Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Meguroco also seems like a less "generic" Pokemon for Ash to have as well. Always a good thing!

And Route 3 by around December 9th? I don't know what to think of that. On one hand, it seems to contradict the fact that Best Wishes is meant to be a bit faster-paced that previous sagas, but on the other hand...I wouldn't want things to move too quickly...
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I haven't watched the episode yet. I tried to watch it yesterday though it wasn't uploaded to Youtube. So I just checked out the episode photos. The episode seems to be cool I was hoping that Ash would've catched the Pokemon, though it seems like he has enough Pokemon for now. I will be watching the episode today hopefully it will be good.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I thought it meguroco was spelt with a k that's how everyone spelled it, you guys rock for checking this for updates. Ontopic: I just saw the episode pictures and i didn't like it i thought it looked awesome, but i feel the same way after seeing next weeks preview, but will it let me down again i hope not. I hope no one captures pendora.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

doesn't ash always get the water pokemon of each region too? krabby, buizel?

or maybe some random pokemon to fill out the rest of his team.

i hope ash doesn't catch a megukoro (seriously, official english names need to come out soon!)

even if he does get a meguroco, i hope it'll be the one that was featured in BW003

the only other egg pokemon i think ash had was larvitar and phanpy.

he had a couple of others but only for a short time before someone would take it.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Apparently there is a video on youtube that shows team rocket doing in english it could be a fandub or it is the actual english version. Just search something like Pokemon Best Wishes English Team Rocket Motto. Someone on youtube said "This is real, there was a preview on TV for the English dub and this scene popped up with the voices." Speaking of that how do you guys like Team rocket's motto this season and what do you think this big plan is apparently a mysterious woman handed them a briefcase in episode 8. Team plasma information anyone?

I'm pretty sure that Meguroko some people say that it could be the crab but

Points against it being the crab

Do you know how long it might take for the egg to hatch maybe 3=4 episodes so if it is the crab and it hatches probably in episode 16-17 then why would ash quickly oak and catch a meguroko, plus if he oaks his wild card than gets meguroko the proper thing to do is to leave a one or two episode gap before before he gets his reserve meguroko. Now tell me does that give a long time to see the crab? So i am definitely saying it's meguroko in that egg.

It's not the colour of the crab

The crab can appear in another episode

The reason it's a meguroko

- It's creamy like most parts of Meguroko

- It resembles a crocodile egg if you google it


-Ash appears to have one from the artwork of episode 20.

Also it can't be the one from episode 3 because that Meguroko was confident unlike the one with Ash in episode 20.

Edit: That daycare episode is Episode 12 and i have a new title for you guys "2nd December
BW011 - Ishizumai! Take Back Your House!!"
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah, that pic has 5/6 of Ash's current Pokes... what would the odds be of it being 6/6 soon? Hmmm...
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

So it seems like Ash is going to be getting an egg. It will most likely contain Meguroko. If the egg doesn't contain Meguroko then he will most likely not catch the ones shown before that wore the glasses.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Gah!! When is dent gonna get a new pokemon!? All it appears only Yanappu!

This. Dent needs another awesome Grass-type or something. Like I said before, he really should've been the one to get Tsutarja...
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I hope that Dento soon gets more Pokemon. I would like to see his team get better. Probably if he does catch more Pokemon it will probably be after Ash and Iris finish catching the Pokemon to fill their team.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah dento should of got Tsutaja, also from the BW020 episode sketches i'm sure that Meguroko is Ash's and he will get in episode 12, there are other pages of this calendar do you guys want to see them?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Here is the picture of Ash receiving the egg.

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I think that Iris will not catch any other pokemon(maybe except for munna if she really owns it) because she's a Gym leader(in pokemon black version and not confirmed in the anime?) after all, IMO.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Ice Arceus i showed that picture on the previous page. What episode do you think it will hatch?

Picture from episode 10


It looks like taunt to me, or some other dark type move.

Edit: 2000th post
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Whoa!!! That picture is creepy o_o, and I really wanna know if that is Ash's Tsutarja or Shooti's and I don't think its Taunt maybe its like some other attack! To me it looks like a ghost type attack or maybe a poison type, or you could be right and its a dark type but which one I don't know!! It looks like its being possessed so maybe ghost type?!

Could it be possible that they meet N when they get to Shippo City, and he challenged Ash/Shooti to a battle with his Zuruggu and or Choroneko (that is if he uses his teams from the games) depending on which one he has at that moment?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Ice Arceus i showed that picture on the previous page. What episode do you think it will hatch?

Oh I didn't notice that it was in the previous page. To me I am guessing it will hatch a couple episodes later. Probably will take time I am guessing around episode 19, 20, or 21.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

But we see Ash's Meguroko in the Episode 20 sketches where Meguroko was acting like a baby maybe it will hatch in episode 16.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Tsutarja's probably been hit by Pendra's purply attack, the one it uses on all the people, and unsucessfully against Doryuzu.

As for hatching, it could be anything from less than one full episode to three episodes, I guess. Dawn's Cyndaquil hatched in the same episode she aquired it, after all.