Writing Pokemon: Ash & Dawn (PG-13)

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I don't see any errors with it

Chapter 5

Dawn and Ash were feeding the Lab Pokemon when Tracey brought them a letter
"It's an invitation !" Dawn stated, she read the letter out loud

Dear Mrs. Ketchum,

We coridally invite you and your husband to participate in our Couples Tournament. Winner gets an paid for luxury cruise ! It will be a single elimination tournament. Each contestant will send out one Pokemon and the team to knock out their opponents Pokemon first, wins. If you'd like to attend, please go to the Pikachu City Contest Hall and sign up. Hope to see you there !

The Couples Tournament Society​

"Oh, Ash can we do it, please ?" Dawn begged
"Oh, okay. I'm only saying yes now so you don't make a fool of yourself" Ash said
"What does that mean ?" Dawn questioned
"Nothing, please don't hurt me !" Ash whined

They made their way to Pikachu City (Pikachu City was built on the ashes of Celadon City)
"I see you made it !" Kenny said
"How dare you show your face around me after you tried to "kill" my husband !" Dawn shouted, slapping Kenny in the face
"Dawn, I didn't try to kill Ash, I just wanted you to realize I cared for you" Kenny replied
"You CARED for me ? I wouldn't consider an attempted killing caring for someone !" Dawn yelled
"I'm sorry" Kenny replied
"Sorry is not going to work anymore ! I'm sick and tired of people trying to kill Ash just to be near me ! It makes NO sense !" Dawn replied. Kenny runs away, and later found dead. Police say he committed suicide (poor guy)

Anyways, onto the competition !
Dawn and Ash roared through the competiton and advanced to the finals. Then, Team Rocket appeared ! Dressed in their ususal horrible disguises, they ran off with Pikachu !
"Come back here !" Ash yelled chasing after them. They escaped in thier Meowth balloon. Just then a lightning bolt appeared and burst a hole in the balloon. It was Dawn and Sparky. As Team Rocket's balloon came down to earth, Jessie and James sent out Stunk and Skorupi. Skorupi stabbed James with it's pincers while Stunky greeted Jessie by releasing gas into the air. This commotion caused Pikachu to get set free from it's cage. It jumped down onto the ground
"Pikachu !" Ash shouted
"And Sparky" Dawn chimed in
"Double Thunderbolt !" they both ordered. The two blasts set off an explosion
"No fair, we never even said a word !" Jessie whined
"At least we're talking now" James replied
"Yeah, it's not like we were on mute or something !" Meowth replied
"Wobbufett !" Wobbufett chimed in
"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again !" Team Rocket shouted
"Wobba ! Wobb !" Wobbufett trailed off. It was late, too late to continue the tournament. So, the tournament would finish tommorow

END Chapter 5

(Chapter 6 will have the final battle and what happened after the Tournament)
Chapter 6

Contiuing from where we left off...

Dawn and Ash had their final battle against, Brock and his wife (Brock keeps a girl !). Brock and his wife sent out a Steelix and Hippowdon. Ash and Dawn countered with a Gyarados and Milotic (Ash has the Gyarados, Dawn, the Milotic). Milotic and Gyarados charged up Hyper Beams. The two Hyper Beams struck Steelix and Hippowdon. Hippowdon collasped onto the ground but Steelix remained
"Ash, you idiot ! Hyper Beam is a bad move, we can't attack now !" Dawn yelled
"Steelix use Hyper Beam !" Brock ordered. Steelix launched a Hyper Beam at Gyarados, sadly Gyarados collasped on the ground.
"Just like I figured ! Now my Milotic can attack, and by using a Water-type attack, I can inflict mega damage !" Dawn thought to herself
"Use Hydro Pump !" Dawn ordered. Milotic's Hydro Pump hit Brock's Steelix. The power of the attack combined with Milotic's strength caused Steelix to collaspe on the ground
"Steelix is unable to battle ! Our winners are Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum ! They win the all-inclusive cruise !" the ref said
"All right !" Dawn said, estatically. And Dawn and Ash went home to pack up for their cruise

END Chapter 6 !

(Chapter 7 is the cruise, Chapter 6 is the extension on Chapter 5)
That'll be the shortest Chapter, I have more ideas coming up. Chapter 7 is Dawn and Ash's cruise
Dawn catches one during a journey through Kanto

Chapter 7

Ash and Dawn began packing for thier cruise. Their cruise ship, the S.S Waverider was docked in Vermilion Harbor
"Now, we'll be gone for a week, your Uncle Joe and Aunt Georgia will stay here with you until we get back. Bye !" Dawn said
"Bye mom" the kids replied
"Don't worry, dear. We'll take care of our grandkids just like they were our own !" Aunt Georgia replied. Ash and Dawn boarded their ship and found their room. It was painted light green and had a bedroom, living quarters and a small bathroom
"It's a lovely room, honey" Dawn said
"It sure is" Ash replied. The ship set sail and left Vermilion for the Orange Islands

Meanwhile, in Pallet Town, Uncle Joe and Aunt Georgia decided to play a game with the kids. They brought out a Monopoly board game
"6,7,8. I landed on Boardwalk !" Uncle Joe said
"No, I could've bought it !" Will whined
"You could've, should've, but didn't" Uncle Joe said. The phone rang and Aunt Georgia picked it up
"Hello ?" she questioned
"Hi, Aunt G, we just called to say everything's all right. How are the kids ?" Dawn questioned
"Hey, I'm using the dog token !" Mary yelled at Brandon
"They're fine" Aunt Georgia replied
"Just wanted to check on you. Bye !" Dawn replied
"Bye !" Aunt Georgia replied, hanging up the phone

After an hours on the open sea, dark clouds appeared.
"It looks like a storm is approaching" Dawn stated
"Sure does. It looks like it's going to be a bad one" Ash replied. The wind picked up and the waves crashed into the ship. This casued Dawn and Ash to fly against the wall, knocking them unconisous. The ship then capsizes, with Dawn and Ash still inside ! Will they escape ? Or will they be trapped inside the ship's watery clutches ? Find out in Chapter 8 !

END Chapter 7 !
Chapter 8

As the last lifeboat left the vicinity of the capsized ship, Dawn and Ash woke up to find out they were still on the ship
"How comes every time I go a ship with you, it always capsizes !" Dawn yelled
"Don't blame me. Blame Mother Nature" Ash replied
"I'm not going to fight with you, let's just get out of the ship" Dawn replied
"Right" Ash said
After walking through the ship for an hour, they reached the boiler room
"Now, all we need to do now is cross the boiler room and cut a hole through the bow of the ship" Dawn stated. They opened it up and fire shot straight up in the air from the boiler room
"Wow, it must 300 degrees in here !" Ash stated
"I don't want to stay here and find out ! Let's cross !" Dawn said. She pulled out one of her Pokeballs and sent out her Empoleon
"Empoleon, we need you to use Rain Dance to douse the flames from the boilers" Dawn said. Empoleon lifted it's arms and it began to rain. The rain doused the flames and Dawn moved on with the escape plan
"Now, Empoleon, use Ice Beam to create an ice bridge across the boilers" Dawn said. Empoleon shot out an Ice Beam and it created a temporary bridge gapping both sides of the boiler room
"Now, let's cross" Dawn said, grabbing Ash's hand. They walked slowly across the icy bridge. When they crossed to the other side, the flames from the boilers erupted and melted the ice bridge away
"Now, we need to cut out a hole in the bow of the ship. Ash bring out a Fire-type" Dawn said
"Okay, go Infernape !" Ash said. Infernape appeared in a flash of light.
"Cut a hole in the bow with Flamethrower !" Ash said
"Grab a hold of a Water-type Ash, that Water will be gushing in" Dawn said. Dawn tied herself to her Empoleon. Ash tied himself to his Blastoise (Squritle evovled). As Infernape finished, the water came gushing in, just like Dawn said
"Infernape, return !" Ash said. Infernape returned to it's Pokeball. Dawn and Ash escaped from the ship. They took one last look at the ship as it tumbled into a dark, deep trench. Dawn grabbed Ash's shirt, and pointed up. They swam up to the surface, taking deep breaths
"Now what do we do ?" Ash questioned
"We have to find dry land" Dawn said. But they scanned the area, and there was nothing but water
"Oh great, we're stuck in the middle of the ocean !" Dawn complained
"Calm down, dear" Ash replied
"All right. Let's just find a board or something to rest on. The waves should eventually take us to dry land" Dawn said. They stroked their way to a large board and climbed on. They returned their Pokemon to their Pokeballs. And so, with almost all hope lost; will Dawn and Ash reach dry land ?

END Chapter 8
Wow, I just read all the chapters so far, I loved the story! Kepp on writing away.

How many chapters will the whole series have?
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