Pokemon and Safety (please sticky)


Peach is staring into your soul
I just want to warn everyone to use caution. My mom told me that she read an article about a kid that was killed for pokemon cards. If you think, each of your ex are worth anywhere from 10-30 dollers, on ebay. A star is worth about 20-40 dollers, on ebay. Other rare cards are worth about 10-15 dollers, on ebay. If you cary your bulging binder around, people might think "there is a kid with a hole bunch of cards. I can sell thouse cards and get rich". That is what happened to that kid. If you go around and predetores see that you have pokemon cards, that raiseds a little red flag.
Just a freindly reminder, don't cart your whole pokemon card collection to your league, and use caution.
mostly everybody has already heard a death story related to pokemon in the past . if heard about kids killing there brothers , people killing there best friends , and even killing random strangers just becuse they have them. i even heard that pokemon is evil and evil spirts are tied to it that take control of your body when you least expect it and make you do things that you would never do in your right state of mind. most of it is lies , and the the things that are real usually have also happened with mostly every other toy on the market. its all about Jealousy , and the best thing you can do is not be showing of your cards like an idiot and telling everybody that comes arcoss you what there worth.
You could say "evil spirits" with anything anyone kill over, like money, jewellry, partners, children, other collectibles, cars, other stuff...
why would some one except for newbies cart there hole life collection of cards around at league.and plus why would some one kill some body for certain cards?
if they get that serious they should make a"pokehab"a rehab place for people that get a little to obbscesed%)
i don't know but some one should start a rehab for pokemaniacs before some one else gets hurt=(
What kind of nerd (no offense, Señor) kills people for Pokemon cards? I'm sorry, but I think that's just too funny.

"Hey man"
"sup bro"
"see this gun?"
"yeah man, isn't it loaded?"
"yeah, I'm gonna shoot the kid next door"
"what? he's a nice kid, what'd he ever do to you?"
"...he's got a reverse holo Holon Transceiver"

You can bet it would make national news "Man Shoots Teen Over Pokemon"

These kinds of people aren't pokemainiacs. They're straight up nerds, plain and simple. No kind of rehab is going to cure their nerdyness. They need to be put away in the looney bin until the Miltank come home. ;)

People bring their cards to premier events hoping to make trades. I do the same thing. Parents ought to be watching their children so dumb things like getting your kid beat up and/or killed/cards stolen doesn't happen. Older kids usually don't let their cards out of sight, and for good reason.
I doubt many murders are comitted due to Pokemon cards any more. Apprently, when Pokemon was extremly popular, e.g. when it was first released, this sort of thing was more common, but now that it is less popular, I doubt we will see it happen too much any more.
Still thanks for the advice.
Well the lesson is, only carry around cards you are going to use. So take your swaps if you are planning to swap with people during the day and if you are going to a tournament take the cards you need for that. But somebody getting killed for cards is such a rare thing.
wow i didn't know that anybody got killed over that. I'm clueless lol. What a maniac, he should go to an asylum or something. PMJ's joke was really funny.:D
maybe we should start an online rehah center for those pokemon maniacs. people could start telling us there evil little thoughts , and we could try to talk them out of it before it gets to the extreme. you never know , there could be a pokimon maniac in here right now . be careful!
furious if you read what me and monster were putting up you would know that if knowbody would make rehab or even care they will surely not make one on line also you pretty much typed what i said except you put in "online rehab"
I'm a pokemaniac. Gonna lock me up for it? Of course not. Why? 'Cause I'm not gonna gun down some kid because he's got a rare card and I don't, that's why. Doing that's not only nerdy, but pathetic to the max as well. If I really want a card that badly, I'm going to trade for it or - perish the thought - buy it.

Online < real life. Online rehab is pointless.