Pokemon Anime: Best Wishes?

Is it likely that Ash will be replaced?

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I am hoping that the upcoming series is hopefully better then the D/P series. There were so many episodes about the same old things in the D/P series. Mostly about all the Pokemon getting lost and Ash & Co. have to hunt them down to find them. They run into trouble they fight and at the end they find the Pokemon. I really think that the upcoming series will have a lot more "adventure" to it. Since the Isshu Region is really big. Hopefully they won't be making any episodes that are the same as previous episodes. To me the D/P series was somewhat boring. Though some episodes were good to watch. If they get new ideas and improve on what they are lacking on Best Wishes, then the series is going to improve.

Also Ash will definitely NOT be replaced.
A Shame. Ash is a staple to the series but a Disgrace to all that is pokemon.
Replacing Ash means replacing Pikachu! And replacing cutey Pikachu would mean low sales targeted toward the younger generation! Haha! Imagine of Ash replaced with another trainer, and have his starter Pokemon a Dunsparce.
This pretty much proves the existence of iris in the anime http://www.pocketmonsters.net/ib/threads/1570 and did you guys hear that they'll show the trailer of the anime on the 1st of august next week on pokemon sunday?
Iris and Ash will make the adventure and i think Iris will be a coordinator or if a new thing appears then she wilkl follow that(e.g oh HG/SS PokeAthlon)
monpyro97 said:
Iris and Ash will make the adventure and i think Iris will be a coordinator or if a new thing appears then she wilkl follow that(e.g oh HG/SS PokeAthlon)

Or she could be Pokemon Trainer just like Ash. Could be considered rivals but travelling companions.
Oh the exciting feeling of when Ash starts a new journey! The only non-exciting part is wondering about Brock's fate. They better not say goodbye to him! He is the only reason I am still attached to this show! So what if he doesn't do anything? He's BROCK!
lolz. even if brock leaves he will still be around like misty, tracey, may, max, and dawn.

I cant wait for best wishes.!!!
the short preview on Pokémon sunday got me excited.!
I just thought of the best way that they can make the anime better. who are the only people who lose more than Ash. Team Rocket. Plus it would solve the whole repetitive plot thing that they keep on pulling. seriously what is Team Rocket any way? Do we really need them to be around harassing that poor pikachu in yet another region where Team Rocket has no presence or interest?
seriously what is Team Rocket any way? Do we really need them to be around harassing that poor pikachu in yet another region where Team Rocket has no presence or interest?

Now I know team rocket is a bit cheesy (THAT MEANS A WHOLE LOT OF CHEESY) but without team rocket the anime wouldn't really be the same.If meowth was given his old voice back and if Jess & James could be more diabolicle as they were in the original series then maybe the anime can be a bit more tolerable.However the hopes of others of Team Rocket becoming disbanded has been crushed as they are confirmed to return in anime best wishes.So yeah if there were some changes to team rockets initial and overall design and concept then maybe it can become interesting.One thing that they can change is the ommition of poison types to something more intresting like a dark type or a bug type something more sinister than a freaking koffing,weezing,ekans,arbok,seviper,chimecho,wobbufet,or mime jr.I'm all for James busting out that growlithe he has and evolving that thing into an arcanine.SOMETHING USEFUL AND SOMETHING WITH CHANGE.Thats all i've got to say in this matter.:cool:

novadragon07 said:
I just thought of the best way that they can make the anime better. who are the only people who lose more than Ash. Team Rocket. Plus it would solve the whole repetitive plot thing that they keep on pulling. seriously what is Team Rocket any way? Do we really need them to be around harassing that poor pikachu in yet another region where Team Rocket has no presence or interest?
YakobTheRed said:
James won't use Growlie, he's a representation of James' innocence and all that good stuff.

I completely forgot about that thanks for the point out:p
Looks like ash is getting replaced by the new shown in the best wishes promo
Mutiny! Nah i think ash is a really good trainer and a good character if he left i would get so mad i wouldn't even, not think about not watching it.
So it is true, Ash wins the Sinnoh League and Iris replaces him as the main protagonist of the series. I don't get why they're getting rid of Ash and Pikachu, they're the franchise icons.

Possibly a bad move on Nintendo and Game Freak's part. I don't think this is the end for Pokemon though, remember Digimon? They change their cast and they've gone strong especially Yu-Gi-Oh!
But he wasn't even shown in the new Anime Trailer, let alone the series poster. I hate to admit this but his character is used up and so is Team Rocket If they're in the new series.

Just how valid is the new character sheet?
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