Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I like how the series is going. They're really pulling it together. The games are looking to be the same way, no?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Just watched the subbed version and the scene with Team R talking with Giovanni was interesting. Giovanni mention a mystery organization that has just appeared in Isshu. So I'm guessing Plasma is going to make a appearance soon.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Sry for out of topic-ness,
I have a reason why Team rocket recently become more serious... because...
Jessie -> Mars
James -> Saturn
Meowth -> Mars' Purugly
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I'll put up the episode 7 summary tomorrow i have work to do tonight. Yeah Giovanni did mention team plasma and team rocket also said to be stronger they need more than one Pokemon on their team so maybe James will get a Pokemon soon.

Iris gets Doryuuzu and a japanese plushie of the the dark/fighting Pokemon will come out soon and by them coming out they usually come out to promote a character getting it so I'm pretty sure this confirms Iris getting it.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I know what happens!!!!!
But i wont tell you since you will probably want to find out yourself!!!!
and ash owsn mijumaru and it doas evolve finally his water type is evolving.His squritile didont evolve, his toadadile didont evolve, his corpish didont evolve and his buziel didont evolve but his mijumaru doas,also he gets pokabu (witch has a messed up passed like his chimchar)and he also gets tstaja (witch is a female and was in the wild).
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Unless you have proof, I'm just gonna assume you're making stuff up.

Also, Ash's Krabby evolved. Just for the record.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

So Iris will actually get a Doryuuzu. That's cool! I believe it specially there is a silhouette of Doryuuzu at the opening of Pokemon Best Wishes.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 7: Get Tsutaja with Attract!

Ash and co. are traveling towards Shippou city and suddenly Ash’s stomach starts to get hungry he wants some food. So they all decide to stop and have food, Iris says that she will go out and pick some berries so Iris comes back and Ash and Dento are sitting near a tree stump and Iris puts the berries on the stump. Iris and Ash dig in but dento says that he can cook them something as well. So later after he is finished cooking he brings the food to them. He crush the berries and made them into a flour which he used to make little cakes. Ash digs in but Iris calls him childish yet again and so Iris tries the cake and she agrees that it is delicious. After eating Ash and Iris go for seconds because Dento told them that there are some. They soon find out that there are actually none left. They start to hear a sound and it is coming from nearby grass and bits of the grass starts to rustle. Then the opening happens.

After the opening we have Ash crawling through the grass and he hides and looks into the clearing where he sees a Tsutaja eating Dento’s cake. Ash decides to capture it, so he throws a Pokeball at it and he captures it, the end(Just joking) the Tsutaja pops out of the ball so Ash failed to capture it. Tsutaja runs off into a patch of tall grass and Dento and Iris meet up with Ash. Iris mentions that the Tsutaja must be a wild one so Ash goes on and finds the Tsutaja in another opening. Ash tells Pikachu to use quick attack and Tsutaja dodges. Ash is impressed then he says for Pikachu to use thunderbolt but before he can Tsutaja uses attract and it hits Pikachu. Dento explains to Ash that Attract allows the user to hit a Pokemon with the attack if the receiver is the opposite gender then the receiver is smitten with the user. Iris calls Ash childish for not knowing this and Iris comes to the conclusion that Tsutaja is female because she somehow knows that Pikachu is male.

Tsutaja then launches some vine whips and it stops Pikachu’s love for Tsutaja then it keeps hitting Pikachu and Ash steps in and Protects Pikachu. Tsutaja uses Leaf storm and disappears. Iris explains that Tsutaja are often stubborn and they don’t listen to amateur trainers so it must of left a trainer and it’s a recently released Pokemon. Now Ash wants to capture it even more so he sends out Mamapeto to look for Tsutaja.

Giovanni is talking to Team Rocket in a open cave near a grassy place near Ash and co. and he tells Team Rocket that another evil team are doing things that are getting them noticed so Team Rocket needs to step up their game. The transmission ends and James says they can’t continue with just one Pokemon. So they notice the same Tsutaja near by and Jessie throws a Pokeball above the grass while Tsutaja runs away through the grass and leaps out only to doge the Pokeball mockingly. Meowth then goes in for a scratch attack but it misses Tsutaja and hits a rock. Tsutaja is later seen jumping up on a rocky mountain and then it rests along a rock on the top and thinks about how Ash protected Pikachu. Mamapeto finds Tsutaja and begins to circle it. Ash and co. notice Mamapeto in the air.

Ash and Co. come towards the rocky mountain, Tsutaja notices Mamapeto and gets up then she goes towards the edge of the mountain and looks down at Ash. Ash asks for another battle and Mijumaru pops out, Ash chooses Mijumaru to battle next so they climb up the mountain and Tsutaja pushes some rocks down the cliff. Being cautious Ash and his Pokemon hide behind a big rock while the rocks fall. Eventually they climb up and meet up with Tsutaja Mijumaru jumps off Ash’s head after being on it whilst climbing the mountain. Mijumaru fires a water gun and Tsutaja dodges and she wipes off some of the splash from her face. Iris and Dento climb up the mountain and Iris noticed Mijumaru is battling and she says that it’s a bad choice. Ash tells her to shut up and she still goes on and then she stops talking. Tsutaja launches some vine whips but Mijumaru block it with his shell and then Ash tells Mijumaru to use shell blade but upon charging it Tsutaja uses Attract and Mijumaru falls in love so Ash recalls his Pokemon.

Tsutaja then leaves and Ash chases after it along with Mamapeto and Pikachu. Iris says that we just wont give up but Dento says that it shows willpower. Ash follows it, Pikachu jumps on Ash shoulder and Ash starts swing on some vines because Tsutaja is leaping along tree branches. Tsutaja drops on a lillipad which is sitting on a lake of mud. Ash’s vine breaks and he begins to fall on Tsutaja but Tsutaja jumps away. Ash is on the lillipad and it starts to sink so Pikachu goes on Ash’s shoulder they sink even more so then Pikachu climbs on Ash’s head. Then Ash is rescued from a vine which is pulled by Iris and Dento.

Iris says that maybe Tsutaja thinks that she doesn’t suit Ash (Amen Iris) but Ash is still willing to catch it. Tsutaja walks away and it comes to a river with silver rocks as the bank. Tsutaja starts to drink from it and then she notices Mamapeto in the air and she turns around and notices Ash and Pikachu. Ash sends out Pokabu. Iris and Dento are now behind Ash and say that he did the good option but he need to be careful from the attract. Pokabu uses Ember and Tsutaja dodges that, so she uses attract and it works so Ash recalls a befuddled Pokabu. Ash decided to use Mamapeto so he tells Mamapeto to use gust, Mamapeto fires a gust but Tsutaja dodges it and uses attract but it has no affect. Iris and Dento talk and say that Mamapeto must also be female and Ash must of known that. Ash actually had no clue and they all feel let down. Tsutaja uses Vine whip, Mamapeto dodges and Tsutaja follows up with a leaf storm but Mamapeto dodges again. Now Mamapeto uses gust and it hits, then Mamapeto fires an Air cutter and Tsutaja is hit then Mamapeto finishes it off with a Quick attack. Ash throws a Pokeball but it fails at capturing. Mamapeto uses Quick attack and Tsutaja uses Vine whip which stops Mamapeto but then Mamapeto finally finishes it off by launching a final Air cutter. Ash captures Tsutaja and lets it out, Ash tells it that he wants to compete together in the Isshu league, all of Ash Pokemon on his team celebrate and the episode ends.

Good points: Mamapeto is back

All of Ash Pokemon battle

Team rocket

Tsutaja’s skills

Bad points:

Ash caught Tsutaja

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

what happened to the adeku episode?
was that a mistranslation or is that episode still going to air?

on other notes about best wishes:
i may actually want to watch this years movie after seeing best wishes. Aside from the first season when ash was in kanto, this has become my second favorite series. all the others had too much fillers. i just hope they keep it up so it doesn't end up a disaster like DP did..
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah adeku was a fake title. Bulbapedia mentioned.

As far as this series is concerned, I do feel that it's a good breath of fresh air. I've already watched more eps of BW than I had for DP, that says a lot.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah the series so far is turning out to be great. Though I just hope that the series doesn't go too fast. I want it to go at a steady pace and Ash doesn't head to the gym extremely fast and get it over with.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

@XieRH Other people mentioned including me on here mentioned it was a fake before bulbapedia. Also i don't like that Ash caught Tsutaja because she doesn't fit Ash's style but i think Shikijika does.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

No because of her personality i would like dento to catch a shikijika and Ash and Dento can do a trade.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well, BW008 was fun. Ash once again letting all of his pokes do things, which is nice.

Gotta say, I'm massively excited about BW009. Woot Doryuzu!
RE: Best Wishes Episodes


Offtopic: I hope you guys enjoy the news that i bring you as much as i do.
Ontopic: It looks like it could be Meguroko, it makes sense considering the episode 20 scans. On the episode that airs 9th December, "The Yabukaron Squad & The Secret Base ヤブクロン戦隊と秘密基地!?), it seems Ash will receive an egg from the Day Care man in Route 3
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Wow! That's cool! I also think that it's a Meguroko egg. I'm enjoying all the episodes so far.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

It's actually spelt Meguroco, but regardless, I really hope Ash does get one. It'd be his first part-dark Pokémon, too.