I think that wasn't very nice.
You're bashing the game he's trying to make.
No, I'm giving him (harsh) constructive critisism
You say that he doesn't have anything besides starters and Gym leaders.
Hmm. I wonder why. It couldn't be that people actually started posting here yesterday and no one bothers to look at other fangames to see if they have potential.
Perhaps he could've held out before making his thread then? I could make a fangame, you could, anyone could. It's not going to get you anywhere though. Get a decent amount of content before telling people about your game! I made an entire set of >200 cards and yet still have not posted it up, because I'm actually testing them all(I'll pick that all up again after Worlds.)
There you go, just telling Oka to give up. That's just dumb.
Well, I just think he should think it all through, and more importantly, remember his capabilities.
Also, how is making fangames illegal? It's like Nintendo is standing over a kid's shoulder watching her draw Jigglypuff and suing her for copyright infringement. It just doesn't make sense to ban someone's creativity.
It's entirely Nintendo's property. They turn a blind eye to it, but my main pointis there's no way to make back money you pay to your workers.(money is the only good incentive for hard work really.) For the main part it's a non-issue, but there was a time when Square Enix gave a cease and desist order to a Chrono Trigger fangame!