Pokemon Azure Version!

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Cool Ideas
Anyone wanting to help in anyway please Add on of the Advert images above to your signature.
I'd be cool with anything that doesn't involve programming. I am great at coming up with ideas, new Pokemon, new moves, story elements, etc.

And I didn't understand that last post Oka! :p
Okay That sounds cool. Post some ideas you have if you any atm.

And my other post: I meant to put one of our Promo Images in your signature.


I'm a fairly capable spriter, but the problem is I'm usually out an about.
So you are lead designer!
Welcome to the Team!
Please add the above userbar to your sig if possible.
Well... You seem like you have a good imagination!
Think of some pokemon, design them, and post them so we can use them.
Yes Please
Could you please make a signature with one of the starters from page 4 of this thread or you can use the trainer sketch?
I've got a list for you. This is a list of how many gym leaders/slash E4 use the various types of pokemon.
From descending order of use, the types are as follows:

Fighting: 5
Dragon: 4
Ice: 4
Psychic: 4
Ghost: 4
Water: 4
Steel: 3
Electric: 3
Rock: 3
Poison: 2
Dark: 2
Bug: 2
Normal: 2
Flying: 2
Ground: 2
Fire: 2
Grass: 1
Various: 1

I would suggest using the less-used types for Gym leader and E4 types (not including the second set of gym leaders in GSC).The choice is yours though, of course.
Can I work on pokemon concepts I can draw them and can I work On the new evil group exp:Galatic,Rocket,etc.
Well, you asked for my contribution(through spam pms which are banned here BTW), here it is, in the form of a good old reality check.

First of all, your program of choice is ILLEGAL. Postality Knights is the cracked version of RPG Maker XP and is frowned upon in all good game-making circles. If you aren't dedicated enough to shell out $60, then you don't have the dedication to complete a good game, much less a POKEMON GAME.

Going on from this, do you not feel that you've posted this up a bit early? You have very few Pokemon concepts(don't worry I'll get to that soon), but more importantly you didn't even know which program you were going to use! I have a feeling you found JavaScript a bit hard and decided to turn to RPG Maker for its simplicity. Well you have a whole new thing coming because there is NO easy platform for Pokemon games and RPG Maker has never been good at handling that many scripts(you will need a script for nearly everything to make it Pokemon btw) and it gets very glitchy with complex scripts. (BTW do you know the Ruby language, or even better RGSS? Because you’ll need Ruby script to learn RGSS, which is the only language RPG Maker accepts.)

Just take a gander at the credits roll in Platinum sometime. Each person there put in a phenomenal amount of effort into their section, an amount so high that the only way to reach their level of dedication would be a money incentive. (In other words they were making the game to survive.) Now a money incentive is quite illegal with fan-games(well actually the whole thing’s illegal but Nintendo will actually care if it’s become profitable.) and besides that, I doubt you would have enough money to make it worth people’s while and make the whole thing worth your own while.

Don’t try and use Pokemon Acanthite as an argument, because Fangking Omega is an amazing co-ordinator and a jack-of-all-trades who also launched his fan game with a decent amount of information and something to separate it from the real games and indeed other fan games(its inclusion of an actual story). Despite the many contributions from a multitude of talented people, Pokemon Acanthite has not gotten as far as a demo. (I’m not saying they won’t, just that it’s taking a tremendous amount of effort.)

Then on to the content. You have NOTHING except a vague statement on some of the simpler decisions(the gym types) and some uninspiring Pokemon designs. (Sorry man, but quite a few of the Starter Pokemon(the highlights of the generation) are really just circles. =/)

I suggest you reconsider this all before pursuing it further. Maybe just take the thread down whilst you work out some details and get the ability to actually get it all working.

Cheers, Pokemaniac

P.S. Thank you for bringing me back to my days ripping down games on RMXP.org. I sincerely hope you reconsider. Think about it – maybe do something simpler than Pokemon. Start small and get competent at game making. Maybe when you’re older, looking for a job, you could pursue a career in game making. There’s a lot of money in the homebrew game making business(Aveyond comes to mind) so try and work up your skills for a commercial game.
What would you like me to do?
I can make maps, but they are all RSE and LGFR buildings.
LMK what you want.
Pokémaniac said:
Well, you asked for my contribution(through spam pms which are banned here BTW), here it is, in the form of a good old reality check.

First of all, your program of choice is ILLEGAL. Postality Knights is the cracked version of RPG Maker XP and is frowned upon in all good game-making circles. If you aren't dedicated enough to shell out $60, then you don't have the dedication to complete a good game, much less a POKEMON GAME.

Going on from this, do you not feel that you've posted this up a bit early? You have very few Pokemon concepts(don't worry I'll get to that soon), but more importantly you didn't even know which program you were going to use! I have a feeling you found JavaScript a bit hard and decided to turn to RPG Maker for its simplicity. Well you have a whole new thing coming because there is NO easy platform for Pokemon games and RPG Maker has never been good at handling that many scripts(you will need a script for nearly everything to make it Pokemon btw) and it gets very glitchy with complex scripts. (BTW do you know the Ruby language, or even better RGSS? Because you’ll need Ruby script to learn RGSS, which is the only language RPG Maker accepts.)

Just take a gander at the credits roll in Platinum sometime. Each person there put in a phenomenal amount of effort into their section, an amount so high that the only way to reach their level of dedication would be a money incentive. (In other words they were making the game to survive.) Now a money incentive is quite illegal with fan-games(well actually the whole thing’s illegal but Nintendo will actually care if it’s become profitable.) and besides that, I doubt you would have enough money to make it worth people’s while and make the whole thing worth your own while.

Don’t try and use Pokemon Acanthite as an argument, because Fangking Omega is an amazing co-ordinator and a jack-of-all-trades who also launched his fan game with a decent amount of information and something to separate it from the real games and indeed other fan games(its inclusion of an actual story). Despite the many contributions from a multitude of talented people, Pokemon Acanthite has not gotten as far as a demo. (I’m not saying they won’t, just that it’s taking a tremendous amount of effort.)

Then on to the content. You have NOTHING except a vague statement on some of the simpler decisions(the gym types) and some uninspiring Pokemon designs. (Sorry man, but quite a few of the Starter Pokemon(the highlights of the generation) are really just circles. =/)

I suggest you reconsider this all before pursuing it further. Maybe just take the thread down whilst you work out some details and get the ability to actually get it all working.

Cheers, Pokemaniac

P.S. Thank you for bringing me back to my days ripping down games on RMXP.org. I sincerely hope you reconsider. Think about it – maybe do something simpler than Pokemon. Start small and get competent at game making. Maybe when you’re older, looking for a job, you could pursue a career in game making. There’s a lot of money in the homebrew game making business(Aveyond comes to mind) so try and work up your skills for a commercial game.

I second this. He asked me through PM too.

I think that wasn't very nice.
You're bashing the game he's trying to make.

You say that he doesn't have anything besides starters and Gym leaders.

Hmm. I wonder why. It couldn't be that people actually started posting here yesterday and no one bothers to look at other fangames to see if they have potential.

There you go, just telling Oka to give up. That's just dumb.

Also, how is making fangames illegal?

It's like Nintendo is standing over a kid's shoulder watching her draw Jigglypuff and suing her for copyright infringement. It just doesn't make sense to ban someone's creativity. :(
It is illegal; Nintendo's copyrighted and trademarked every last Pokémon. Anyone using these for a derivative work (i.e. a fangame) without permission is violating copyright law. But it's not like Nintendo cares...
It's kinda like smoking in a public place (in countries with anti-smoking laws). People do it all the time, yet not many people get arrested; it's not worth the effort for the police force. Similarly, Nintendo isn't exactly going to spend thousands of dollars on a court case to sue some poor guy making a fangame with some friends; they'd lose more money from the court case than they would from people downloading the fangame instead of buying official games.
Just because you don't get punished doesn't mean it's not illegal.

Yes, I know I'm being a bit hypocritical, since I'm making a fangame myself; however, I know and accept what I'm doing is illegal, and if Nintendo wanted me to, I'd stop immediately.
We'll do the same as you then for the game. We''l just stop when we have to.

Is there any way we can make it legal? (ALL new pokemon, different gym leaders different sprites etc?)
Haha. You'd have to call it something besides Pokémon, and use different everything in order to not make it illegal. But, you could also just have some poster in the game somewhere hidden say something like: Pokemon is copyright nintendo... etc.

Also, if you want "Pokemon" to say "Pokémon," you can press Alt and 130 at the same time.
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