1 Warp Point (RH)

Great Encounters
x2 Sceptile (1 RH)
x2 Togekiss (1rh)
x1 Tangrowth (RH)
x2 Dialga (1 RH and has PLATINUM stamp)
x1 Lapras
x1 Weezing
x1 Solrock
x1 Lunatone
x1 Butterfree
x1 Porygon-Z (H)
x1 Blaziken (H)

x1 Amulet Coin

Secret Wonders
x1 Furret
x1 Blastoise (H)
x1 Muk
x1 Electrivire (H)
x1 Jynx

x1 Team Galactic Mars

Mysterious Treasures
x1 Gyarados
x2 Ariados
x1 Bastiodon (H)
x1 Walrein (RH)
x1 Raichu (RH)
x1 Garchomp (RH)
x1 Ursaring (RH) (has a number 5 on back)
x1 Magmortar (H)
x1 Meganium (H)

Diamond and Pearl
x1 Gengar
x1 Shiftree (H)
x1 Bibarel
x1 Dustox
x1 Floatzel
x1 Noctowl
x1 Beautifly
x1 Skuntank (RH)
x1 Purugly
x1 Machamp
x1 Magnazone (H)
x1 Hippowdon

x1 Ampharos


x1 Yanmega
x1 Heatran

x1 Rotom

x1 Gliscor
x1 Raichu
x1 Duskinor

x1 Kingdra EX (not delta species)
x1 Groundon EX (Nintendo power promo)
x1 Tyranitar EX (delta species one)
x1 Dusktox EX (HL one, NM condition)

I will not list the commons because it would be a looong list so just ask me for anything particular.
I have non-listed cards too! Also ask about oldie cards if you want to know if I have it. (I have alot!)

That is all and i hope you have a fun time trading with me!!!
RE: Pokefan's trading market

Please look over the rules if you haven't already.

Good luck!
RE: Pokefan's trading market

Sorry its geo baby, I accidently put Sally X up but i need it in my Salamence deck :( (as you see from my wants) But the Gliscor is totally free for trade. I saw Cresselia X and I know you know that Promo Gliscor for Cresselia X is not a good trade so if there is anything else on my list that you like then we may be able to work something out unless I am missing something about PROMO Gliscor's worth?
RE: Pokefan's trading market

Please CML for your...

Glaceon MD (is this #5/100)
(RH) x1 Charizard (AR)

do you have 4x Hoppip from Secret Wonders?
RE: Pokefan's trading market

Nidoran f RR
Nidoqueen RR

2x Crobat g
1x Uxie(LA)
1x Bronzong G
RE: Pokefan's trading market

I have from your wants:

x1 DCE
x1 Delcatty PL
x1 Nidoran F RR
x1 Nidoqueen RR
x1 Skitty PL

I like:

x1 Absol G X (SV)
x2 Absol G (SV)
x2 Crobat G (PL)

lmk if we can make a trade
RE: Pokefan's trading market

which exs and gold stars/shinings do you have, i have plenty of staple trainers and supporters
RE: Pokefan's trading market

x1 Nidoran F RR
x1 Nidoqueen RR
1 Salamence AR
x1 Skitty PL

absol G lvl X
RE: Pokefan's trading market

@ the crippler: the HO-oh top and a Ampharos Prime for x1 hoppip SW, Charizard AR, and Glaceon (no it is the Ice Shot one)
@ dk9: sorry no
@ the game: sorry no
@ its geo baby: sorry Cresselia is the only thing :(
@ yoyo: sure I can send you a PM tommorow
@Soariyant: Sure, PM me to finalize everything

Thanks for the comments everyone!!
RE: Pokefan's trading market

From you wants i have Salamence SW (H) and DCE HGSS...my biggest wants are 1x Rare Candy and other trainers if you want to CML
RE: Pokefan's trading market

Ian for you if you do dce and Salamence for an expert belt and a card from my list that you want then sure. Sorry I only have 2 candies and I need two more for my deck. For geo baby I have a deal that is the best thing for both of us. Your heat rotom and 1 TDS for my Gliscor. You can agree or counter.
RE: Pokefan's trading market

want you absol X and have like all your wants but im canadian so CML and PM me if interested.
RE: Pokefan's trading market

I have RH Spiritomb (AR)

I'm interested in...
Honchkrow (MT)
Porygon Z (GE)
Milotic C (SV)
RE: Pokefan's trading market

again....that wasnt the offer. i was just saying what i had and what i liked
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