Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I knew about it two days ago. By saying if anyone is interested, it means, I, myself am not interested, and i didn't think most of you guys would be, so i kept putting it off, but i had things to do as well.

Anywho, i guess the lunchbox thing from a couple of weeks ago, showing Waruvile, Kurumayu, Hatoopoo and Onondo, probably means we'll be seeing them soon, or they'll all be apart of crew's Pokemon evolving, Ash(?)'s Pokemon and Iris's Kibago, respectively.

Iris's Dub voice, Giovanni's and Pidove's dub voice, in new BW commercial.

RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

i think i know what pokemon ash is going leave .... HIS PIDOVE!!!!!! probaly beacuse that means he could catch duckling and then he has a new flying
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I wonder is Ash's Oshawott going to evolve in BW19......
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes


That's Cabernet's Duwott in BW019, and Ash's Oshawott is confirmed for BW020.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

BW021 - Sky Arrow Bridge and Gochiruzeru!

Darn Macbook charger cable breaking, i've been without the internet for over 2 days, oh well, i guess that was healthy.

Anyway, not much to say except that new episode title and this picture


and this for episode 20,

Also, the summary of episode 20 explains that Pikachu fights back with a new move.

Translate if you don't believe me.


Episode 21, screenshots,

RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

i wonder what the knew move is? maybe it wild charge!

who do you think the emonga in the picture of the neckless things belongs to?
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Well other merchandise of Emonga, looks like it is with Iris, but emonga next to Zuruggu, Oshawott, Snivy, Tepig and Pikachu, it's a bit of a coincidence.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I had suspected that Pikachu had learnt some sort of new move in the Rocket/Plasma teaser, because it can't dodge or avoid things with Volt Tackle. So I looked up the GenV electric attacks, and the only one that seemed likely was indeed Wild Charge.

However, seeing as Volt Tackle is Pikachu's signature move, I'd be surprised if they changed it. From a moveset perspective, Pikachu's is pretty well balanced at the moment anyway.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

it has to be either Wild Charge or Elecball. anyway, with the dubbed airing of black and white tommorrow morning, i wonder if they'll censor scenes in this series. the only one i can think of is that scene where pikachu attacks ash (voluntarily) with volt tackle after he regains his ability to use electric type attacks.

not that i watch dubbed anime any more, i'll just be watching premiere for the voice actors and english names.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Or the one in the TP vs. TR preview, isn't a new move, but I'm hoping it's new move it Electra ball.

Anyway episode 5 dub title, Triple Leaders, Team Threats.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

If they censor the whole Pikachu-attacking-Ash thing, I will be massively annoyed. Apparently they censored May's Torchic setting fire to Max, which was a pity, I thought it was hilarious.

But yeah, BW1/2 in English tomorrow, woo. Really hoping for some good opening music. Of course, even if it's terrible, I'll console myself by saying "at least it wasn't as bad as Battle Frontier or Diamond and Pearl..."
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Well the dubs aired, and guess what's back to the series, who's that Pokemon. I missed that, what do you guys think about it returning?
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I'm watching the first episode in english RIGHT NOW, so I will tell you that Unova is still pronounced "U neh vuh". Thats all!
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes


(Even though I doubt they'll be up yet. (PS, did they cut any bits out?))

EDIT: Just found the new opening. Not at all what I expected, but I like it. Click -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbALKwI8mxg
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

The episodes were awesome! I was totally not expecting Who's that Pokemon to return! haven't seen that since season 6! Oshawott is so cute! :):)DD
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Who's that pokemon returned! i hope they keep it for the rest of the series and not just the first two episodes.

The first two dub episodes were awesome! they didn't censor anything out from the original version.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I enjoyed the first two episodes! Who's That Pokemon caught me off guard and made me feel like I was 8 years old again....And Mijumaru was so adorable when it got shocked it was not chosen to be the starter.....made me giggle so hard